Brother Feng still wants to have fun

“The reason why everyone is divided into subjects after the final exam is that you can make reasonable choices based on your own situation.”

Wang Chengyuan was preaching on the stage with a serious face.

“If you choose liberal arts, you are going for clerical jobs. Those with excellent grades can become talents in business administration or resource management.”

“If you choose science, you will have a wider range of employment in the future.”

“You can do further research on mathematical theory, and you can also become a master of technology in the fields of physics and chemistry, and have your own sky!”

“Those who have made outstanding achievements can even become scientific research experts, highly respected academicians, and contribute to the country!”

He frowned softly, and said earnestly, “I have a friend…”


Quietly watching the head teacher “play on his own”.

Liberal arts is passed by, and science is full of long speeches.

We understand what you mean, but what you said is so “emphasized” that it affects our independent choice!

Wang Chengyuan was eloquent on stage.

Ask yourself, what he said is the truth.

But these are differences in the future.

Right now, he is a student in his original class who chose science in his second year of high school!

Students who choose liberal arts will be assigned to other classes.

During the few minutes he spoke, he glanced at Jiang Feng eight times.

Speaking so vividly, the main purpose is to “seduce” the C position to stay!

If Jiang Feng chooses liberal arts, then all his beautiful fantasies will immediately come to naught!

The “Red Flag Class” will change owners.

He stopped for a moment, cleared his throat and said, “Do you have any opinions?”

The students shrugged their shoulders and remained silent.

If you want to be more relaxed, choose liberal arts, and if you want to get a better job in the future, choose science.

Isn’t that what happened?

“If you don’t speak, you agree with my point of view.” Wang Chengyuan picked up a thick form to fill out by subject, ready to send it out, and said solemnly, “I suggest choosing science.”


Is it a crime to silently write about liberal arts?

Sun Ye, who got the form, thought for a few seconds, stood up and said firmly, “I will choose whatever Jiang Feng chooses.”

Her aptitude was mediocre, and she hovered among the 200 or so in the whole school.

No matter what, I didn’t dare to think about it, but now I’m ranked fourth in the school!

It’s entirely Jiang Feng’s kindness.

So this is the reward and choice she should make.

Everyone let out a sudden sigh of relief.

“You are wise!”

“Ceiling-level operation.”

“Follow Brother Feng to eat delicious food and drink hot food, and I can do it too!”

“I want to be with you forever.”

“What are you thinking? We can sit in the same class because Brother Feng didn’t want to be serious before, and seeing Brother Feng’s back after high school means we have succeeded.”

“That’s right, then we have to seize the opportunity.”

He Yi stood up, “I, like Sun Ye, follow Brother Feng.”

Immediately afterwards, Yang Wei stood up, Chen Ting stood up, Wei Xiaolu stood up, Wang Lei stood up, Lu Xiaojuan stood up, Song Bo stood up…

“We all follow Brother Feng!”


Section 100

Wang Chengyuan couldn’t help but take a deep breath when he saw such a big scene.

It was exactly the spirit of unity he wanted.

But…if Jiang Feng says to choose liberal arts…

Then don’t you just talk about it, let’s take a break? What’s the use of an empty iron rod?

If you become a polished commander, you will be ridiculed to death by other teachers…

He timidly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, motioned everyone to sit down, and looked nervously and expectantly at the corner.

Brother Feng, I, Xiao Wang, depend entirely on you!

Everyone looked back, their eyes focused on Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng smiled awkwardly.

This is a good independent choice, why did you push all the burden on yourself?

He said softly, “I haven’t considered it well either.”

When Wang Chengyuan heard this, he quickly got off the stage.

I didn’t think about it well, but I just had to deal with it.

He bent down and said, “I have good hand-ground coffee over there, you go and taste it, and drink while thinking?”


The students let out a long breath to calm themselves down.

Teachers dislike other people’s choice of subjects, but Jiang Feng’s teacher chooses subjects to be flattering and ingratiating!

Not absurd, not surprised, it’s all normal.

This little thing can’t be stabilized, soHow will you live in the days after the storm?

Jiang Feng shook his hand and refused to send, Yu, group 9.8″0? 2ュ[email protected]ヘ8?5♀6 rejected, still thinking about it.

Wang Chengyuan smiled even more, and “persuaded” him again: “I’m already planning to buy a high-end massage chair, and I’ll put it in the office over there in the sophomore teaching building.”

“It will be convenient for you to use it then.”


Everyone couldn’t calm down, and quickly sucked back the breath they exhaled just now!

Lao Wang has spent a lot of money!

It’s worth it to stay in the river!

“You are too extravagant.”

Jiang Feng was still thinking carefully.

The students understand this situation very well.

Because Jiang Feng got full marks in all subjects!

Lao Wang said that he could choose based on the results of the final exam…Jiang Fengji what?

You can’t be messed up, right?

Even if it’s one point less, it’s a good choice!

“It will be great when I can fall into this kind of entanglement.”

“Who says it’s not…”

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more serious, Wang Chengyuan simply straightened up and walked behind Jiang Feng.

Putting his hands on Jiang Feng’s shoulders, he tentatively asked, “Or, you don’t like mechanical massage very much?”

As long as Jiang Feng likes it, it’s not impossible for him to provide one hour of relaxing massage every day!

The students panicked.

I have already made good mental preparations, and I can guarantee that I will be stable.

Lao Wang defeated their defense line step by step.

There is no bottom line for this product to achieve its goal!

Jiang Feng: “Oh shit, your hands are too strong.”

Hearing this, Wang Chengyuan thought of a powerful reason, his brows raised suddenly.

“Ms. Su is also following this class. If you choose science, she will still teach you Chinese.”

Everyone: “!!!!”


They made such adequate preparations, but they are still being killed by Lao Wang!

You old Wang is a ruthless person!

He even betrayed his teammates!

If Mr. Su knew…the massage chair should not be reimbursed to you?

Jiang Feng shook his head, “Why is Teacher Su involved?”

Hearing this, everyone’s hearts were shaken.

Unexpectedly, Lao Wang, the school is so big, where can Brother Feng not fall in love with Teacher Su?

“Ding! A new mission has been issued.”

“This is an optional task. Contents: 1. Enter the liberal arts class; 2. Enter the science class.”

“Mission rewards: choose one, get a complete collection of techniques for coaxing girls; choose two, get high bonuses for appearance, demeanor, and temperament.”

Jiang Feng settled down and ticked the blank box in front of “Science”.

Wang Chengyuan’s eyes are shining!

The excitement is beyond words!

Thumped the air vigorously as if victorious!

Shouted to everyone: “Quick! Choose science!”

The students took a breath in surprise.

After all, Brother Feng still wants to play a little bit more exciting!

Girls: “???”

Will our battle with Teacher Su continue? ?

Jiang Feng looked at the astonished expressions of the crowd, and spread his hands in aggrieved expression.

It really has nothing to do with Teacher Su!

It’s strange to say that I don’t know how to coax girls, but there are so many girls who like me…

What is the reason?

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