Yan Cigui

Chapter 103: Take off his pants?

Chapter 103 Take off his pants?

Zhu Chi wanted to continue singing about the plight of the British duke, but Xu Jian and Shan Shen looked like "You can say whatever you want, I won't listen." He suddenly felt it was boring, so he gave up.

 Xu Jian followed Zhu Chi to the British Crown Prince.

The British Duke was lying on the bed, his face was ugly, his forehead was wrapped with thick gauze, and he was out of breath.

“I, I…” the British duke gasped, “I definitely didn’t help Li Mi, no!”

Xu Jian said calmly: "Zhu Cheng has already told me, you'd better take a rest and don't get old again."

The British Duke's breath was stuck in his throat. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether he was angry with Xu Jian or Zhu Cheng.

Have all the unscrupulous men been accounted for?

 Did Shuntian Prefecture use torture?

Even if the son of an English duke is convicted of a crime, as long as the Holy Emperor does not take away his title of duke, the Shuntian Prefecture will not be severely punished.

How dare Shuntian Prefecture act randomly?

Shan Shen is not a stupid person, and it is impossible for such a mistake to happen.

 How could A Cheng confess without being severely punished?

It must be Xu Jian who tricked him again.

"You just go to Ah Cheng's study to check," the British Duke turned away, not arguing with Xu Jian, lest he be led astray again, "I'm not afraid of death, I'm just afraid of not dying in an innocent way!"

Zhu Chi took people to Zhu Cheng's study again.

"After the fourth younger sister got sick or had an accident, the backyard was left to her and Ah Chan. The fourth younger brother lived in the study room every day." Zhu Chi pointed inside, "I haven't touched it. You can check it."

At this time, Shan Shen was not polite. With a wave of his hand, several government officials entered together.

 Xu Jian didn't go searching, but stood by the door and talked to Zhu Chi: "You are also unlucky to have such a brother, causing trouble of losing your head."

Zhu Chi glanced at Xu Jian but did not answer.

Xu Jian said again: "The Duke of your house has the final say, right? He really doesn't know what Zhu Cheng is up to?"

 Zhu Cheng himself told him that he was just running errands for the Duke of the country and didn't know anything extra.

I think you were probably kept hidden and slapped in the face.

I just don’t understand. Zhu Cheng is not a particularly capable person. Your father would rather run errands with him than talk to the other three brothers.

If I entrust this matter to you, you may not be caught by the Yamen. "

Zhu Chi’s face was tense, and his hands behind his back were clenched tightly.

 Father had warned him before that he should be extremely careful with Xu Jian.

 It seems that Xu Jian is young and has no experience in yamen, and is not as careful as the old fox Dan Shen, but in fact, this person has a lot of thoughts.

Zhu Chi remembered it, but what Xu Jian said made sense.

 The fourth brother succeeds more than he fails.

At this time, he actually bit his father back.

If he is caught by the Yamen, he will definitely take care of the matter alone. Although he may not be able to save the British government, he will definitely not make things worse.

  It took a full two-quarters of an hour to rummage through the study room before I pulled out a piece of paper from a book that was left behind the bookshelf.

There is a birth date written on it, so it should be the child's. The birth mother's surname is Guan and she is from Jiangzhou. It also says that blood is precious and she hopes to raise her properly.

Shan Shen clicked his tongue twice and handed it to Xu Jian: "Zhu Cheng will definitely not be able to run away..."

 He glanced at Zhu Chi for the second half of the sentence but did not say it.

It is not interesting enough to drag the British public into the water just by relying on this.

While continuing to rummage inside, Xuan Su followed a steward and came quickly from the outside, saluting a few people.

Shan Shen took the idea seriously and went to the study by himself.

 Zhu Chi also found an excuse and went to the other side, only quietly observing here.

Xuansu handed a scroll of paper to Xu Jian.

Xu Jian opened it and raised his eyebrows.

 The handwriting is very familiar, it is Chengyibo's handwriting, and there is an address written on it.

Xuan Su lowered his voice and said: "My uncle sent it to Taohe Zhai and said that you can just bring people around and you will be rewarded."

Humbling over the note with his fingertips, and remembering the contents in his mind, Xu Jian took a handful of fire folds and burned them.

"You go over first and inquire about the situation," he said. "Master Shan and I will set off later." Xuan Su agreed.

 Xu Jian greeted Shan Shen and said, "Let's change places."

Shan Shen's eyes narrowed.

 The Duke of Fuguo suddenly suggested that his entourage should have brought some news.

  Everyone has his or her own way, and he was not too naive to go out of his way to find a source of information.

Since the Duke of Fu has asked me to go, let’s go.

 It’s just an empty trip at most.

 A few people were left to continue the search, and the rest set out with them.

Zhu Chi sent the person out with a bad premonition: What was written on the piece of paper that was completely burned? —

The place given by Lin Yu was in the south of the city, near an old alley near the South City Gate.

There are many people living in this area, so it can be considered a bustling city.

By the time Xu Jian and others arrived, the sun had already set to the west. Every household was preparing dinner, and their breath was full of the smell of food.

There was no smoke in the house they were about to surround.

 Small courtyard, the door is closed.

Xuan Su came forward and reported: "The door has never been opened, but there are people moving inside. After asking a neighbor, he couldn't tell who lived inside. He only saw a young man buying some ready-made food. ”

Shan Shen touched his beard and asked, "Do you want someone to knock on the door?"

"Don't knock, let Xuan Su go in and open the door." Xu Jian said.

Shan Shen's smile froze on his face: "Master Fuguo, don't blame your subordinates for saying ugly things. Although we are handling cases at the Yamen, we are not allowed to turn over private houses for no reason. How sure are you?"

 Xu Jian chuckled lightly.

 He didn’t know the condition of the house, nor how Uncle Chengyi found it.

 But he knew that Uncle Cheng was very reliable in his work.

If you are sincere enough to let him surround you, then it must be worthwhile. Even if the king's servant is not in the house, there will be other evidence that can be followed.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Shan, you are indispensable for excellent performance at the end of the year.” Xu Jian signaled Xuan Su with his eyes.

Without saying a word, Xuan Su turned over and climbed up the wall.

Shan Shen couldn't stop him at all, so he could only say "all goes well" in his heart.

 The door opened from the inside, and Xu Jian strode in.

 This is a courtyard house, and the situation inside is clear at a glance.

In the east wing, the young man heard the noise and ran out, shouting at the people who broke in: "You, who are you?"

Shan Shen held the Shuntianfu waist badge: "Are you the only one here?"

 The young man subconsciously glanced in the direction of the main room.

Shan Shen hurriedly went inside.

Xu Jian went around to the back of the house, glanced at the old man who was about to set up a ladder, and clicked his tongue: "Don't you know that Zhu Cheng climbed the wall and fell to his knees?"

 The old man was shocked and looked at Xu Jian angrily.

Xu Jian looked at him several times and said, "Zhu Cheng can still take it easy at a young age. Why don't you do such a tough thing at your age? Eunuch Wang."

The old man's body tensed up and he said in a loud voice: "You have recognized the wrong person. The old man's surname is not Wang."

"I really don't recognize Wang Liuliu, and the portrait of you and your goddaughter's confession doesn't look very similar." Xu Jian took two steps forward and looked closer at the old man. "With the beard glued on and some facial features smeared with powder, if this is Zhu Cheng almost doesn't recognize you when you walk on the street, but you have been away from the palace for more than ten years, why do you still have the aura of being a servant? "

 The old man subconsciously took a step back.

With a crisp sound, the flowerpot was kicked over.

Hearing the noise, Shan Shen in the room pushed open the window and stared at them with big eyes.

Xu Jianchong raised his chin to the old man and said slowly to Shan Shen, "Master Shan, did you take off his pants?"

   Thanks to book friend ChenLinda for the 10,000-coin reward. There are a lot of things on the weekend, so I will try to update them next week.

   Thanks to book friend 2021030110425034 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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