Yan Cigui

Chapter 116: Where should I go and sit?

Chapter 116 Where should I go and sit?

 There was another autumn rain at night.

With bursts of thunder, the window panels were banged.

Lin Yunyan did not sleep soundly, tossing and turning, and woke up before dawn.

 She dreamed about many things.

Although they are all fragments, they are things she has experienced before. Now that she thinks about it carefully, she can piece together a lot of them.

 In the past, in the first few years after she got married to Xu Jian, Xu Jian would not sleep in the house on rainy days in autumn.

 The dampness and coldness of the autumn rain is particularly painful for the legs, and it goes deep into the bones.

 During the day, Xu Jian's temperament would be patient, and she would not say anything about it no matter how uncomfortable she felt.

 But there is nothing we can do at night.

 Reactions during sleep are not controlled by his will.

Hunting in pain or having trouble sleeping will affect those sleeping next to you.

Lin Yunyan said "I don't care", but Xu Jian obviously didn't care.

In Xu Jian's words, the leg is not healed, and there is no other room in the house where they can lie down, so why bother making it impossible for both of them to sleep well.

Lin Yunyan can't beat him.

 But she actually had trouble sleeping because she was afraid of the dark.

 Other times it’s okay, but when the rain and wind blow all night long, the fear of the dark becomes extremely strong.

Without a living person like Xu Jian beside her, she could only ask Wan Yue to light the oil lamp to provide some light.

The rainy nights in those years were mostly like this.

Later, the Fu Guogong Palace was gone. They were wandering around, chasing various clues and avoiding various crises. Xu Jian never mentioned going to lie down in another house.

Most of the time, they just don’t have any other room to stay in.

Of course, Lin Yunyan was no longer afraid of the dark at that time.

Beside the couch in the palace, Wan Yue pricked up his ears to listen to the sound.

The princess must have woken up, but she never called anyone, and Wan Yue couldn't tell if she was just being lazy and didn't remember.

But it was a lot colder today. When Wan Yue woke up earlier, she felt that the quilt was a little thin, and she was afraid that the princess would get cold due to relying on it.

 Fortunately, Lin Yunyan opened the curtain herself without letting her hesitate for long.

Wanyue hurriedly picked up the thick clothes she had prepared: "Put them on first, don't catch a cold."

Lin Yunyan followed her words and asked, "Is the Queen Mother awake?"

It was dark today and it was difficult for her to judge the time.

Wan Yue replied: "When I just went out to fetch water, I saw that the lamps were already lit. If you are sleepy, you can rest for a while. It's still early. I guess it won't be down in the morning."

Lin Yunyan did not lie down again, but got up to wash up and change clothes. After packing, she went to the main hall.

I'm afraid it's too cold, so Grandma Wang has prepared a hand stove for the Queen Mother.

The empress sat on the edge of the bed, looking better than the previous few days.

"If you are so careful, the Ai family will think that they are in their late teens and 80s," the Queen Mother sighed, "Even if you can't resist for a while, your foundation is still very good."

Lin Yunyan smiled and said: "You have a good foundation, so you can't neglect this recuperation. Otherwise, wouldn't your previous decades of care have been in vain?"

“You’ve explained everything.” The Empress Dowager nodded to Lin Yunyan with a kind smile.

Grandpa Yu is less than the emperor reported: "Just now, the Holy Spirit sent someone to say hello. He said that the Holy Spirit came over at noon and wanted to have lunch with you."

The Queen Mother frowned.

She is a sick old lady. Should the Holy Spirit come over to eat porridge and drink two bowls of medicinal food with her?

 It’s not right!

Besides, she has always loved to eat, so she may be greedy. Yun Yan has been eating in the west side hall these days, and will never be in front of her. Does the Holy Spirit want to come to her to eat delicious food and drink spicy food?


Thinking about it like this, the Empress Dowager's brows relaxed a little. "The Aijia needs to cheer up," she said, "Don't let the Holy One worry about the Aijia's health."

 The other side.

 In the Jinluan Palace, Eunuch Cao just shouted "Retreat from the court."

The Holy Emperor stood up from the dragon chair and walked out of the palace. When he passed by Xu Jian, he paused slightly, glanced at him, and continued walking without saying anything.

This meal was very quick, and the courtiers all bowed their heads to greet the Holy Emperor, almost without noticing.

Li Shao, who was standing at the front, turned around and saw this scene in his eyes.

Looking at the Holy Master's back and then at Xu Jian, Li Shao clicked his tongue lightly.

 After the imperial chariot left, the atmosphere in the palace became more lively.

 Li Shao walked up to Xu Jian and said with his hands behind his back: "My father, what do you want from me? I happened to ask for a meeting in the study room yesterday. Didn't you and my father finish talking?"

Xu Jian lowered his eyes, spoke calmly, and threw back the question: "How could His Highness think so?"

Li Shao was surprised and said, "Didn't my father look at you just now?"

"I didn't notice it," Xu Jian said, and then added, "Thank you for reminding me, Your Highness."

 Li Shao:…

He just saw it and asked, but he didn't expect to eat two soft nails in a row, and he suddenly felt bored.

  Turning around, he said as he walked: "Maybe I saw it wrong."

After Xu Jian sent Li Shao off respectfully, he was about to leave when he was stopped by Liu Jing.

Liu Jing's face was full of worry, and he lowered his voice and said: "Your Highness also has good intentions..."

 Xu Jian did not answer the call.

Liu Jing was not surprised by his indifferent response. He continued: "Why did the Holy Master let you go to Shuntian Mansion before? The Zhu family's case was too involved. Even though it was closed on the surface, I, the Holy Master, was still holding back something in my heart. Awesome."

 Xu Jian pursed her lips.

 In fact, it was Master Shan who lacked a supporter, and he saw through this and made time to go.

The Holy Spirit has mentioned: Just go to Shuntian Mansion and sit down.

Of course, Xu Jian had no intention of telling Liu Jing more about this reason.

However, I still gave some responses more or less.

Xu Jian said: "The Holy One asked me to go, so I went naturally. Can I ask the Holy One why first?"

Liu Jing frowned.

 The taste of soft nails is unpleasant, and Xu Jian was the one who smashed the nails.

Taking a deep breath and trying his best to look as friendly as possible, Liu Jing said: "I care about you too. Does the Lord have any other arrangements? You don't want to go to the Ministry of War to sit, so you have to find a place. You are always idle at a young age. It’s not the same thing.”

The corners of Xu Jian's lips curled up slightly, and the mockery flashed past, and the rest was patiently asking for advice: "In your opinion, Master Liu, where is the best place for me to sit?"

 Liu Jing:…

 This is not asking for advice, this is gunpowder.

"You kid..." Liu Jing took a deep breath.

 This child was already a head taller than him, and Liu Jing even had to raise his head to talk to Xu Jian.

The more he thought about it, the less able he was to lose his temper. Liu Jing was about to blame him, but was interrupted by An Yibo.

The uncle with a dark and sullen face was full of anger and said to Liu Jing: "Master Liu, you as a father are not as careful as you are as a mother."

Liu Jing was stunned for a moment: "How can I say this?"

"Xu Jian has suffered a leg injury. I have been injured before and have some problems. I know that this kind of autumn rainy day is difficult to endure. I have to lie down and hold Tang Pozi to cover it." An Yibo beat his old waist and said, "Stand It’s uncomfortable to hold on!”

 Liu Jing said "ah".

 (End of this chapter)

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