Yan Cigui

Chapter 117: Don’t worry about not being able to win her (please vote for me)

Chapter 117 Don’t worry about not being able to win her (please vote for me)

"If your wife were here, why don't you ask if your legs are uncomfortable?" An Yibo looked at Liu Jing, his tone was merciless, "You didn't think about it at all, pulling him to say so many things."

An Yibo's voice was loud, and the courtiers who had not left the Jinluan Palace all looked over when they heard the sound.

Liu Jing suddenly became the center of attention, and most of his handsome face turned red.

He repeatedly raised his hands to An Yibo and said, "You're right, you're right. It's just that I didn't think about it carefully and didn't think of it."

An Yibo chuckled: "It's not to blame Master Liu. You have never been injured yourself, and Xu Jian was not raised in the Liu family when he was recovering from his injuries. It's so normal that you can't remember it. I envy you, Master Liu, you are still young. When you get to my age, your problems will start to appear, and it will be difficult for you to remember them!"

Liu Jing apologized, and after finishing his laughter, he quickly asked Xu Jian: "How do your legs feel?"

His tone was still very light, and there was no hint of emotion. Xu Jian said: "I was about to go back and lie down and cover myself with Mrs. Tang."

Having said this, Liu Jing could only say: "Then go back quickly."

Of course Xu Jian didn't stay. After bowing to An Yibo, he walked outside.

The sky is still gloomy and the clouds are thick.

 Xu Jian's mood was not that bad.

Liu Jing's little irritation when he stopped him was eliminated by An Yibo's interruption.

 On the contrary, it’s a little funny.

An Yibo has an upright temperament and will say whatever he has to say.

With his face that clearly distinguishes between good and evil, he obviously didn't mean anything yin and yang, but he seemed to be speaking with a sense of cynicism.

 This is also a kind of ability.

 After listening to An Yibo's words, he even felt less uncomfortable in his legs.

As soon as Xu Jian left, Liu Jing left in a hurry.

Going to the yamen to take a half-day off, he hurried to the gate of Nancheng in a sedan chair and stood waiting on the edge regardless of the slippery ground.

After waiting for about two-quarters of an hour, Liu Jing saw his carriage driving in from outside the city, and Liu Jing rushed to greet it.

 The officers and soldiers confirmed the road guide and stopped the car under the city wall.

Liu Jing cleared his throat and looked at the young man who got out of the car. He couldn't stop smiling.

"Father." Liu Xun stood still and saluted.

Liu Jing held his son's shoulders and said, "Let me see, he has grown taller and stronger. It has been a hard journey."

“Why don’t you wait at home?” Liu Xun asked.

"I couldn't wait any longer, so I came here." Liu Jing patted Liu Xun's arm twice more, and then frowned slightly, "Why are you dressed so thin? It's autumn and it's cold!"

Liu Xun said: "It's not that cold. I'm in good health."

Not far behind, there was the sound of horses calling.

 The fast horse stopped next to the carriage, splashing a lot of water.

Liu Xun's clothes and shoes were all wet, and his face suddenly turned ugly. He opened his mouth to ask the person who stopped the horse: "Why did you..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Jing stopped him when he saw the appearance of the person coming.

Liu Jing bowed his hand and said, "Your Highness, the Crown Prince."

Liu Xun hesitated for a moment and swallowed all the curse words on his lips.

Li Shao sat on the horse and glanced at the two of them with lowered eyes: "I was about to leave the city, but I didn't expect to meet Mr. Liu and come to say hello. This..."

Just as Liu Jing was about to introduce him, Li Shao remembered first: "That time when you were there, right? Xu Jian is his brother."

 Liu Xun's shoulders stiffened slightly.

 He doesn’t like this “identity”.

 “Second son” is not nice to hear, and “Xu Jian’s younger brother” is even worse. Xu Jian didn't even bother to come to their Liu family as a son.

  However, no matter how much he had an opinion in his heart, he would not be stupid enough to contradict the prince in person. Fortunately, there was no need for him to speak at this moment, so he just lowered his head and listened to the instructions.

Liu Jing took the prince's words and said: "It is Xiaguan's son who studied at Anlu Academy for the past two years. Thinking that the students who will participate in Enke in the coming year will come to the capital one after another, Xiaguan called him back. You can learn more by competing with candidates from all over the world than staying in the academy.”

“Anlu Academy?” Li Shao thought for a while, “The one by Hengshui?”

Liu Xun then said "yes".

"The Empress Dowager once lived in Hengshui when she was a child. I have heard her tell some stories there before," Li Shao said. "She has been in poor spirits recently. You can go to Cining Palace with me to tell her about Hengshui in the past few days." It sounds like she should be happy."

Liu Jing's eyes lit up and he praised Li Shao: "You are really filial."

Li Shao was willing to hear people praise him, and added: "I didn't get anything from hunting yesterday. I promised to let my father taste the venison I hunted by myself. I will go there again today, and I will leave."

After pinching the horse's belly, Li Shao turned the horse's head and said to Liu Xun: "You stay at home, I will find you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

 The Liu family and his son gave it away.

Li Shao hurried out of the city, followed by guards and chamberlains, and disappeared in a flash.

Liu Jing straightened up with a smile on his face: "You are so lucky. When you meet the Queen Mother later, you..."

As he spoke, he saw the carriage curtain swaying.

“Who else is in the car?” Liu Jing asked hurriedly.

Liu Xun said: "She is my son's maid. When I return to the house, I will ask her to greet you."

 Liu Jing's smile completely disappeared.

 Just a maid, what kind of greeting do you want?

 It is this boy who has hired a girl in the academy for the past two years.

This place is close to the city gate, so Liu Jing can't get angry with him, so he just urges him to get in the car and go back home.

 Liu Xun jumped on the carriage.

Liu Jing glanced inside through the raised car curtain.

 The carriage was darker, so he couldn't see clearly. He could only see a face with a pointed chin, very young.

 After returning to the house and getting off the carriage, Liu Jing could see clearly.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, she has willow eyebrows, red and phoenix eyes, and a mole under her eyes. She speaks in a greasy and crooked voice. She calls herself Yue Niang, and looks at Liu Xun with admiration and ambiguity in her eyes.

 Liu Jing had a severe headache when he saw it.

Liu Xun obviously liked this, and asked Yue Niang to go to his room to pack her luggage while he went to greet his mother.

"There's no hurry," Liu Jing stopped him and took him to the study room first, "What's going on with Yue Niang? How can you bring a girl back to Beijing?"

Liu Xun was puzzled and said: "I'm just a maid, why is my father angry?"

 How can Liu Jing not be angry?

"It doesn't matter if she is really a maid, you can tell at a glance that it's not the case!" Liu Jing said angrily, "How can you choose a wife with a good background for you when you have such a person by your side?"

Liu Xun touched the tip of his nose and muttered: "If you are born well, it is not our turn to choose..."

"You are a failure!" Liu Jing walked back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back and said, "Just now the prince asked you to go into the palace to see the empress dowager. Do you know that Princess Ning'an is in Cining Palace these days? Treating illness?

You behave better and can strike up a conversation with the princess, and you will get to know her naturally.

 I will make better arrangements in the future. You must be good-looking and knowledgeable. How many young men will she recognize?

 As long as you deal with it properly, you don’t have to worry about taking her down!

Hurry up and deal with that Yue Niang. Don't let any news get out, otherwise, all chances will be lost! "

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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