Exquisite, this word is exquisite

Fei Guoqiang also arranged for students to fill in the sub-subjects in the class.

When he was about to collect it, he saw that Wu Shaohua’s paper was blank, and he was in a daze.

He leaned over and asked with concern: “What’s the matter? Is there anything difficult to choose? Let me solve it for you?”

Wu Shaohua raised his head, “No teacher, I just…”

“I want to see Jiang Feng’s choice before making a decision.”

Looking at the resolute and determined eyes in front of him, Fei Guoqiang couldn’t help but tremble in his heart.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you in the office.”

He nodded slowly with a respectful face, and accepted the other students’ fill-in forms first.

Just as the little white rabbit chooses to race against the horse, even if he loses, he has the courage to fight hard, the desire to make progress, and his spirit is commendable.

And the little black rabbit ran a race against the tortoise, even if he won the race, he would stay still.

He sat quietly in the office, waiting for news from “Little White Rabbit”.

Within a few minutes, Wu Shaohua ran over quickly, with a hurried expression on his face!

“Teacher, I choose liberal arts!”


Fei Guoqiang frowned slightly.

Normally speaking, those with such good grades would want to show off their talents in science.

He wondered, “What did Jiang Feng choose?”

“Jiang Feng chose science.”


His face froze, and he suddenly came to his senses.

I saw the wrong person!

This Wu Shaohua is not a “little white rabbit”. He wants to hide from Jiang Feng!

Go to a different department, and then you force yourself to be strong…I admit that I am cowardly, and I will not compare with you.

Sad, sad!

He picked up the final report card, stood in front of Wu Shaohua, pointed and said, “Look, your mathematics, physics and chemistry are all strong.”

“Isn’t it a pity that I lost it and went to take the comprehensive exam?”

Wu Shaohua shook his head quickly, with an aggrieved expression on his face, “I don’t want to compare with Jiang Feng anymore, teacher, I don’t want to compare with Jiang Feng anymore…”

Where the love reaches the bottom of my heart, when I speak, it is full of tears!

Section 101

Tears linger in the eye sockets, bursting out at any time!

Fei Guoqiang couldn’t help but feel distressed when he felt the true meaning.

The gap with Jiang Feng is so big that the child is afraid to become like this.

He put down the report card, accepted the fill-in paper with liberal arts ticked off, and stepped forward to give him a hug.

and alsoForget it.

There must be a difference between facing up to difficulties and retreating in spite of difficulties. Both are good things.

Could it be that the little white rabbit really wants to outrun the horse?

Fairy tales are deceiving!

I have known myself for a long time, so I can’t suffer.

Wei Jun ran to the door of Class 16 with a happy face.

He came in and looked at Jiang Feng and said, “Jiang Feng, come with me to the office, the chief is here to see you!”

The students and Wang Chengyuan on stage let out a sigh of relief!


Don’t say they are “minions”, I’m afraid Director Zeng won’t have this face!

Song Bo: “Brother, it’s time to test the friendship. When talking to the chief, let’s support the brothers, will it work?”

Wang Chengyuan couldn’t help laughing, “Don’t be funny, your grades are not embarrassing for Jiang Feng, no matter how much you mention it, what’s the use of you desperately relying on yourself?”

The students laughed together.

He walked up to Jiang Feng and said sincerely, “Brother Feng, you should mention me to the director to give him an impression.”

Everyone: “……”

Well, you old Wang, you are playing tricks on the students!

“Both of you are not playing.”

Wei Jun couldn’t stand it anymore, so he came in and dragged Jiang Feng away.

Before the midterm exam, Bureau Chen didn’t pay him much attention.


A group of people surrounded Chen Sheng with a reserved look.

Today, there is a play to watch. The director of the Tangtang City Education Bureau called to visit the students.

It’s the first time for the eldest girl to get on the sedan chair!

Hearing the footsteps at the door, Chen Sheng immediately turned his head to look.

After seeing Jiang Feng, he showed a smile all over his face.

He also saw Jiang Feng’s shocking operation in the monitoring room, and his respect was beyond words.

“Come on, everyone says that meeting is worse than being famous, and she is really personable.”

“You are welcome, you are welcome.”

Jiang Feng went up to shake hands.

He wanted to lower his head, but the other party “not to be outdone” rushed to lower his head even lower!

However, since I am taller, my “shortcomings” are fully exposed, and I am defeated.

Everyone’s brows furrowed.

With a small movement, you can see the director’s self-cultivation.

But…is this still our chief!

Usually her waist is straighter than anyone else’s, and she never bends when shaking hands!

What about that haughty and domineering attitude?

Ignore us and call ourselves little brother in front of Jiang Feng? ?

It’s so unbelievable.

Wei Jun raised his hand and introduced, “The director is here today and wants to inscribe a few words for you.”

“Oh, that’s too flattering to me,” Jiang Feng said in embarrassment.

“It should be,” Chen Sheng smiled. “You are a role model for all the students in Qingshui City. This time you have shocked the entire Dongtan Province. It is my honor to give you the inscription.”

He thought before that it would be better to bring something. After all, coming empty-handed would only waste Jiang Feng’s time.

But the things on the market are too clichéd, not to mention that Licai can buy it for Jiang Feng.

I have been learning calligraphy since I was a child, and I have never met an opponent until today, so I decided to come to Lulu to learn my skills.

Let Jiang Feng also see that the leaders in the bureau are also good hands.

The deputy director at the side looked at Jiang Feng, and greeted him: “Our Bureau Chen’s calligraphy is very proficient!”

“Well, a word is worth a thousand dollars, that’s not a lie.”

“There are several certificates of merit written in calligraphy on the office wall.”

Everyone joined in.

“Then I am blessed today.”

Jiang Feng nodded, no longer refusing.

He saw the situation clearly.

Can’t influence the bureau chief to pretend to be coercive!

Chen Sheng came to the long table, gently picked up the brush, and stroked the inkstone slowly seven or eight times.

The confidence at the corner of his mouth could no longer be hidden, spreading to his entire face.

After getting ready, he turned his head and asked, “What word do you want?”

Jiang Feng was taken aback for a moment, and spread his hands blankly, “It’s up to you, whatever suits you.”

Chen Sheng couldn’t think of any suitable words for a while, so he turned to the crowd, “You all think of a beautiful idiom.”

Several people paused and quickly searched in their minds.

“Title on the Gold List?” Chen Defa asked.

“Not good,” Chen Sheng stroked his chin and replied after thinking.

“Winning the flag?” Wang Anzhi asked tentatively.

“Not good.”

Li Kuilin felt that these two words might not be grounded enough, so he followed up and said, “How about cheering up for the college entrance examination?”

Chen Sheng: “???”

“You’re sleepwalking here!”

Everyone was shocked.

That’s right, this is the normal state of your Director Chen…

Chen Sheng frowned and said, “The words you said can’t express the meaning.”

“As long as Jiang Feng makes a move, it will definitely be a title on the gold list. If you hit the flag, you will be successful!”

“Don’t you think it’s awkward, redundant?”

Wei Jun next to him heaved a sigh of relief, and looked over with respect in his eyes.

This is indeed the reason.

Secretary Zhou Hanwei seemed to understand.

What the director wants is immediate perfection, not useless blessings.

He took a step forward, and whispered softly, “A dragon and a phoenix among people?”

Chen Sheng’s face turned happy, “Painful, this word is fastidious!”

“Have you guys learned anything?”

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