Yan Cigui

Chapter 126: It's a beautiful thought

 In the bedroom.

Lin Yunyan's voice was soft and gentle, and she spoke her thoughts slowly.

The Queen Mother did not interrupt, but listened patiently and observed Lin Yunyan's emotions that naturally emerged after her words.

 A young girl’s thoughts and worries about marriage, husband, and uncertain future.

 For a moment, the Queen Mother saw the shadow of Shen Yun on Lin Yunyan.

 Speaking of which, she has more experience in raising girls than raising sons.

Shen Yun, Li Qi, and Lin Yunyan were all brought up by her.

A lot of things that Yun Yan is thinking about today were also considered by A Yun and A Qi in the past.

 However, there seems to be some differences in it.

Yun Yan sees it more clearly.

 There is less shyness and no extra expectations.

 Subconsciously, the Queen Mother raised her hand and stroked Lin Yunyan's forehead.

 Mostly, I was shocked by what happened in the past few months.

How many girls' families can be made timid about "marrying" by a **** from Duke Xu's mansion and a beheaded member of the Zhu family?

"The orders of my parents and the words of the matchmaker," Lin Yunyan said softly, "You know, it's not that I won't fight for myself, nor that I'm born rebellious. The elders picked me and shook my head, but I really don't know a few people my age. A suitable gentleman.

There are so many good men in the capital. If you let me choose at will, all I have to do is draw lots to see who I catch.

However, I also know that no matter you, grandma or father, the person you decide on with me must be the one you think is best. "

The Empress Dowager laughed at her talk of drawing lots, and sighed: "Then you should tell the Ai family, how many of them do you know?"

 “I recognized two of them today.” Lin Yunyan laughed.

These words closed the circle again.

The Queen Mother's thoughts suddenly changed and she could also hear what Lin Yunyan meant.

 She does not reject Xu Jian, and her attitude towards Xu Jian's brother is very different.

Such differential treatment made the Queen Mother curious: Are the Liu family's sons really that bad?

It was the first time I recognized someone who had no grievances and no grudges. If it was just a duck quacking, with Yun Yan's temper, she probably wouldn't drive people away directly.

Perhaps that person made Yun Yan feel uncomfortable as soon as he came up?

"The Ai family understands," the Empress Dowager clapped Lin Yunyan's hand and said, "There is no rush in this matter. Even if the Holy Father speaks, there is no reason for it to be determined just after we met. Marriage matters need to be discussed by many parties. Let's take our time. Come."

Lin Yunyan nodded naturally.

Thinking of Xu Jiangang's indifferent look in front of the Empress Dowager, Lin Yunyan's thoughts moved and she said: "We are all thinking about this matter, and His Majesty is also very enthusiastic, but no one asked Duke Fu what he thought. Maybe Duke Fu has no such idea at all. ?”

The Queen Mother snorted softly.

Xia Qinglue's unreliable discovery was not revealed, but the Queen Mother sided with Lin Yunyan without hesitation.

 What thoughts, what ideas?

Yun Yan is her sweetheart, no matter who wants to marry Yun Yan, they must show their sincerity.

  When the two parties see each other and talk about getting married, the man takes the initiative and the woman does not have to worry about it.

 Let her see if Xu Jian has this intention and sincerity, and then consider the next step.

Seeing that the Queen Mother looked a little sleepy, Lin Yunyan stood up and left, going back to the West Side Hall first.

The Queen Mother closed her eyes to rest her mind, but her thoughts did not stop. She called Eunuch Yu and asked, "What happened to the son of the Liu family? No one is seen in the Ai family. What do you think of him? Why does Yun Yan feel so disgusted?"

   Grandpa Yue hesitated for a moment.

The Empress Dowager did not press, but was obviously waiting for his answer.

  After sorting out his words, Eunuch Yu said: "After all, we are from the same mother and father. Let's just say that the facial features are not much inferior to those of Duke Fu, but the growth path is different, and the temperament displayed is quite different.

 The Duke of Fu Guo holds a high position and is often in front of the imperial court, so he is naturally more mature and courageous than his peers. Mr. Liu is still studying and has not experienced court. Even if he is well behaved, he still looks immature.

Obviously there is only one year difference between the two brothers, which gives the impression that one is young and promising, while the other is looking forward to the future. "

 The Queen Mother nodded slightly.

   It can be heard that Mr. Yu has done his best without offending each other, and he even praises His Majesty.

"Here are Aijia, Grandma Wang, and you," the Queen Mother pointed at him, "It doesn't matter if it sounds harsh, just say it."

"Earlier Mr. Liu and the princess saluted, and there was nothing wrong with the rules, but..." Mr. Yu paused, and then said the most honest words, "The flattery was too strong."

 The Empress Dowager's eyelids opened.

 She is as well-informed as she is, so she can understand.

 How a person's character is will be more or less reflected in his behavior.

Some people are more humane and can tolerate it. They are not lacking in compliments and flattery, and they do not make others feel the slightest bit offended. This is actually a kind of skill.

However, there are also some people who do not practice well enough and are eager to show off their actions, which makes people very bored.

 That boy from the Liu family is the latter type.

 Thinking again of Liu Jing’s Qingyun Road…

It is not difficult for the Empress Dowager to guess that Liu Jing probably hoped that his son would learn from him and get closer to marrying a noble girl.

 It’s just that pleasing a woman is easy to say, but not necessarily easy to do.

The boy from the Liu family wanted to please Yun Yan, but it backfired and made Yun Yan disgusted.

 “It’s a beautiful thought.” The Empress Dowager muttered.

 Thinking about Xu Jian, whom Yun Yan mentioned earlier, she was also choked by Yun Yan...

 What Xu Jian said was actually not very appropriate, and it was not innocent to be choked.

But he said it casually, and he didn't feel offended if he got choked, and he didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​being offended by those who choked him.

From this point of view, we should indeed say "the eyes are closed".

In the other room, outside the West Palace Gate, Liu Xun stood hesitantly on the edge of the square.

 Until now, Liu Xun’s head is still buzzing.

On the way out of the palace, Li Shao walked very fast, with no intention of talking at all, and did not let Liu Xun speak. After leaving the palace gate, he got on his horse and ran away without a trace, leaving Liu Xun here alone.

Liu Xun was not willing to go back like this, so he stayed here, thinking repeatedly to himself: No matter what, he had to find out when Xu Jian would leave the palace.

 After waiting like this, no one was seen for almost half an hour.

 After thinking about it again, he finally understood.

Since Xu Jian followed Shengshang to Cining Palace, he will definitely leave with Shengshang. When he leaves the palace, he will use the Nangong Gate.

I don’t know what Xu Jian did when he went to Cining Palace.

The princess of Ning'an actually didn't even give the prince face, but she certainly didn't dare not give the prince face.

With these thoughts going over and over in his mind, Liu Xun became more and more irritable. The cold wind was blowing in his face, and he couldn't help but sneeze several times.

 It was very cold, so Liu Xun just had to go home first.

 Liu Jing has taken a break today and is waiting for him in the study.

Seeing his son come back, he hurriedly asked: "How is it?"

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