Yan Cigui

Chapter 108: The Aijia only blames you (ChenLinda’s extra update for 10,000 coins)

 In Cining Palace, the atmosphere was so condensed that one could hardly breathe.

Most of the maids and chamberlains were turned away by Grandma Wang when the princess talked about the affairs of the British government.

 Now, she and Eunuch Yu are the only ones left in the house.

Eunuch Cao did not come in. Judging from the figure outside the curtain, he should be guarding the middle hall.

The younger father-in-law didn’t know what was going on, so he looked shocked, but this was by no means the time for him to speak, so he hurriedly lowered his head and stood aside respectfully.

 Grandma Wang knows better.

Looking at His Majesty's expression, she guessed that the poisonous prescription was not just the speculation of the imperial doctor, but also had conclusive evidence that it had been used on Prince Ding.

Thinking of this, Grandma Wang quietly glanced at the Queen Mother.

How sad the queen is...

 But it is absolutely impossible to hide this kind of thing from the empress. The empress wants to know and must know.

Soon, the Queen Mother’s voice sounded in Grandma Wang’s ears.

"The British prince's daughter-in-law has been ill for eight years? Is her poison the same as A Cang's? The imperial doctor examined her in the morning and found out the clues behind it?"

 After asking several questions in succession, the Empress Dowager grabbed the Holy Emperor's wrist with great force, and asked the most concerned one: "Who poisoned A Cang?"

"Do you know this? Did Ning'an tell you?" The Holy Emperor thought of Eunuch Cao's mention that the princess wanted to plead guilty to the Queen Mother, so he said, "I will continue to talk about it."

 All the inside information was revealed in front of the Empress Dowager. She was extremely sad and clutched her chest.

Grandma Wang hurriedly stepped forward and stroked her back to calm her down.

Your Majesty took a cup of warm tea from Eunuch Yu's hand and let the Queen Mother moisten it after she recovered a little.

"My son is going to raid the British palace, and he plans to send people to dig out Li Mi. We must confirm whether it is him buried in the ground. He was born with six fingers on his right foot. Although it is not obvious, it is still a characteristic. The bones are easy to identify. As for Li Guna's son, he will be temporarily imprisoned in the inner palace for raising. After these cases are settled, his whereabouts will be decided." Seeing that the Queen Mother calmed down, the Holy Emperor continued to talk about his arrangements, "I'm here to discuss this with you. If you want to personally interrogate the king for six years, I'll bring him here."

The Empress Dowager smiled lightly, the smile was very light and full of bitterness.

"It's so sudden. The Ai family really didn't expect it," her voice was trembling. "The follow-up treatment has been left to the Holy Spirit. Although it has been so many years, the Ai family can figure out the cause of A Cang's death and have settled the matter. "Things on my mind."

 “You…” The Holy One hesitated to speak.

 In memory, this was the first time the Queen Mother verbally admitted that she had doubts about the cause of King Ding's death.

Over so many years, the Queen Mother has been very restrained even when the incident occurred. She has been so restrained that the Holy Father has wondered whether the Queen Mother has never had the slightest suspicion.

"Is it surprising? The Ai family has always been concerned about us," the Queen Mother sighed, looked at the face of the Holy Sage, and said, "Isn't the Holy Sage also worried about the leak of Dingguo Temple?"

Your Majesty did not deny it.

"The Ai family also hopes that one day we can find the answer together with the Holy One," the Empress Dowager took a few slow breaths, turned her head to the west, towards the direction of the west side hall, and said, "Ayun died there, the Ai family also wants to Give Yun Yan an answer.”

It was not only Queen Xia who was in trouble that year, but also eight other people, including Shen Yun.

 From the queen to the empress dowager, in the past ten years, she rarely commented on the affairs of the previous court, and only said a few words when the emperor took the initiative to ask for advice.

 The Holy Father was very grateful to her.

Even though they are born apart, it is the basis for their mother and son to live in harmony and have a harmonious relationship.

 But now, the Holy Spirit suddenly had an idea.

 At least, he and the Empress Dowager were allies regarding the Dingguo Temple matter.

 Others may reach out to Dingguo Temple, but the Empress Dowager will not.

At that time, my father was seriously ill, and my eldest brother was even more ill than my father. The other brothers were watching eagerly, and the situation in the capital was changing. It was hard enough for the empress to just stabilize the situation, so how could she still take care of Dingguo Temple?

 Furthermore, he could see how the empress treated Shen Yun and Ning'an.

"You..." The Holy Spirit considered the words, "I dare not say, 'Don't worry.' It has been too many years, and I am not sure that I will find the truth.

The progress in Big Brother's affairs this time was also due to chance.

 Erchen can only say that he will not give up no matter what, and will try his best to find the answer. "

 The Empress Dowager nodded.

 Compared with taking everything in stride and deserving a fuller moon than the sixteenth moon, the Holy Sage’s reserved statement made the Empress Dowager more at ease.

 "The follow-up treatment, let's do it like this..." the Queen Mother said.

 The Holy Father comforted the Empress Dowager again and then stood up.

"That's right, look at the memory of the Ai family, they almost forgot important things," the Empress Dowager called to her Majesty and said, "That girl named Zhu Xiang, she has already fallen out with the British government. She is really a pitiful child. Getting clues this time was also an opportunity she fought for with all her strength.

 Leave a way for her so that she can give her mother a good life and have a good future. "

Your Majesty, of course, should come down.

 The holy driver left Cining Palace.

Lin Yunyan returned to the Empress Dowager.

 The old man was leaning on the pillow, with a look of fatigue between his brows.

She waved to Lin Yunyan: "What a coincidence. Is it really such a coincidence?"

Lin Yunyan knelt down in front of Arhat's bed.

She knew early on that the Empress Dowager would be aware of this story, not to mention that she acted through Grandma Wang.

 She had no intention of cheating, she was just waiting for an opportunity.

 That’s it now.

"Do you still remember?" Lin Yunyan asked softly, "Mama Ma, who you called to take care of me, was the female medicine officer of the Royal Pharmacy and later worked with you.

 Zhu Zhang discussed her mother's condition with me. I was curious about what kind of prescription could delay a person's illness for eight years, so I asked her to write one.

Mama Ma looked at it and found it familiar and impressive, so she recalled that His Highness Prince Ding had used it before.

I couldn't help but be suspicious, and I was afraid that I was thinking too much. Without conclusive evidence, I couldn't be sure, so I asked Grandma Wang for help. Once I had the chance, I would definitely check out Zhu Xuan's mother's illness.

 As a result, something happened at the Zhu family this morning.

  Don’t blame Grandma Wang, I begged her..."

The Queen Mother shook her head: "What's the blame? The Ai family won't blame her, the Ai family only blames you.

Yun Yan, the Aijia knows that you are sincere, but they are afraid that they will miss the truth, and they are also afraid that they will be too eager to let the Aijia know. If they make a mistake, the Aijia will be emotionally upset.

 You are involved in this matter because of Ai Jia and Zhu Xian, but you must not forget that you are also a half-grown girl.

Being a princess can make you tougher than others, but if you encounter someone who is really unreasonable, it is useless even if you are a princess.

 You need to consider yourself when doing things. If something unexpected happens to you, what will you do to Aijia? "

Lin Yunyan lowered her eyes, did not speak, and only listened carefully.

The Empress Dowager held her hand and spoke with concern and firmness: "When something happens, please discuss it with the Ai family. The Ai family is old and their bodies are not as strong as they used to be. But the Ai family is not too old and can still handle things." ”

From the princess to the empress, and then to the empress dowager, it seems that she is moving forward steadily, but only she understands the bitterness and sorrow in it.

  After working hard all her life and living until she is old, she just wants to protect her younger generation from wind and rain, instead of letting them worry about her condition. Otherwise, her hard work will be in vain.

Lin Yunyan responded "Okay" gently.

 In his heart, he shook his head.

Just as the Empress Dowager is toward her, how could she not be toward the Empress Dowager?

The old man said that she could handle things, but her mental strength was really not as strong as before. After these ups and downs, she was mentally exhausted and fell asleep.

Lin Yunyan stood up and covered the Queen Mother with a quilt. She stepped out and said to Grandma Wang, "Your Majesty is asleep. I'd better ask the imperial doctor to check for a safe pulse later. I'm afraid your Majesty will be ill for a long time."

Grandma Wang glanced at her head and replied: "I'm old, this would have been postponed for more than ten years..."

 Mother Wang will definitely not say anything else after that.


 But she knows the Queen Mother’s temperament best.

For more than ten years, he was still in the early emperors. He did not talk about the trial of the king's internal servants.

 Time is really ruthless.

As Lin Yunyan expected, when the Queen Mother woke up in the evening, her body was boiling hot.

 The old man fell ill.

 Three updates, please give me a monthly ticket~~~

  Thanks to book friends Wuxihuan 166 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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