Yan Cigui

Chapter 112: they are all dead

 An Yibo and Xu Jian returned to the palace to resume their duties.

While criticizing the statement, the Holy Emperor asked, "Is Zhu Chang still complaining about injustice?"

Uncle An Yi has reported the truth: "I didn't cry out about my injustice. I heard that he met his granddaughter when he was being escorted away. When he was caught, he scolded her. Princess Ning'an pushed her back and she passed away."

The pen in the Holy Master's hand stopped for a moment, he raised his head, and his tone was a bit curious: "You were knocked unconscious by Ning An?"

How can a cute, soft, happy little girl like Ning'an choke Zhu Chang?

 Zhu Chang is so unreasonable!

 When I think about it, it really makes sense.

Yesterday, I still insisted on showing my loyalty in the imperial study room. Today, Ning An exposed me. It's strange that I can hold on.

Having said that, only by contradicting a girl like Ning'an can the old man Zhu Chang know how to write the word "shame". If another official can speak righteously, Zhu Chang can still speak plausibly.

The Holy Emperor also gave An Yibo the important responsibility of prison and execution.

According to his thoughts, when he was angry, he wanted to kill Zhu Chang immediately, but after he calmed down, he actually wanted to keep Zhu Chang for a little longer.

There are still many things related to Li Mi that are not clear enough. Whether Wang Liuliu and Zhu Chang told the truth or not, they need to confirm each other.

However, he finally decided to kill him.

 It seems that he has been on the throne for more than ten years, and everything is smooth inside and outside the government, but there are still many people with dissident intentions.

 It is by no means limited to Wang Liu and Zhu Chang.

Even if Li Mi dies, they will drag Li Mi's son to pull the banner and plot evil.

 Instead of waiting for them to relent and reveal their accomplices who do not know whether they are true or false, it is better to kill them directly and kill the chickens to scare the monkeys.

An Yibo stopped there, his momentum was different.

Without Wang Liuliu as the leader, those young people have to think carefully.

An Yibo accepted the order and stood up to leave.

Xu Jian also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Sheng Shang.

 “I still have something to tell you.”

 Xu Jian had no choice but to sit back again.

Took a sip of tea and said, "I was talking to Shan Aiqing about this case just now, and he praised you."

Xu Jian roughly understood the meaning of the Holy Sage's words. After all, he didn't want the case to be settled. He was coming to and from the court, so he tried to send him to another yamen in a roundabout way. In all likelihood, it was the third division.

 He didn’t want to go.

With a slight cough, Xu Jian opened his mouth to make trouble: "I am a first-class Duke, and Master Shan is a third-class governor. As long as I don't demolish the house in Shuntian Mansion, perform monkey tricks, and make the officials up and down unable to do anything, he will When I come to you, I have to praise you. However, I am self-aware and will not take Master Shan's words seriously."

The Holy Emperor shook his head and put down the tea cup: "Then tell me, what do you think after the case is concluded? I won't listen to such talk of idleness all day long."

 Xu Jian did not answer immediately.

Seemingly thinking seriously for a while, he spoke again: "I really haven't thought about it well. There are still some finishing touches to be done at Shuntian Mansion. I will come back to ask for orders when that matter is resolved."

 His Majesty nodded.

 This sounds at least much better than the previous refusals.

 Xu Jian exited the imperial study room.

Eunuch Cao sent him off and said in a low voice: "In the sixth year of the reign of the king, the Za family felt that he had not fully explained everything, and he still hid a lot."

"My father-in-law can't even ask," Xu Jian said, "Master Shan and I are even more helpless."

Eunuch Cao smiled and waved his hands, modestly saying: "It's different. The palace can use some outrageous methods, how can Shuntian Mansion be so judgmental..."

I am afraid that it is to turn to the sky, and Shan Shen has to be guaranteed by Yu Shi to be able to guarantee.

Xu Jian said: "That's right. Master Shan doesn't dare to do what we did in the front camp."

"If there are any clues in Shuntian Mansion, please help the Duke to inform the Zajia family." Cao Gong said impartially.

 Xu Jian responded naturally.

In Shuntian Mansion, Shan Shen looked at the document seriously. The Zhu family was confiscated, An Yibo brought people to take away Zhu Cheng, and Eunuch Cao sent people to take away Li Mi's son and the Queen's wife. It seemed that the case would be closed after they were questioned one by one.

 But Shan Shen himself knew that there were still flaws in this case.

Seeing Xu Jian coming, Shan Shen pulled him and whispered: "Where did the disappeared monk Dao Heng from Guangde Temple go?

 What role did he play in the monastery for twelve years?

You can’t just pull the strings for Wang Liujie, right? Then who else did he pull?

Who dug up those two boxes of gold bricks in Lao Shi Alley? "

 Xu Jian coughed lightly.

He knows that Mr. Shan has a bad temper, and he will definitely not treat the case as if it is over as soon as the case file is handed over, but these problems...

Either he can’t answer it, or he just can’t answer it.

It can’t be said that the little princess asked people to dig up the gold bricks, and he stuffed the banned books into them, right?

The suspect is right next to you, and he has been pointing fingers for so many days, but the adults are completely unaware...

 Master Shan is afraid that he will not be able to get up in one breath.

"I just came back from the palace," Xu Jian said calmly, "According to Eunuch Cao, there are many things that have not been explained clearly in the last six years of the king's reign. I didn't ask about the details, and Eunuch Cao won't tell you."

Shan Shen was smart and sighed when he heard this.

 He knew what Xu Jian meant.

Check it again, it's all the difficulties of the small wall, it is not the corner that Shun Tianfu can move.

Shan Shen appreciated it: "I know the seriousness, so I can just keep these questions in my mind. Why can't I check them in a big way? I'm pointing out that the performance appraisal will look better."

 I pointed randomly and stretched out my hands randomly. When I turned around, the "Excellent" stamp was not stamped, and the "Cut" stamp came out.


 An Yibo holds a long sign.

 The third quarter of noon is approaching, and the sun is at its peak.

 From the time of confiscation to beheading, it only took four days.

The men of the Zhu family knelt in a row, all with gray heads and faces.

The wound on Zhu Chang's forehead had not yet healed, so he took off the white cloth to wrap it up, revealing a terrible wound, with a sullen face and motionless.

Zhu Cheng knelt aside blankly, as if he was in a daze, and showed no reaction to the pointing fingers of the people around him.

Zhu Chi was so thin that his cheeks were sunken and his eyes were gloomy, like a bloodthirsty lone wolf.

“Now that things have happened,” his voice was not loud and could only be heard by Zhu Chang beside him, “do you still want to hide it?”

Zhu Chang didn’t even look at him.

"You said Li Mi is not worthy, then who is worthy?" Zhu Chi squeezed the words out from between his teeth, "What you and your fourth brother have done has made us all kneel here. As your son and direct descendant, I My eldest son, don’t I even deserve to die?”

Zhu Chang raised his wrinkled eyelids.

But he didn’t look at Zhu Chi.

 He was looking at Zhu Xiang.

Zhu Chan stood in a good seat, in the front row, dressed in plain clothes and holding a tablet in his hand.

"You..." After saying just one word, Zhu Chang's throat became severely clogged and he gasped for air.

 Under such circumstances, Zhu Cheng also discovered Zhu Xian.

Zhu Cheng's back immediately straightened up. Zhu Cheng opened his mouth to call his daughter, but when he saw the words on the tablet clearly, his eyes darkened again.

 That is Yu's tablet.

  There is no word Zhu on it.

When the time came, An Yibo waved his long stick, and the executioners raised their swords and dropped them.

Zhu Xian closed her eyes subconsciously, then forced herself to open them again. Looking at the blood red, she hugged the tablet in her hand tightly.

 “Mother,” she murmured, “they are all dead.”

 On the last day, shout out for monthly votes~~

  Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and miya2022 for the reward.

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