At the front of the caravan, Wang Qiang and Marven rode side by side.

With nothing to do, Wang Qiang had a whim, turned his head to look at Marven and asked with a smile:

"Hey, old Ma, when everyone can't find Bai Gongzi, if we find him together, is it a great achievement?"

Marven didn't know what he was thinking, and he seemed to be preoccupied.

Hearing Wang Qiang's question, he nodded back to his senses: "The truth is this truth, I am afraid..."

Wang Qiang asked curiously.

Zhang Wen opened his mouth and hesitated: "Everyone can't find it, at least it won't go wrong, but if he misses it from us..." "

Old Zhang, let me tell you, you are a good person everywhere, but sometimes your mind is heavier, people, you have to live simply, especially those who do this, originally the head is on the belt of the trousers to live, can get away with it day is a day."

Wang Qiang glanced at his old friend and said with a big grin of relief.

He paused and muttered in a low voice

, "Speaking of which, if you can really find Bai Gongzi, it is estimated that there will be a lot of spirit stone rewards above, right?" In that way, it is estimated that there will be money to compete with the dogwood girl of the Chao Pavilion.

Zhang Wen's face darkened: "The one with one less dogwood?"

"Look, this is your fault, don't you care if he has one more person and one less, isn't it okay to be alone when I go?" Wang Qiang knew what Zhang Wen wanted to say, but he didn't value these very much.

Speaking of this dogwood girl.

Her reputation is known to everyone in the dark horse pass.

The color art is the undoubted first of the dark horse Guan.

However, Zhang Wen did not have much good impression of this person.

One is that I don't like these things, and the other is that I have accidentally heard some things about dogwood.

Before Zhu Yu became famous, there were many benefactors, one of whom happened to be friends with Zhang Wen.

According to this friend, Zhu Yu had approached him and said something very shocking.

"I'm pregnant, is it yours? If not, I'll ask someone else..."

This kind of goods, Zhang Wen really can't figure out why it is sought after by so many people.

Putting away his thoughts, Zhang Wen cast his gaze towards Wang Qiang, thought about it and said:

"I saw a sentence in the book before, maybe it can help you a little."

And books that write about this kind of thing?

Wang Qiang asked curiously, "What words?"

Zhang Wen glanced at him and said lightly:

"The road you yearn for has been covered with white frost countless times, and the battlefield you yearn for has long been bloodied..."

Wang Qiang smacked for a long time, and finally tasted a little meaning.

He rubbed his hands slightly nervously, with a slight excitement on his face:

"This feeling is good, only strong people who have experienced hundreds of battles can improve their skills by fighting each other, if it is a fledgling little guy, I am not happy!"

Zhang Wen: "..."I

know how perverted you are.

But I really didn't expect you to be so perverted!

"Haha, tease you."

Wang Qiang looked ridiculed and said with a big smile:

"Don't think about it, so many of the world's top spies have almost dug three feet along the way from Kyoto to the Phoenix Sea without finding the slightest trace, how come it is just so coincidental, Bai Gongzi missed it from under our noses?"

"If I could be so clever, I would eat two pounds of horse manure!"

"It's obviously impossible, instead of worrying about this, you might as well tell me about dogwood and white frost..."

Wang Qiang's voice did not fall.

There was a sudden burst of strong aura fluctuations at the rear of the convoy...

Immediately after that, a girl's cry sounded:

"Immortal, Little Pimple has been looking for you for a long time, can you take me away?"

———— (people are the new dividing line, cover their face~)

Little pimple has just turned eighteen this year, and she is already an old girl in the village at home.

She came from an ordinary peasant family.

When I was a child, I once saw an immortal imperial sword slashing from the top of the white clouds on the hillside outside my house.

Although she couldn't see her face clearly, the freehand wind was deeply engraved in her mind.

Against her parents' decision, she wrapped herself in a heavy bandeau, dressed herself as a black boy, and went to the largest known 'village' Dark Horse Pass to try to find the traces of the immortals.

If she is fortunate enough to be accepted under the door and embark on the path of immortality, she believes that she is willing to suffer any suffering and any sin.

From the age of fourteen to the present, exactly four years.

Except for seeing some martial arts style jianghu men in the working restaurant, Xiao Pimple has not seen the slightest trace of the so-called immortals.

This time to follow the caravan back to his hometown, he wanted to accept his fate and marry the second fool Dabai in the next village.

The dowry is enough to have two fat pigs to marry a good daughter-in-law for his younger brother.

"This... Girl? Can I trouble you to let me go, I'm going to get off. The

gentle voice of a young man next to him interrupted the memories of the little pimple.

She looked up at the sound of the voice, but in front of her was an old face.

"It's the old uncle just now, you're talking? Horses and carriages are fast. Little Pimple tugged nervously at the corners of her coarse cloth, this was the first time in four years that she had been called a girl.

She was a little strange, obviously she heard a very young and very nice voice, but how could she raise her head but it was an old uncle?

I guess I heard it wrong.

"Old man? Oh..."

Bai Yi looked at the cramped appearance of the girl in front of him, and suddenly realized.

Raising his hand, he slowly lifted the mask covering his face, revealing a handsome and fair handsome face.


" Bai Yi put up a finger to block his mouth, and raised the mask in his hand to show the 'tomboy':

"It's a mask, don't be afraid."

The girl nodded dumbly, unable to speak for a while.

Looking at the peerless figure of the young man in front of her, she subconsciously moved her body, leaving a narrow gap.

"Thank you."

Bai Yi smiled at her and walked out of the crowd along the gap.

Spiritual energy surged from the dantian, and a pair of long blue wings grew from the back.

Greeting the soft sun, he stretched.

Turned around and waved goodbye to the tomboy who was still looking at him, and fell backwards.

The moment your feet leave the edge of the carriage.

Those magnificent wings slowly spread out, rotated in mid-air, and drew a graceful arc towards the south.

Disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

How can a good man go home to see his daughter-in-law.

Gotta fly!

On the carriage, a girl named Little Pimple looked at the figure and looked at it for a long time.

Inexplicably, I remembered a sentence often said by the restaurant storyteller: Strangers are like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

"Immortals... It's an immortal!

Little Pimple sat up, put his hands to his mouth, and shouted towards the sky:

"Immortal, Little Pimple has been looking for you for a long time, can you take me away?"

Unfortunately, the figure had already disappeared above the clouds in the sky, and her shouts could not be heard.

The girl was a little lost at first, and then happy.

Today I see immortals.

The immortals see me today.

The small pimple is very satisfying.

A moment later.

Wang Qiang stood beside the carriage with an ugly face, and asked with a small pimple:

"Have you seen the appearance of that person?"

"See you, see you." Little Pimple replied in a low voice.

"What does it look like?" Wang Qiang asked anxiously.

If it's really a game for nothing, I... I'm afraid it's not going to be cold.

Little Pimple tilted his head and thought about it, and said seriously: "It looks good."

Wang Qiang and Zhang Wen looked at each other, and their hearts sank at the same time.

Wang Qiang swallowed his saliva with difficulty.

He took out a portrait from his arms, stood in front of the little pimple, and said nervously:

"Do you think it's him?"

"Not really."

Before the joy in Wang Qiang's hearts turned into a smile and came to the corners of his mouth, the little pimple added:

"The painting is ugly."



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