Yan Cigui

Chapter 113: Point to an outstanding girl (double updates combined into one, please give me the moo

Chapter 113 Point out an outstanding girl (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Yu died the day after she was moved back to her home.

Zhu Xian and Yu’s mother insisted that the family stopped Yu’s life-saving medicine and did not let her continue to suffer.

An old man and a young man helped Mr. Yu dress up and change his clothes. They made a very decent appearance, but the skinny body could not hold up the shroud, and it looked empty.

 It was agreed upon within the Yu family to let the Yu family go on their journey and be buried as early as possible.

 Therefore, at dawn, the coffins and coffins were left from the city.

Originally, the daughter who returned home could not be buried in the ancestral grave, but Yu’s mother refused to give in, citing the Empress Dowager’s grace as a reason.

The empress advocated that Ah Chan live with her mother-in-law’s family, while the empress advocated severing ties with the Zhu family...

His wife pitied the mother and daughter. How could the elders buried in the ancestral graves of the Yu family still dislike the Yu family?

Having said this, who can refute?

According to Yu's mother's idea, they were all taken to the ancestral grave for burial, a monument was erected, and a memorial tablet was placed at home.

Zhu Chan kowtowed heavily to his mother and went home to mourn.

Today the Zhu family is carrying out an execution, and she came with a tablet. She had to watch it and let her mother see it.

With the situation of the Zhu family, few relatives and friends dared to come together. According to the past management, the execution office had to clean up the family, roll up mats and transport them outside the city.

Zhu Chan took out the money, found the coffin, asked someone to help collect the coffin, and transported it to Yizhuang first.

An Yibo saw her stuffing the money and came up to ask, "You are a very considerate child."

Faced with An Yibo's ferocious face, Zhu Xiang felt weak for a moment, but she quickly calmed down and said: "Grace is kindness, hatred is hatred. I can't just take revenge without repaying kindness."

These principles were all written in the notebook that her mother read to her when she was a child.

My mother always said that when people get along with each other, they will not be completely good or completely bad. There will be times when your teeth will hit your lips, but you can't forget the good or the bad casually.

 It is not to settle old scores, but it cannot be erased.

 Good things have existed, bad things have also existed, that’s all.

 Today, the grudges and grudges are still the same.

 The hatred of killing one's mother and the cultivation of kindness are two separate accounts.

An Yibo stroked his beard and laughed.

 Being clear about grievances sounds easy but is difficult to do.

 At his age, he sometimes hesitates and hesitates, fearing that he is not as enlightened as a young child.

 In the afternoon, there was another autumn rain in Beijing.

 The blood in Caishikou has been washed away, and the climate has become much cooler.

 In Cining Palace, the Empress Dowager was still in bad spirits.

Lin Yunyan took the decoction from the palace maid's hand, touched the edge of the bowl with her palms, and tested the temperature.

The Empress Dowager leaned against the pillow, squinted her eyes and joked with Grandma Wang: "Oh no, the Ai family has become such a child that they don't even know whether to scald or not."

Lin Yunyan said angrily: "It is important for you to take good care of your health. One moment I swore that I was not too old and could handle things, but the next moment I fell ill. Do you know how worried I am?"

  "Okay, okay, it's Aijia's fault, Aijia has boasted about it!" The Queen Mother laughed, "Aijia has to get old."

Lin Yunyan added: "The concubine is also very concerned. She originally wanted to find you to hang her, but now there is only one missing."

"Bah!" the Empress Dowager spat, "The Ai family still doesn't know about her? In this autumn rainy day, she should take care of her old cold legs first!"

 Grandma Wang laughed in agreement.

 The maids and maids in the palace all breathed a sigh of relief.

The princess is still capable and knows how to coax the Queen Mother. A few quarrels have blown away the gloom in Cining Palace these days.

Of course, it was the empress dowager who was willing to quarrel with the princess.

The soup was almost hot, so the Queen Mother took it and drank it in one gulp, then rinsed her mouth.

“It’s so bitter,” she complained. “Next time, tell the doctor to put more licorice.”

“Okay, licorice, wolfberry, and longan, put more of the sweet ones.” Lin Yunyan said yes, wiped her hands with a handkerchief, and winked at Grandma Wang while the maids were collecting the medicine bowls.

Grandma Wang understood, cleared her throat, and signaled for all the people to withdraw.

Everyone filed out, and only the Empress Dowager and Lin Yunyan remained in the dormitory. Even Grandma Wang went to guard outside.

Lin Yunyan sat on the edge of the bed and said, "You have been holding back your words, why don't you talk to me?"

The Queen Mother sighed: "You kid is almost smarter than your mother."

 She does have a lot to say.

 These days, she often thinks of Li Cang and Shen Yun.

As the legitimate eldest son, Li Cang was born to him in ten months of pregnancy. The empress dowager loved him very much, but she did not dare to spoil him blindly.

 Her love for Li Cang was restrained and she could not indulge or give blindly.

It was impossible for Li Cang to be by her side every day. He was enlightened at a young age and followed the senior ministers to read, read and practice martial arts. He got up early and went to bed late. If anyone in the palace worked harder than him, only his father was too happy. emperor.

“What makes the Ai family most happy is that A Cang is very good. He should be the one to be the leader or the virtuous person.” The Empress Dowager smiled softly.

 Different from Li Cang is Shen Yun.

This niece who lives across the room is truly raised by the Empress Dowager.

 The words "raising a daughter" are really not just words. They are talking about "serving the empress". In fact, the relationship is the same as that of a biological mother and daughter.

"The Ai family can remember many past events without thinking carefully," the Empress Dowager said, "What did she say and what did she enjoy? She remembers everything about A Cang more clearly. You ask the Ai family to say, Sorry We can talk for three days and three nights."

Lin Yunyan rolled her eyes and said, "Then you can talk about three days and three nights, and I won't get tired of hearing it."

 The Queen Mother must be allowed to speak out.

It doesn’t necessarily mean how he views Wang’s murder in the past six years and what the British government is involved in. Just recalling and sorting out the past events when His Highness and his mother were still alive can make the Queen Mother relax a lot.

 And the empress is not willing to tell others these things. Even if she says them to Grandma Wang, the words and feelings will be different.

Lin Yunyan had to listen.

 Because she is Shen Yun's daughter.

When the Empress Dowager mentioned Shen Yun, Grandma Wang recalled it together, but Lin Yunyan was the one who had more emotional resonance.

The Empress Dowager opened up her chatterbox and did not care about big or small matters. There were many scenes of Prince Ding and Shen Yun joking with her...

As she spoke, sleepiness came over her, and the Queen Mother fell asleep again.

Lin Yunyan tucked the corner of the quilt for her, got up and walked out quietly.

When Grandma Wang saw her coming out, she poked her head inside and asked in a low voice, "Are you asleep?"

 Lin Yunyan nodded.

 Grandma Wang sighed secretly.

 It was really an illness that cost the Queen Mother a lot of energy.

 I’m getting older, and I don’t know how much effort it will take to raise it back.

I don’t know if there is anything I can do to make her happy.

  When people encounter happy events, they always feel better.

“You’ve worked hard too,” said Grandma Wang. “Please rest for a while. When the Empress Dowager wakes up, I’ll send someone to invite you.”

 Lin Yunyan responded. She has been staying in Cining Palace to accompany the Queen Mother these days.

In the west side hall, Wan Yue opened the window to let in some air.

Seeing Lin Yunyan come back, she whispered: "I just had people come to the Royal Study and Cuihua Palace. I knew you were here to talk with me, so I went back again."

 Lin Yunyan nodded.

 Both of them came to greet the Empress Dowager.

The Holy Spirit was very concerned about his wife's condition and sent greetings to her three times a day. I heard that he would also ask the imperial physician to reply.

 Since the Holy Emperor is so concerned, Cuihua Palace must also follow suit in the harem.

 Cuihua Palace is the palace of the imperial concubine Chang.

After the Holy Emperor ascended the throne, he posthumously made Xia the queen. He did not establish a new queen, but only made Chang the queen, and she was appointed to act as the agent for the Sixth Palace.

Chang has been accompanying him for more than ten years. He has no children and is not considered young among the concubines.

 The Empress Dowager was very reassured about Concubine Chang Huang and praised her as a good candidate to take charge of the Sixth Palace.

Lin Yunyan's impression of her is that she is honest and down-to-earth.

 Above, there is no need to fight with the deceased queen; below, the concubines cannot cross her.

Since she has no heirs, instead of wondering about the position of the imperial concubine, the concubines would be better off focusing on the Holy Emperor.

 Hence, Mr. Chang is very stable and has a calm temperament due to his stable situation.

At this time in Cuihua Palace, Mrs. Chang was telling the nanny beside her: "Let the soup simmer for a while longer. Is the sweet soup ready?"

 “It’s all ready, don’t worry.”

The imperial concubine asked them all one by one, and after making sure there were no omissions, she lay back on the couch and closed her eyes to rest.

 Not long after, his breathing became long and he obviously fell asleep.

Mammy was not surprised. She just looked at the time and woke up the imperial concubine.

The imperial concubine woke up in a daze and sat down in front of the dressing table. She only regained consciousness after the palace attendants combed her hair and applied makeup again.

  Looking in the mirror, she muttered: "It looks quite pleasing to the eye."

Grandma is so funny.

The empress looks dignified and beautiful, and looks very blessed.

  Not to the point of bewitching a city or a country, but in terms of good-lookingness, she is definitely one of the best, especially as she gets older, she becomes more and more durable. In another twenty or thirty years, she will look like a dignified and wealthy old lady.

 The time is deducted just right.

It was announced outside that the Holy Lord was arriving. The imperial concubine took a deep breath, her face flushed, she regained consciousness completely, and stood up to greet him.

The Holy Emperor could not hide the look of exhaustion on his brows, and after signaling to the imperial concubine to excuse herself, he sat down at the table.

The imperial concubine served tea first and then motioned to the maids to set the table without saying a single unnecessary word.

 The Holy One is also most satisfied with the imperial concubine.

 Having been together for a long time, we both know each other well.

The imperial concubine will not ask him to play the piano, sing, or show off his talents, nor will she ask him a lot of questions out of concern and worry, nor will she use the boring fights between other concubines as topics to ridicule and belittle him.

The imperial concubine talks little and does not want to win over the Sacred Heart's affection, but a balance has been reached between the two of them.

 Occasionally when he wanted to say something, the imperial concubine would listen. If he needed advice, the imperial concubine would speak up and stop.

 Just this calm temper reminded the Holy Father of himself when he was a prince.

 Therefore, whenever the Holy One is tired, he comes to Cuihua Palace to sit for a while and serve as a meal partner.

 After so many years, they complement each other.

 Furthermore, the food prepared by the Cuihua Palace cooks is good, and there are many variations outside of the imperial dining room.

 After drinking the soup and two glasses of wine, the Holy Spirit finally let go of his fatigue.

"I heard from Shao'er today that he went to the horse farm to practice and that some golden osmanthus trees were in bloom nearby. He remembered that you liked the fragrance of osmanthus, so he brought some back to you."

The imperial concubine pointed to the vase on the shelf: "As soon as the prince sent it to me, my concubine was raised by someone. It smells really comfortable."

"I think Shao'er is good in everything else, but he's not stable enough. He looks like a seven or eight-year-old." The Holy Sage sighed, "If we talk about people of the same age, Xu Jian is more stable. I have wanted to let Xu Jian do it several times. If you follow Shao'er, you can give Shao'er some trouble."

The imperial concubine did not say anything, and only refilled the Holy Spirit's glass of wine.

The Holy Emperor took a sip and said, "Others of the same age are just princes at most, unlike Xu Jian who goes to court every day."

Regardless of whether Xu Jian went to court or not to watch the excitement, he had been standing there for some time and listened to it more or less.

The imperial concubine smiled.

 The most important point was not mentioned by the Holy Spirit, but she generally knew it.

 Xu Jian saved the prince.

Your Majesty thought that the prince was thinking of saving his life, so he would listen more or less when the Duke of Fu was trying to temper him, but the imperial concubine didn't think so.

 In her opinion, the prince's temperament is different from that of the emperor.

Of course, the temper of a sixteen-year-old boy is the most troublesome. It may be different in a few years, but the imperial concubine does not think it is a good idea to let the Duke of Fu Guo take charge of the prince.

 After thinking about it, the imperial concubine asked someone to go to the kitchen to get some sweet soup.

 It is easy to get drunk if you drink too much alcohol.

 She has no control over the affairs of the previous dynasty, but she hopes that the Holy Emperor will feel better.

 As long as the Holy Father is in a good mood, he rarely thinks of Cuihua Palace three or five times in a month.

 She saves her worries.

It was impossible to refute the objection, so the imperial concubine found another way: "The Holy One feels sorry for Duke Fu, and wants to arrange something for him, so as not to bury him, and to make up for it. But you have openly spoken to Fu Guo several times, and he He doesn’t even have this idea. If you force him to do it, you can’t call it ‘compensation’.”

The Holy Master listened and said: "I am indeed sincere, and I am also thinking about whether the method is not thorough enough. Xu Jian has been practicing martial arts and leading soldiers since he was a child. I always let him sit in the Yamen, or follow Shao Er …”

 The sweet soup was served.

The imperial concubine brought a bowl to the Lord to relieve his hangover: "Although I have never been in contact with Duke Fu, the old Duke was not a narrow-minded person when he was alive. The elders in the family also mentioned 'kuoda' and 'refreshing' when they interacted with him. ', although I think the Duke of Fu Guo declined, he could understand your love and care in his heart.

I was just thinking, is there any other way to compensate?

 He is one year older than the prince, right?

It is not too early to say that it is too early to get married. It will take a year or two to discuss and prepare for the marriage.

His family is in such a situation. I heard that he and Mr. Liu don’t seem to be close, so instead of helping the Liu family to help him, you see..."

 The Holy Master held the bowl, took a breath, and thought about the emperor's concubine's opinion.

It might be a good idea to find a match for Xu Jian.

  It’s not that you’re trying to “compensate” for anything, but you’re talking about starting a family and having a family. Once you’ve settled down, you won’t be idle and talkative anymore, right?

These two words are completely incompatible with Xu Jian's steady temperament.

“It sounds reasonable to me,” the Holy Spirit said after using the sweet soup, “I just need to point to an outstanding girl’s family.”

The imperial concubine wanted to respond casually, but she felt it was not safe after she finished her response.

 I made a casual suggestion. If the Duke of Fu has someone he likes, wouldn't it be ruined by her words?

"If you want to point it out, you can't point it out to someone who is good to you alone, but to someone who is also good to the Duke of Fu." The imperial concubine quickly added.

 (End of this chapter)

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