Yan Cigui

Chapter 127: I admire her very much (please vote for me)

 Liu Xun did not answer.

Looking at Liu Jing's earnest expression, he only thought of his childhood.

At that time, my father had just been transferred to Honglu Temple and was extremely busy with official duties. He often came back in the middle of the night and went to the Yamen again at dawn, which was extremely hard.

Father didn’t have time to catch up on his homework, so he let the teachers in the academy keep an eye on it.

Only every monthly exam, when his father sees him, he will ask him: "How is it?"

 Liu Xun doesn't like to be asked.

His homework is not bad, but it is still far from what his father requires.

 The same is true now.

Liu Xun even felt that he did not go to Cining Palace, but just came back from the examination room.

Seeing that Liu Xun didn't answer and his face didn't look good, Liu Jing pursed his lips.

 Could it be that the story he polished for his son failed to attract the empress dowager and the princess?

 Or did Xun'er not perform well?

 “How is it?” he asked.

Liu Xun moved his lips and said in a loud voice: "I didn't see the Queen Mother."

Liu Jing was startled when he heard this.

Liu Xun told the story again and said: "The princess is very strange. I don't know where I offended him. She scolded me for talking like a duck. She even convinced the prince and the empress dowager."

Having said this, Liu Jing shook his head in annoyance.

His own son, he didn’t think there was anything wrong with the sound, so he ignored it.

This is not a coincidence either.

 Having it half a year earlier or half a year later, maybe you won’t encounter such an embarrassing situation.

If it was unfavorable, although Liu Jing was also unhappy, he did not hit Liu Xun. He only asked: "What do you see the county master?"

 The angry expression on Liu Xun's face suddenly faded and he said: "He looks good, but his temper is really bad."

Liu Jing laughed: "Girl, it's not surprising to have a bit of a temper."

As long as Liu Xun is interested in the princess, Liu Jing can convince him to continue looking for a solution.

“The throat problem is temporary,” he said. “I’ll look for opportunities next time.”

Liu Xun said, "Without the prince to lead the way, I wouldn't have been able to reach Cining Palace. That's right, we had just left, and the saint came up. I saw Xu Jian following the saint with my own eyes."

 “He went to Cining Palace?” Liu Jing took a breath.

 He has been increasingly unable to understand Xu Jian recently.

First he resigned from the Ministry of War, then went to Shuntian Mansion to sit there for a few days, and now he went to Cining Palace...

 What is the Holy Spirit planning?

"He is disabled!" Liu Jing patted Liu Xun on the shoulder and said, "The Holy See took care of him because of his injury, but he can't do anything and can only be idle.

 You are different, you can still get fame and pursue an official career..."

Liu Xun lowered his eyes, listened with his left ear, and went out with his right ear.

 What about idleness?

  Idleness is also the rule of the country.

Having spent your whole life in an official career, can you be a duke of the country?

After Liu Jing finished consoling her, he suddenly thought of the charming woman again and asked, "That bitch, have you sent her away?"

Liu Xun shrank his neck, and seeing his father staring at him, he choked out: "My name is Yue Niang."

 “Have you sent him away?” Liu Jing would not be led astray by him.

 “She is no longer in the house.” Liu Xun said.

 This point, he did not lie to Liu Jing.

His father had warned her so carefully, if he still kept Yue Niang in the house, he would probably have his father tie her up in a sack and send her out of the city.

Therefore, even though he was reluctant to give up, Liu Xun still arranged for the person to go outside.

It's not too far, just two streets away from here.

Yue Niang is very sensible and doesn’t cry or make trouble. She just doesn’t want him to be in trouble...

 When Liu Jing saw him acting like this, he knew that it was not a clean break.

"The princess has a bad impression of you. If you hear any more rumors," he insisted, "you must listen to me and don't have any contact with that woman again!"

 Kao Enke’s students will come to Beijing one after another in the coming year. You should make more friends with them.

There are many societies and poetry societies in Beijing in the past few months. You should show up more often and build up a good reputation so that you can enter the Imperial College next spring.

 You have to take this path smoothly first. ”     Talented scholar and beautiful woman.

Once you have a reputation for talent, are you afraid that you won't be able to attract the attention of the princess?

Eight poles can’t hit one piece?

As long as the arrangements are made, it would be strange if we can’t get together even if we fight with ten poles or twenty poles!

 In the imperial study room at this moment, the Holy Master was holding a teacup and taking a sip.

 After drinking the hot tea, my fatigue dissipated a lot.

 He glanced at Xu Jian.

 After returning from Cining Palace, Eunuch Cao noticed that Xu Jian's legs were not feeling well, so he mentioned it to him.

The Holy Spirit simply found an excuse to let Xu Jian stay in the imperial study room for a while and cover it with the stove. It would be better.

“Do you know why I asked you to go to Cining Palace together?” the Holy Master asked.

Xu Jian raised his head when he heard the sound and said, "I have some guesses, but I'm not sure."

 “Oh?” The Holy Father motioned for him to continue.

"You want to choose a guest of honor for the princess," Xu Jian said with a bit of hesitation in her tone, "Isn't this minister a suitable candidate?"

Such words made the Holy Spirit feel even more guilty.

"Is there anything suitable or inappropriate?" The Holy Sage sighed, "I just ask you, how do you feel about peace and tranquility?"

Xu Jian pretended to think, and then added: "The princess is very smart to win the favor of you and the Queen Mother. Given her situation, she has many choices."

 The Holy Father raised his eyebrows.

 Unexpectedly, Xu Jian still had something to say later.

"If Liu Xun had not come to Cining Palace today, I would only have said the words mentioned above." Xu Jian paused, and when he spoke again, the hesitation disappeared, "But even he dares to think of the princess. Instead of feeling wronged The princess went to listen to the ducks, so she had better be active. After all, even if the leg is injured, it will not delay daily walking. "

 The Holy Father sat up straight.

Liu Xunxiao wants Ning'an?

Didn’t Liu Xun get sent away by Ning An without even seeing the Empress Dowager?


If Liu Xun's evil thoughts hadn't been discovered by Ning An, he wouldn't have been treated like this.

Thinking of Liu Xun and Liu Jing, the Holy Father opened his mouth to say, "It's impossible for me to marry Ning An to the Liu family sincerely, and you don't have to argue with Liu Xun about this." However, after thinking about it, Xu Jian felt that it was inappropriate for him to be more active. Matching intention?

As soon as the words passed through his throat, the Holy Spirit changed his words again: "I hope you will sincerely move towards peace."

Xu Jian smiled softly.

"The princess is very interesting. She doesn't even give the prince face. I admire her very much."

“The princess’s eyesight is not bad, she can see people clearly.”

“If you want to make a match, I’ll give it to you. You haven’t convinced the Queen Mother yet, have you?”

Your Majesty:…

 Honestity is indeed very honest, but sometimes what I say is not so pleasing to the ear.

Pressing his eyebrows, the Holy Master said smoothly: "You said it lightly, why don't you let Uncle Chengyi nod first?"

Xu Jian actually wanted to leave, but never found the opportunity.

At this moment, there was an excuse, and he said: "Then I will go and show my goodwill to Uncle Chengyi."

 After saying that, the person stood up, bowed and left.

Neither did Sheng Shangliu, nor did he stay, so he had no choice but to shake his head and motion for him to exit.

 Xu Jian walked out of the imperial study room.

 The cold wind hit his face, and he woke up.

He has not properly communicated with Uncle Cheng Yi about what happened in the previous six years of the king's life.

Just take this opportunity to talk about things with integrity and sincerity.

 Shout for the monthly ticket.

 When my condition gets better, I will refill it as soon as possible and cover my face.

Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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