Yan Cigui

Chapter 109: Died before leaving the army

Chapter 109: Died before leaving the army

 The night is getting darker.

 Chrysanthemums are blooming in a small courtyard in central Beijing.

There was a person sitting in the room facing the flower viewing. The floor-to-ceiling wooden window panels on the side facing the view had all been removed, and the spacious courtyard was in sight.

 Under the lantern light, the flowers are shadowy.

 If you really want to enjoy flower viewing, a night like this is really not a good time.

The man was reading a book, turning the pages a little too quickly. If he read ten lines at a time, he probably didn't finish reading.

He was dressed in gold and noble aura, and he was sitting on a recliner, looking extremely lazy.

 Beside the recliner stood a man in plain clothes with a hat on his head.

He seemed to be very unaccustomed to this kind of hat. He reached out to fiddle with it several times, and even took it off and readjusted it.

 In this way, the bald head is exposed.

 Under the lamp, the nine ring scars on the top of the head are clearly visible.

"So, the British Duke is dead?" Jin Guiren suddenly said, "Did you just say that even Wang Liu was arrested?"

The bald man quickly put on his hat and replied respectfully: "Yes."

"It was too careless. It was useless without any contribution," Jin Guiren sighed, with a hint of reluctance in his tone. "It didn't work, so it's a loss."

 Speaking, Jin Guiren put down the book and clapped his hands.

Another person came in from outside the house. His figure and appearance were extremely ordinary and inconspicuous.

He bowed his head and listened to orders.

"What's the situation in the palace?" Jin Guiren asked.

"The Holy One interrogated the king alone for six years in the royal study. Only Eunuch Cao was in front of him. Neither Duke Fu nor Shan Fuyin went in. I don't know what the king's answers were at the moment." After being detained for six years, Shengshang went to Cining Palace to talk to the Empress Dowager for a while. At about dark, Cining Palace hired a doctor and the empress was sick. "

Jin Guiren clicked his tongue.

The Empress Dowager is no small sailor. She has seen a lot of wind and waves.

 It can make her old man fall ill after listening to it...

"The fourth son of the Zhu family was sued by his in-laws, right? He poisoned his wife?" Jin Guiren frowned, "It seems that he was accused."

 In the final analysis, who allowed Wang to be arrested in the sixth year of his life?

 Fortunately, this person has always been loyal, so it is not difficult to find a scapegoat, not to mention that the sheep is already ready.

 Compared to the sixth year of King Wang's reign, the British public's mouth is more prone to trouble.

It’s not that he doesn’t trust the British Duke, but that the British Duke has a large family.

 A large population means more mouths and more ideas.

 Zhu Cheng was injured in the Yamen, and the British prince was having his forehead treated at the mansion. His other sons were fine and could only touch their necks.

How can there be no disputes?

“It’s better to set off early,” the bald head guessed his master’s intention, and suggested, “When you leave, you will have to keep your mouth shut.”

"With the Holy Spirit's temper, the Zhu family cannot be saved. They will die a few days earlier and a few days later," Jin Guiren explained. "Don't think about cutting the knot with a quick knife. You can create a scene of suicide or father and son killing each other." It's useless, the Holy Emperor can't calm down. Only by letting the Zhu family die in his hands will he feel better and won't think about digging deeper. "

The bald man responded "yes" honestly.

"Let's do it. It's been so many years since King Ding died, and everyone has turned to ashes in the imperial mausoleum." Jin Guiren laughed, "Even if the king couldn't hold back his nonsense for six years, your Majesty wouldn't." I don’t believe him, I’m just sorry.”

 He is not afraid of old things.

He was not disturbed even though the King and the Duke of England were ruined for six years.

His only feeling was "pity".     Collecting chess pieces is simple but not easy.

The chess piece that was finally raised, at least had made great achievements in the sixth year of the king's reign. The British prince died before he left the army.

 Originally, as a veteran minister like the British Duke, there are many places where he can be useful.

What a pity! What a pity!

“The gold bricks that Wang mentioned in the sixth year of his life are really missing?” Jin Guiren asked again.

 The bald man and the people behind him all shook their heads.

"After so many years, it's not surprising that someone has already poached them. It's just two boxes of gold bricks." Jin Guiren stopped worrying about that, yawned, and said, "I knew Shan Shen had some abilities, but I didn't expect him." With such ability, Xu Jian was sent to Shuntian Mansion? "

Later, people said: "The Duke of Fu had resigned from the Ministry of War. The Holy See saw that he was idle, so he took this opportunity to let him sit in Shuntian Mansion."

"That's right," Jin Guiren said, "You are young and you are a prince, so it is a waste of time. In this regard, I am similar to the Holy One. Each of the soldiers in my hand must be used with strength."

"Now that the case is over, Xu Jian has to be idle again, and I don't know what the Lord is looking for to do for him." After a moment of silence, Jin Guiren added, "I don't want to see him just take his salary and do nothing. "

Later, someone stepped forward and said, "I heard that Mr. Liu Jing Liu has summoned his son back from the academy. He will be able to arrive in Beijing in ten and a half days at most."

"Really?" Jin Guiren's eyes lit up, "The drama between father, son and brother is my favorite. After watching the British Duke's drama, I can take over the Liu family's drama. It's very good, very good!"

 It was getting late, he should go to bed early.

There is a big show tomorrow that you can’t miss.

 The moon is sinking.

 The sky is dark, today is a big court meeting, and many officials are already waiting outside the palace gate.

Those who were more informed knew that there was a serious situation in the British government and asked Shan Shen one after another.

Shan Shen pushed and pushed in a roundabout way, but it seemed that he couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of everyone. Fortunately, Xu Jian arrived.

Without saying a word, Shan Shen hid in Xu Jian's place.

Those who want to ask about the situation cannot help but hesitate.

First of all, I am not familiar with Xu Jian, and secondly, the Duke of the country has been a man of fun in the court since he was idle.

 If you casually get information from the mouths of people who are happy, you may become a happy person first.

 The palace gate opens, and when the time comes, people line up to go to court.

The Holy Spirit stepped up to the Jinluan Hall and sat on the dragon chair. Eunuch Cao unfolded the Ming Huang Imperial Edict and opened his mouth to read.

 Without any foreshadowing or any room for debate, the Holy Father determined the outcome of the British government.

For more than ten years, Wang Liu, the chamberlain of the deposed prince Li Mi, colluded with Wang Liu for raising Li Mi's son in an attempt to cause trouble again. Moreover, Wang Liu poisoned King Ding for six years, and the evidence is conclusive...

The distinguished officials who were kneeling in the palace to listen to the reading of the imperial edict were all dumbfounded.

I only knew that Zhu Cheng of his family accidentally pushed someone to death, but how did he know that the spider web behind him also implicated Li Mi.

The whole family died unjustly.

After Eunuch Cao finished reciting, the Holy Master murmured: "I am extremely shocked and deeply saddened, especially when King Ding was killed.

 King Ding, my eldest brother is a stern but gentle man, with the dignity of an elder brother but also caring.

I often lament his untimely death, but it wasn’t until yesterday that I learned of the secret behind his untimely death!

 The Queen Mother also fell ill..."

 Speaking of which, who else dares to intercede on behalf of the British government?

 Even if he appears to be a good person and asks for a favor, he would not dare to do so.

The Holy Emperor appointed the upright An Yibo as the chief envoy and Xu Jian as the deputy envoy to inspect the British government.

As the morning sun was about to rise, the imperial guards guarding the palace received the order, opened the door, followed An Yibo, and entered the mansion of the Duke Haohao.

 (End of this chapter)

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