Yan Cigui

Chapter 123: Honesty is an excellent moral character

As soon as he entered Cining Palace, Eunuch Cao was afraid of disturbing the Queen Mother's rest, so he did not announce loudly, but looked around with a smile.

At this glance, Lin Yunyan and Eunuch Yu were standing in the corridor talking.

The two people also noticed someone coming and looked up.

As soon as he saw the imperial chariot, he hurried forward to his father-in-law and bowed respectfully.

Lin Yunyan blinked.

Why did Xu Jian come here with Sheng Shang?

 What day is it today? First the prince called Liu Xun, and now...

Lin Yunyan blessed herself and bowed to the Holy One.

The Holy See seemed to be in a good mood. Lin Yunyan was stopped by him as soon as she knelt down and asked casually: "Why are you talking outside?"

Lin Yunyan then replied: "You came a little late, and His Royal Highness just left."

"Shao'er came to say hello to the Empress Dowager?" the Holy Master asked, and then introduced to Lin Yunyan, "This is Duke Fuguo."

Lin Yunyan's eyes naturally fell on Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian was wearing court clothes. He must have been summoned by the Holy Emperor as soon as he came to court, and now he came together again.

It’s been cold these days, and the court clothes look like they’re wind-proof, but they’re not really keeping you warm.

 Speaking of which, she rarely saw Xu Jian standing.

Before, I couldn't stand up, but after that, most people were sitting down a few times, but even though she saw less, Lin Yunyan could still see some clues.

 Xu Jian's two legs were not evenly stressed. Most of his body weight fell on his left leg, while his right leg only touched the ground.

 There is no force, most likely because it is cold and uncomfortable.

Thinking about this, Lin Yunyan frowned slightly.

In front of the Holy Emperor, of course Lin Yunyan would not say "The Duke is in good health", but only said greetings in a polite manner.

 Xu Jian returned the favor.

The little princess's displeasure showed in her eyebrows, of course, could not escape his eyes, and he could also guess the reason for her displeasure.

His legs did not feel very comfortable when he woke up this morning. Just like An Yibo said, anyone who has been injured will inevitably feel like this in this season.

Xu Jian could bear it and would not delay the court meeting because of such discomfort, but she felt a little irritable in her heart.

 No young person would like their old and cold legs.

 In the blink of an eye, it seems like most of my life has disappeared.

But now, seeing Lin Yunyan looking like she wants to have an attack but can't, and wants to nag but can't nag...

 The annoyance disappeared, and there was even a bit of fun.

The Holy Emperor intended to let Xu Jian have more contact with Lin Yunyan, so he walked inside first. As he walked, he said to Lin Yunyan: "I came a little late and didn't meet Shao'er. I want to say a few words to the Queen Mother first..."

Lin Yunyan did not follow, but just said: "Your Highness came with Mr. Liu."

 The Holy Emperor did not answer the question: "Which Mr. Liu?"

Lin Yunyan replied: "The son of Mr. Liu, the minister of Honglu Temple."

 The Holy Spirit was surprised.

As far as he knew, Li Shao and Liu Jing's son had no connection, so how could he bring him to Cining Palace?

Looking at Xu Jian's expression again, not surprisingly, the Holy Master saw some alienation and rejection in Xu Jian.

 The relationship between Xu Jian and the Liu family was particularly awkward and stiff.

 The Holy Spirit asked: “What is he here to do?”

Lin Yunyan 1510. Tell the story exactly as it is.

 Liu Xun, who was like a duck, couldn't even enter the main hall.

Eunuch Cao wanted to laugh but didn't dare, so he had to endure it.

He looked at the Holy One, who couldn't laugh or cry. Then he looked at the Duke of Fu, okay? The Duke of Fu was gloating about the misfortune and didn't hide it at all.

Seeing that Xu Jian was quite happy, the emperor became less and less able to blame Lin Yunyan for having a "bad temper". Instead, he asked Xu Jian seriously: "Is his words so irritating?"

 Xu Jian thought about it and was also realistic.

"To be honest, I haven't seen him for more than a year. I don't know what his condition is now, but His Highness the Crown Prince agrees that his voice is harsh, so it must be unmistakable." After Xu Jian said this, he paused slightly and continued. He went on to say, "To be more truthful, I am not in harmony with him. No matter what he says, I will feel pricked in my ears."

Your Holiness:… Honesty is an excellent virtue.

 At this point, the Holy Father has always admired Xu Jian.

At the age, he has gently inherited the jue, and has no habit of speaking and ghost words for many years in officialdom.

 Xu Jian doesn’t know how to do that? The Holy Spirit didn't think so, Xu Jian was just used to walking straight.

 It is even more rare to speak straightforwardly and know how to deal with people.

 As the king of a country, he was still willing to listen to Xu Jian's truth.

  It makes the Holy Father feel much more comfortable to speak out clearly about the quarrel between the brothers, than to pretend to be brothers and sisters with all the flowers and flowers on the surface, and finally reveal the life-and-death and smoky atmosphere.

Furthermore, the Holy One just wants to draw a red line today. Ning An's words can make Xu Jian happy, which is also a good start.

With these thoughts in mind, the Holy Emperor entered the bedroom with a smile and greeted the Empress Dowager.

The Queen Mother also smiled: "All together? Shao'er just left not long ago."

"I heard what Ning'an said," the Holy Master said, "Shao'er did something he thought was wrong, and it was not appropriate. I will apologize to you on his behalf."

“Your Majesty, please don’t apologize on his behalf,” the Empress Dowager snorted, “Shaoer agreed to the Ai family’s request and hunted a deer again. Your Majesty, the Ai family asked who wanted the deer?”

The Holy Spirit laughed.

 Just these two sentences, let’s forget about Li Shao.

“I’m leaving Xu Jian and Ning An outside,” said the Holy Master, “so that they can get familiar with each other.”

 The Empress Dowager smiled.

 Whether you can be familiar with it or not, that’s two things to say first.

However, since they were brought by the Holy Spirit, Yun Yan would not be able to chase them away even if the duck quacks.

She said to Grandma Wang, "Let Duke Fu come in later, and the Ai family can meet him."

 Under the corridor outside the palace, Lin Yunyan was still talking to Eunuch Yu.

 Grandpa Xiao had a smile on his face, but he was quite anxious.

 He knows the intention of the Holy One.

Your Majesty wanted to give the princess a chance to get to know the Duke of Fu, so of course Eunuch Yu had to cooperate, but the princess wouldn't let him get away.

He must resolve this situation, otherwise, wouldn’t it appear that he is very incompetent?

Grandfather-in-law Yu was thinking quickly and spoke directly to Xu Jian: "Master Guo, don't blame me for being troublesome.

It’s getting colder today. You go to court every day. Can your legs adapt?

The princess has been feeling very uncomfortable these days and rarely moves around. The princess cared about the princess and sewed a pair of leg wraps for her to keep warm.

As a reference, you can also try to get someone to make a pair to wear? "

 After saying that, Mr. Yu Yu glanced at Lin Yunyan.

 He threw the brick.

With the princess’s intelligence and gentle temperament, she should be able to talk to the Duke about the leg binding.

 Say a few words to get more familiar with it.

Who knows, the princess slowly did not answer the call. Instead, the auxiliary Duke said, "Why do you have the nerve to trouble the princess?"

 It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, the tone is very offensive anyway.

The princess didn't hit anyone, she just glanced sideways at Duke Fu: "Gong Fu is standing firm, and he didn't notice that he has cold legs like the concubine."

 Hangxi cannot offend each other, so Mr. Yu smiled dryly.

 The bricks he threw did not lead to any jade, so they were shattered into powder.

Gently, Xu Jian moved his numb right leg.

I gave the little princess a chance to say something, so she can stop nagging her...

 It’s not easy to do it in the cold weather.


I originally wanted to make up for it this week, but it’s really bad. Something happened to me and I had to go to the hospital several times...

 I will keep updating normally and cover my face.

 Thanks to book friends Le Sanye and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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