Yan Cigui

Chapter 107: The Holy Spirit is in a bad mood

 Scenes of old events emerge from the bottom of my heart and linger in my thoughts.

 Winning this throne was indeed a surprise to Emperor Yongjia Li Yi.

Before the bell rang in the twenty-eighth year of Taixing, it was true that he had no intention of competing for the throne.

The mother-in-law left early, and her mother-in-law was a real official, practical and not of high rank. His grandfather was a brick in Qianbu Corridor. There were so many yamen on the left and right, so he moved them wherever they were needed.

Queen Shen is kind, and her eldest brother Li Cang is outstanding. With his direct descendant in front, the other brothers have maintained a superficial stability even if they have any thoughts. Li Yi, the sixth prince, is neither forward nor backward, occupying the middle, and is also very good. Stable.

Thinking about it now, what Li Yi regrets most is that he never had the idea of ​​​​fighting for the throne.

Precisely because he did not fight or rob, he finally went to Dingguo Temple to pray for his father. Firstly, he fulfilled his filial piety; secondly, he stayed away from the restless situation in the capital in order to be clean; thirdly, other people had too many concerns. , I don’t want to go, and I don’t want to compete...

This trip of filial piety ended in a fire, and his wife Xia was killed.

 After so many years, from beginning to end, the fire was a pain in his heart.

 He ​​mentioned to Lin Yu more than once that if he had not vented his anger with the Xia family that night, and had not taken so many guards and monks down the mountain to rescue him when his head was hot, the accident in the temple might not have such a tragic result.

 He blamed himself countless times, but he never believed that it was all a coincidence.

In the twenty-eighth year, bandits burned down the town and a whistleblower letter confirmed that they were killed in disguise. However, from the beginning to the end, until the death of my father, no one found out who was behind it...

 He was determined to be the emperor, and he also hoped that the case would not end during the Taixing period.

One day he must get to the bottom of it. He believes that there is a story behind the Dingguo Temple leak, and it is definitely not an "accident" that was finalized back then.

 He wanted to give an explanation to the Xia family and an explanation to Li Shao, who lost his mother at a young age.

 But if he has to keep investigating, he himself has to be the biggest master.

Thinking of Queen Xia, the Holy Father took a deep breath.


 After the accident, he reflected a lot.

As long as he has a better temper and doesn't quarrel with Mr. Xia...

Your Majesty takes this as a lesson. Every time his temper gets angry, thinking more about Mr. Xia can help him calm down.

After a moment of composure, he asked again: "Who started the fire in Dingguo Temple?"

Wang Liuliu was stunned on the spot: "Isn't that an accidental leak?"

This reaction was so natural and direct, so confusing.

 Compared with before, whether he wavered or pulled anyone, he lacked shrewdness and planning.

The Holy See saw this and came to the conclusion that the sixth year of King Wang's reign had nothing to do with the fire.

Of course, this does not prove that it has nothing to do with Li Mi.

"Where did you bury the person outside Jiangzhou City?" asked the Holy Sage. "If you can't dig up the person, I won't give you a happy life! Your first achievement is to live longer than Zhu Chang and the others."

 First achievement?

Your Majesty hates this kind of first achievement!

If Li Cang had lived well and maintained peace in Beijing, he would not have gone to Dingguo Temple.

 When Li Cang ascends the throne, he will be a prince and play the harp with the Xia family. Wouldn't he be much happier than now when the yin and yang are separated?

 Wang was taken down in the sixth year of his reign.

Outside the royal study, Xu Jian watched him being dragged away by the guards, and turned to look at Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao shook his head solemnly and said in a lowered voice: "Your Majesty is in a bad mood..."

 Xu Jian understood.

 If you go in at this time, you will probably get into trouble.

Xu Jian didn't want to be in trouble, and Eunuch Cao didn't want the Holy Father to get angry again, so Shan Shen came with the compiled case files.

Eunuch Cao took it and did not let the two of them in. He returned to the imperial palace alone. Your Majesty is closing his eyes to rest his mind.

Eunuch Cao didn’t bother him and just put the things on the big case.

 After a long time, the Holy Spirit slowly opened his eyes and regained his energy.

 Looking through the entire case file, he pondered for a while, and then said: "Are Xu Jian and Shan Shen at the door? Let them go back, and we will discuss it in court tomorrow morning. I, I will go see the Empress Dowager."

 Cining Palace.

Lin Yunyan was drinking milk soup with the Queen Mother.

"Didn't I just say that I came to apologize?" The Queen Mother finished using it first and pressed her mouth with the handkerchief. "Tell it to the Aijia. What bad things did you do behind the Aijia's back?"

Lin Yunyan also finished using it, and handed the bowl and spoon to the palace maid. She said softly: "I pretended to be powerful, and I chopped it first and then played it."

The Empress Dowager was delighted: "Just talking about idioms, what can the Ai family know?"

Lin Yunyan 1510, told Zhu Xian's predicament and how she asked Grandma Wang to bring the imperial doctor to the British government in order to help.

 I naturally concealed the poisonous recipe first.

The Queen Mother frowned upon hearing this.

Things have priorities, and she is not an ignorant little old woman, so she will not be angry at Lin Yunyan's contingency.

If she didn't even have such quick wit and means, she would have to reflect on whether she had pampered this girl so much that she was confused when things happened and didn't know how to deal with it.

 Hence, what really made the Queen Mother angry and dissatisfied was the British government.

 The grand palace of the Duke of Guo was so miserable inside. Thinking about what happened to Zhu Xian, she felt pity for him.

 What a poor girl.

If Lin Yunyan hadn't happened to be a helper, Zhu Xiang would have had no choice but to go crazy as a little girl facing her elders and relatives, alone and helpless.

 It just so happens that not everything in this world can be solved by going crazy.

Handling a child, a girl, easily and silently.

"The Ai family remembers her," the Queen Mother said, "Your Majesty asked people to surround the British palace? The Zhu family will have to suffer some hardships. If she encounters difficulties in the future, just speak up."

Just as he was talking, there was a call from outside, and the Holy Spirit arrived.

Lin Yunyan stood up to greet the holy driver.

The bright yellow figure appeared, and Lin Yunyan quietly looked at His Majesty's expression, and she knew what was going on.

The Empress Dowager will soon know that the Zhu family will either suffer some hardships or lose their heads.

The Holy Father excused himself from the ceremony and said a few words.

Lin Yunyan knew the advance and retreat of Cining Palace best, so she withdrew with a wink, avoiding the side hall.

"What important thing happened in the court, why don't you ask Yun Yan to listen to it?" asked the Queen Mother.

The Holy Spirit showed a look of embarrassment: "Ding Wang, eldest brother, he was poisoned and died."

As soon as she finished speaking, the Queen Mother froze. She looked at the Holy Lord in astonishment, unable to believe her ears.

"It's been so many years, why did it suddenly..." the Queen Mother murmured, "Did someone go to the imperial court to gossip, or did a new clue emerge? Ah Cang, he, he is really..."

Almost instantly, the Queen Mother thought of what Lin Yunyan had reported.

 The clues are just connected together.

 There will be more updates later

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