Yan Cigui

Chapter 121: Duck quacks

 Li Shao came quite early.

Almost as soon as he came down from court, he sent someone to find Liu Xun and brought him to Cining Palace.

Grandpa Xiao didn’t recognize Liu Xun. After bowing to Li Shao, he looked at Liu Xun a few more times.

Li Shao said: "The son of Mr. Liu, the minister of Honglu Temple, has just returned from Anlu Academy. I brought him to pay my respects to the Empress Dowager."

Grandpa Yu is the younger brother and he quickly calls out "Mr. Liu".

How could Liu Xun be so presumptuous in Cining Palace, and Li Shao's explanation of his identity today was not as heart-wrenching as it was yesterday. His smile was warm and well-behaved.

Lin Yunyan just came out of the west side hall and turned around to see these two people.

Almost subconsciously, she frowned slightly.

 The prince and Liu Xun?

How did these two people get together?

 The next moment, his eyebrows relaxed, and there was no longer any emotion on his face.

Lin Yunyan stood there and waited for the prince to look over, then she bowed.

When Li Shao saw her, he opened his mouth and asked, "I forgot you were here these days. Is the venison delivered yesterday enough?"

"That's enough, most of it went into my stomach," Lin Yuntan said very directly, "My wife is ill and can't eat oily food. I can only smell the aroma, which is easier for me."

 The other party is a prince, with a unique identity.

  There may be many contradictions in the future, and there may be many places where we need to make excuses.

 On a box of venison, Lin Yunyan did not say polite words to Li Shao.

Li Shao obviously did not expect this answer. He was stunned for a while and muttered: "If that's the case, wouldn't it make the Empress Dowager unhappy if I give it to you..."

 Lin Yunyan added: "My Majesty is very concerned about it. If Your Highness is interested, he can only send you venison after your Majesty is healthy."

Li Shao heard that it made sense, so he no longer thought about yesterday's venison and continued to the main hall.

 Behind him, Liu Xun had been sizing up Lin Yunyan.

 Previously he thought that the princess's little girl had the same bean sprouts as his sister.

When he saw her today, he knew that he was wrong.

 Princess Ning'an is very beautiful, with watery eyes, and sweet eyes even if she doesn't smile.

After growing up, the facial features will become more and more outstanding.

As for that slim and voluptuous figure, now you can only see the shadow of it, and it will become more prominent in a few years.

Even if he has a noble status and cannot learn the charming charm that wraps around his fingers, just having this face is enough to make him feel relaxed and happy.

 The more he thought about it, the faster Liu Xun's heart beat.

  He did not fully agree with what his father said, but he still listened to some of it.

If he can win the heart of Princess Ning'an, then whether he studies or becomes an official, he will follow the Qingyun Road.

 Originally it was just for a future, but now it is different, he is sincere.

Liu Xun bowed his hands and faced Lin Yunyan with a harmless and respectful smile. He bowed and saluted: "Liu Xun, I have met the princess."

Lin Yunyan’s eyes darkened.

 A chill came from the back of the neck, and the hairs stood on end.

Why is this Liu Xun so different from her impression?

Liu Xun, whom Lin Yunyan recognized, looked decent on the surface, but in fact he behaved very frivolously.

 Having the same father and mother as Xu Jian, Liu Xun also deserves to be called "handsome".

Xu Jian is more like her mother, and she grew up next to the old man. After practicing martial arts, her facial features look more heroic.

Liu Xun Xiao's father, with a bookish air in his movements, looks like this on weekdays, but Lin Yunyan accidentally saw him teasing the maid in Liu's house...

Twice more, she noticed explicit glances falling on her. When she turned her head, Liu Xun's face remained as usual, that serious look.

If she hadn't seen Liu Xun teasing the maid, Lin Yunyan would have wondered whether she felt wrong.

That's true, if the book falls into the oil barrel, the oil rat is not as disgusting as him. Because of Xu Jian's relationship, Lin Yunyan didn't have much affection for the Liu family and his son. After that, she felt more and more that Liu Xun was like a messy, privately printed and misspelled storybook, and even gave it the cover of a sage's book.

 Inside, outside, left and right, there is no match.

 However, Liu Xun, who was so bad in his impression, is not in his current situation.

 Liu Xun did not show the slightest bit of arrogance, but instead seemed polite and courteous.

The cover of the book of sages, which is extremely inappropriate on the outside, seems to be able to fit it.

After thinking about it, Lin Yunyan asked deliberately: "The prince asked Mr. Liu to come to Cining Palace just to stand here?"

 Liu Xun was slightly startled.

The tone of the princess's words was not really good.

However, when she spoke to His Highness the Crown Prince, she was direct and direct. This is probably the spoiled temper of this delicate lady.

 Pampered, with a taste of pampering.

Liu Xun's smile did not change and his tone remained unchanged: "Your Highness asked me to come down and talk to the Queen Mother about Anlu Academy."

Lin Yunyan watched him respond, and she suddenly knew what was going on.

 Once upon a time, she was Xu Jian’s wife and Liu Xun’s sister-in-law.

 Liu Xun deliberately used that kind of explicitness to provoke her in order to anger Xu Jian.

If she was unsure about the situation and complained to Xu Jian, once Xu Jian angered Liu Xun, the guy would hit Xu Jian in turn with "nonsense talk."

Now, she is just the princess of Ning'an and a favorite.

 Even if she deliberately said something unpleasant, Liu Xun would endure it because he wanted to please her.

 Can you make such a calculation...

Lin Yunyan thought that Liu Jing probably didn’t have many people to give him advice in recent years.

Stepping back slightly, Lin Yunyan winked at Eunuch Yu.

Less than the father-in-law wanted, he took two steps closer to her.

Lin Yunyan suppressed her voice, but not completely: "Why does his voice sound like a duck's quacking?"

The younger father-in-law's eyes suddenly widened.

Of course Liu Xun heard it, and his handsome face turned as red as a monkey's **** in an instant.

How could Eunuch-in-law know that Lin Yunyan was looking for trouble? He desperately wanted to smooth things over: "I'm afraid the princess doesn't know, but the young man will be like this for a while. It'll be fine after that..."

"My wife said that her head felt swollen when she woke up in the morning," Lin Yunyan pursed her lips, "Mr. Liu went in and talked about it. I'm afraid my wife will be even more uncomfortable."

 Grandpa Yu is less than hesitant: "This..."

What the princess said is not unreasonable, but His Highness the Crown Prince...

Lin Yunyan glanced sideways at Liu Xun and said, "Wait here, I'll go in and talk to the prince."

After saying this, Lin Yunyan turned around and entered the main hall.

The prince was greeting the empress dowager in the bedroom. When he heard footsteps, he turned his head and glanced.

 “Why didn’t Liu Xun come in?” he asked.

"Your Highness also said," Lin Yunyan walked to the Queen Mother's bed, "Your Highness has a very good heart and is extremely filial. He just doesn't care about the beginning or end of things."

Li Shao frowned and subconsciously wanted to refute, but he heard the two extremely pleasant words "the heart is very good" and "extremely filial", and his brows gradually relaxed.

Although there was some disapproval in his tone, it did not come out. Li Shao asked: "Why did Ning'an say this?"

 Thanks to book friends Xiangxiangya, Xiaoyuan, and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the tips, and thanks to Bookstore book friends celestial Li and Wanran Ziyan for the tips.

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