Yan Cigui

Chapter 104: Two streams fighting, nothing in between

Hold on the window sill, Shan Shen said "ah".

 They are handling cases in Shuntian Prefecture, and there is no reason to pick off someone's pants for no reason.

 Why did Duke Fu Guo say such a thing?

 Could it be that when interrogating spies and deserters in the camp, they were all naked buttocks?

Shan Shen turned around and looked at the old man.

Looking at it this way, he could see some clues.

The old man's face was full of anger, but his hands did not move. When ordinary people suddenly heard such a sentence, nine out of ten people would subconsciously lift their trousers, but he did not.

 He just stared at Xu Jian, with hatred, unwillingness, and confusion mixed in his eyes.

Thinking about Xu Jian's words again, Shan Shen realized: "Is he the king's servant? It doesn't look like it!"

 No one answered.

The old man didn't speak, his lips squeaked, and then suddenly, the teeth in his mouth started to exert force...

 There was a clicking sound.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Xu Jian pinched the old man's jaw hard.

Shan Shen's exclamation was stuck in his throat. He coughed twice to catch his breath and said, "It's better that you reacted quickly. If this old man bites his tongue and kills himself, my head will be very painful."

 Xu Jian retracted his hand.

Looking at the old man grinning from ear to ear, Xu Jian said calmly: "Want to commit suicide to show your loyalty? I don't really care whether you live or die.

 I see that you are so stubborn, and you won’t be able to explain it properly when you get to the yamen.

It's better to send you to the palace. You bite your tongue in the imperial study. Even if you die, you will be considered a saint, and you don't have to interfere with Master Shan's head.

 However, I cannot remind you when I am in front of the emperor, so I will give you a few words now.

 Bit your tongue quickly and accurately. Once it is connected, bite it directly. If you are a step too late, let Eunuch Cao deal with you...

 Do you know better than me how you people in the palace ask questions and tease people? "

 The old man's face was extremely pale.

Shan Shen clicked his tongue. He couldn't tell whether the old man was uncomfortable because he couldn't close his jaw, or because he was frightened by Duke Fu.

The government officials also gathered around.

Under Shan Shen's guidance, they first tore off the old man's fake beard, then moved a basin of water and wiped it with a handkerchief five or six times before revealing his true face.

 70% of the portrait is similar to the portrait painted by Wang Niangzi.

The yamen servant took off the old man's pants again.

 The autumn wind rustled, the two waves were fighting, and the middle was empty.

 “It’s the sixth year of Wang’s reign, right?” Shan Shen looked at him twice and turned around.

 Can't stand it, my eyes hurt, and my middle also hurts.

"You will know after Zhu Cheng and Madam Wang have recognized each other. If you are more secure, please ask Mr. Cao to take a look." Xu Jian followed Shan Shen and walked forward, lowering his voice and said, "A scare is a scare. He probably won't explain it properly." ”

 Master Shan snorted coldly.

These chamberlains, you can say they can bear it, they are the ones who are most likely to turn against the mistress and ladies in the palace if something happens to them. But they can say they can't bear it, but they have endured the pain that almost cost them their lives.

  It can be said that in the sixth year of this king's life, he knew he could not escape and wanted to bite his tongue. This is enough to show that he is not afraid of death.

It is not easy to get information from such people.

The king's chamberlain and the young man were escorted back to the Yamen. The Yamen servants turned the house upside down, but found nothing.

“Judging from the situation, I think I have lived there for a while, and all the things I need for daily use are complete,” the yamen servant reported, “but they are all common things, nothing else.”

 Everyone returned to Shuntian Mansion. The young man was brought in for questioning first.

The yamen officer has already checked his condition: "He is in good condition. The road sign says his surname is Shi and his name is Zhe, and he is from Jinzhong."

Shan Shen asked: "Why are you in that yard? Do you know who the old man is?"

Shi Zhe seemed to be afraid of the yamen, and his voice trembled: "The villain came to Beijing to seek a livelihood. He was attacked by thieves as soon as he arrived in Beijing. That is to say, he met the king. He said that he was alone and lacked someone to wash clothes and buy vegetables. The villain went.

The villain only knows his surname is Wang and nothing else. Whatever he committed has nothing to do with the villain.

 The villain only does laundry, sweeps, and buys some cooked food every day..."

Shan Shen asked again: "How long have you lived in that house?"

"It's been seven or eight days," Shi Zhe said, and continued to speak clearly, "The villain really doesn't know his affairs..."

He was chattering endlessly, and suddenly, someone next to him asked a question.

 “Who are you, Shijiao?”

Shi Zhe's body stiffened and his eyes avoided him, unnaturally: "No, I don't know that person."

Shan Shen was somewhat familiar with the name. He asked Xu Jian for advice: "The stone coke that the Duke of Guo asked about is..."

Xu Jian said: "When the king's servant buried the gold, the owner of the house in Lao Shi Lane was Shi Jiao, a native of Jinzhong."

 When Shan Shen said this, he remembered it.

“That’s right, when the fire broke out, there were a total of thirteen sets of land deeds in the hands of a businessman named Shi, who was Shi Jiao’s youngest son.” Shan Shen thought to himself as he recalled it.

On the first day when Fu Guogong came to Shuntian Mansion, he carefully looked through the old case files.

He was still muttering at that time, thinking that this statue of Bodhisattva was really worth the incense and money, no matter how much he saw, at least he had a serious attitude.

 As a result, Fuguo Gong actually remembered everything.

Shan Shen looked at Shi Zhe again: "I suggest you say whatever you want. If you don't tell me honestly, although Jinzhong is far away, it is not out of reach. I just send someone to Jinzhong to find the Shi family."

Shi Zhe said with a sad face: "Shi Jiao, Shi Jiao is the villain's grandfather.

 After my grandfather passed away, the family was not in a good place. When the property was divided, my father and his uncles had a falling out, and they grabbed the title deed of Lao Shi Lane, thinking that it was a house in the capital after all, and maybe things would get better one day.

Unexpectedly, something happened at the beginning of the year, and the Yamen suddenly took over Lao Shi Xiang. All the money was paid to the affected tenants, and we didn’t get any money.

 Some time ago, I was sorting through the documents left behind by my grandfather and saw that the prince had buried two boxes of things.

The villain thought that the thing buried in the soil must be something good. If it could be dug out, it would definitely relieve the family's difficulties, so he came to Jingzhong from Jinzhong.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the city, I heard that there was a thief in Laoshi Alley and two boxes of banned books were dug out. The thief, Li Yuanfa, claimed that it was gold bricks.

The villain had no choice but to look for the prince's father-in-law. He found someone on the front foot, but Li Yuanfa died on the back foot. The prince's father-in-law said that he would live somewhere else and moved to that house.

He said that the Yamen must be trying their best to find him. He couldn't go out casually. It was better to have everything in the house. He only asked me to buy some food in three to five days, at least to avoid this period of time. "

After hearing this, Shan Shen asked curiously: "How do you know how to find the king's servant?"

Shi Zhe laughed bitterly: "Follow what my grandfather wrote in his notes and go to Guangde Temple to find Master Dao Heng..."

"How much do you know about the interactions between the king's chamberlain and the British government?" Shan Shen asked again.

Shi Zhe said: "Young people come to the capital, I really don't know."

Seeing that he could no longer ask questions from the man, Shan Shen asked the yamen servant to take him down.

Rather than rushing to interrogate Wang for six years, Shan Shen first asked the Yamen servant to invite Dao Heng.

Not long after, the Yamen servants rushed back and forth to report, but Dao Heng was nowhere to be found.

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