Yan Cigui

Chapter 122: He is also a duck

Chapter 122 He is also a duck

The Queen Mother glanced at Lin Yunyan in surprise.

Yun Yan is not impatient and speaks tactfully.

That is, when she is acting coquettishly and amusingly, she will deliberately say some unpleasant words.

Just kidding, it’s interesting how little girls behave like this.

Moreover, Yun Yan knows the scale very well and can make people laugh or cry. She feels a little helpless and angry, but when she thinks about it, it only remains funny.

 This is Yun Yan’s ability.

Nowadays, Jiao is Jiao, and Wei is also Wei.

The Queen Mother did not think that Lin Yunyan would joke with Li Shao for no reason.

 The relationship between this pair of "brothers and sisters" is far worse than that of A Cang and A Yun before.

 Not even familiar.

The abnormality of Yun Yan is...

 There must be a reason for Yun Yan.

The Empress Dowager's mind was racing rapidly and she didn't speak a word.

Listen to what Yun Yan has to say first. If what she says is wrong, or if Li Shaojuan has a bad temper and can't listen, it's not too late for her to smooth things over.

Lin Yunyan said: "You know that I like meat and fish. I hunted a deer yesterday and specially asked someone to bring it to me. This was out of filial piety, but you ignored that I couldn't eat it because I was ill and could only smell the smell." I’m so greedy.”

Li Shao snorted lightly, wasn't this what was said outside just now?

Lin Yunyan said again: "You know that Mr. Liu came back from Anlu Academy and specially asked him to come to see the empress and talk to her about Hengshui to make her happy. This is also a sign of filial piety, but you didn't expect that the empress is recovering from her illness. , we all speak softly, but Mr. Liu is talking like a duck these days."

 Li Shao:…

 Duck quacks?

What's the meaning?

 Liu Xun’s voice hurts the ears so much?

 He didn’t hear it.

 "Mother, I..." Li Shao wanted to explain a few words to the Queen Mother, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he couldn't continue.

Well, he is also a duck!

No wonder he didn't feel uncomfortable listening to Liu Xun's words.

 Lin Yunyan said this, but it was all reasonable and well-founded, and Li Shao couldn't help it.

He was reluctant to bow his head and admit his mistakes. After all, they were all trivial matters.

But he tried to block Ning'an with words, but he was unreasonable.

The Empress Dowager noticed Li Shao's difficulty in advancing or retreating, so she built a ladder first.

Hmming back a smile and giving Lin Yunyan a look, the Empress Dowager pretended to blame her and said, "She's very sharp-tongued."

Then, she said to Li Shao: "The Ai family knows that the prince is filial, and Yun Yan is also worried about the health of the Ai family. The two of you, one is the grandson of the Ai family, and the other is the grandniece of the Ai family. The younger generation will all worry about it." The Ai family is so happy."

Lin Yunyan said softly: "You are happy, you are happy, you have to get better soon."

This is true.

Li Shao wanted to agree, but he held back his lips and nodded quickly.

Lin Yunyan asked Li Shao again: "When the empress is healthy, will your Highness go hunting for a deer?"

Li Shao nodded again and again.

Lin Yunyan rolled her eyes and laughed. She knelt down next to the Queen Mother and said, "You often praise His Highness for his filial piety, not only for His Majesty, but also for your thoughtfulness towards you and the Imperial Concubine. You are absolutely right in praising me."

This ladder is not only strong, but also made of the best quality wood, well made, carefully polished, and coated with three coats of good varnish.

Hearing this, Li Shao felt the remaining discomfort in his heart dissipate.

 Ning An was not targeting him. He was just presenting facts and reasoning, and he really considered these two things superficially.

There was no look of dissatisfaction on his face, but on the contrary, he was cheerful.

He didn't say a word, but made a lot of gestures with his hands, which meant that he would definitely come back from hunting a stronger and more powerful deer.

Since he could not speak, Li Shao finished his gesture and stood up to leave. Lin Yunyan sent him out of the main hall.

 In the yard, Liu Xun stood politely. Perhaps he was shocked by the duck's call. He did not talk to Eunuch Yu who was beside him.

Just looking at his stance, he looked somewhat gentlemanly, but the hand behind his back was firmly clenched into a fist, revealing his true mood at the moment.

 Anxious, uneasy, uneasy.

Seeing Li Shao come out of the palace, those emotions flashed through Liu Xun's eyes. Li Shao's mind was not on these and he couldn't see the situation, but Lin Yunyan could see it clearly.

Lin Yunyan bowed slightly and said deliberately: "Your Highness, walk slowly."

 Liu Xun was stunned.

 He hasn’t seen the Queen Mother yet, so why is he already leaving?

 Princess Ning'an actually convinced the prince?

Judging from the prince's expression, there seemed to be no trace of unhappiness.

Liu Xun hurriedly asked: "Your Highness, don't you need to talk to the Queen Mother about Hengshui anymore?"

 Following his words, Li Shao's brows furrowed tightly.

Ning An didn’t realize it even if he didn’t say it, but now that he listens to it, it’s really like a duck quacking.

If we say that Li Shao is a duck, Liu Xun's speech is like three ducks in one act.

 “Forget it, let’s do it next time.” Li Shao even disliked himself at the moment, and strode outside Cining Palace without saying another word to Liu Xun.

Since Liu Xun came with the prince, he could not stay any longer at this moment. He could only bow to Lin Yunyan and follow Li Shao.

Lin Yunyan watched the two people leave.

 It seems that Li Shao and Liu Xun are not very familiar with each other. They may have just been involved.

If these two people get together, nothing good will happen in the future in all likelihood.

Of course there is no possibility of settling the matter at the same time, so we have to support Li Shao, step on Liu Xun, and divide them several times. Conflicts will naturally arise between them.

However, time is really a wonderful thing.

Li Shao today is not the Li Shao who sat on the small throne, let alone the Li Shao who acted as an agent for the government and covered the sky with one hand.

 That’s why her words will be effective.

 On the other side, Liu Xun followed Li Shao on the long palace road.

He wanted to ask the reason several times, but he never asked.

 Coming to Cining Palace today, in order to please the Empress Dowager and get close to Princess Ning'an, Liu Xun was forced to prepare for a long time in front of his father last night.

Liu Xun wrote ten pieces of paper about Anlu Academy and Hengshui, how to evoke the memory of the Empress Dowager, and what points would make the princess interesting to listen to. Liu Xun wrote a full ten pieces of paper, and after his father revised and polished it, Backward and backward.

It’s not even a matter of memorizing it. The storytelling has the rhythm and ups and downs of storytelling, and the tone and tone are all key points. Liu Xun was modified and polished little by little, and it was not until halfway through the third update that he barely passed the test.

I thought I was ready, but I didn’t expect that when I entered Cining Palace, I stood in the courtyard for a while and then went back again, without showing my ability at all.

What is the difference between this and entering the examination room, writing furiously, only to learn that the examiner will not mark the paper at all, and even the competition has been cancelled?

 Liu Xun was too unwilling.

The palace road turned right ahead. When he turned around, he took another look at the place he was going.

 Several people arrived outside Cining Palace.

One of them is wearing a bright yellow robe, and he is undoubtedly a saint. There is a person dressed as a chamberlain beside him, and his identity is easy to recognize.

 Behind the Holy Sage, there was a tall man.

 Liu Xun recognized him at a glance.

That person is undoubtedly Xu Jian.

 Then, he saw Xu Jian walking into Cining Palace.

 (End of this chapter)

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