Yan Cigui

Chapter 129: It was a joyful conversation to seek common ground while reserving differences.

Lin Yu’s face was not very good.

It sounds okay if he doesn't use the words he wants to reject; a ready-made reason is supposed to be better.

If it weren't for the last sentence, he thought, he would be able to accept it.

 Unfortunately, Duke Fu mentioned Liu Xun.

Helping yourself up by belittling Liu Xun?

Lin Yu didn’t think so.

Even though they are brothers from the same father and mother, as soon as the younger brother entered Cining Palace, he was choked out by Yun Yan, which shows his character.

How can you use this method to clear the way for your country?

 The Duke of Guo was just reminding him.

 After all, Xu Jian knows better than anyone what kind of person Liu Jing is and what happened to him marrying the daughter of the duke.

To be fair, Lin Yu thought, he couldn't be like the old Mr. Guo, who would help his aunt.

 The half-son is also a son. If he can help, he will help.

As long as my uncle treats Yun Yan well and sincerely.

 But his willingness to help does not mean that he is willing to let others deliberately plot against Yun Yan.

 Especially those with criminal records like the Liu family.

With Yun Yan’s background, appearance, and character, what kind of good son can’t be chosen in the world? Do you have to go and get plotted against?

 He doesn’t even pay attention to the noble auxiliary of the country...


Lin Yu took a breath and looked at Xu Jian calmly.

 Putting aside prejudice and pickiness, Xu Jian is indeed an outstanding young student, and the previous simple cooperation was also very smooth.

Since it was the Holy Spirit's wishful thinking and Xu Jian did not express his intention clearly, let's put this aside for the time being and only talk about the certain parts.

"We can't let the Liu family plot against Yun Yan as they please," Lin Yu said in a low voice, "On this point, I agree with the Duke of Guo."

Hearing this, Xu Jian raised his eyebrows slightly.

Lin Yuan added: "It's just that I'm not familiar with Mr. Liu, let alone Liu Xun. There's no other good way except to remind Yun Yan to be more prepared. After much thought, I still have to ask the Duke for help."

 Xu Jian laughed.

 Seeking common ground while reserving differences is indeed a good approach.

"You're welcome, uncle. I cooperated with the princess in business, how could I just watch her being schemed against?" Xu Jian thought for a while and said, "If there is any new news from my place, I will definitely tell my uncle."

 After discussing in this direction, it was finally a "very pleasant conversation".

Lin Yue stood up to see Xu Jian up.

Going along the corridor, Xu Jian thought about it secretly, and the result was not bad.

 At least the uncle had another goal after hearing such a shocking thunder, and he had a way to vent his dissatisfaction.

After seeing a **** who spied on the little princess, the uncle could slowly accept the fact that "daughters will eventually get married."

 The sedan is parked in the sedan hall.

Lin Yuan walked all the way to the sedan chair, and Xu Jian bent down to get on the sedan chair.

 The small door opened. Lin Yunjing and Lin Yunfang happened to be coming back from outside and quickly stepped aside.

It was dark in the corner, and Xu Jian's sedan was about to leave, so Lin Yue did not let the two of them come up to say hello, and only said polite words to Xu Jian to see off guests.

Through the curtain, Xu Jian looked back slowly.

After the scene was finished and the sedan chair left the house, Lin Yu turned to look at his two nieces and nodded at them.

Lin Yunfang said with a playful smile: "Uncle, we didn't follow the rules today and remembered wrongly. Don't tell grandma, she will nag you again later."

After begging for mercy, Lin Yunfang took Lin Yunjing and ran away.

 Arrived in the yard and saw the eldest sister deep in thought, Lin Yunfang couldn't help but ask: "What are you thinking about?"

“That voice in the sedan chair sounds a bit familiar, I think I’ve heard it before.” Lin Yunjing hesitated.

"He must be an honored guest from my uncle. He may have been to the house before," Lin Yunfang said. "Let's go inside and try the sugar cakes we bought. They won't taste good after they're cold."

Lin Yunjing made her laugh, so she stopped thinking and walked quickly together. In the other room, after lunch, Liu Jing arrived at Honglu Temple.

It is not uncommon for Liu Jing to come back to the Yamen after half a day of rest. When this gentleman is working hard, it is common for him to stay in the Yamen for several days, let alone Xiu Mu.

If they hadn't known that Mr. Liu was a desperate person, some people would have guessed a few years ago that he was kicked out of the house by his wife and had to sleep in the Yamen.

 On the contrary, it is relatively rare to take half a day off like yesterday.

 Liu Jing sat down behind the desk.

In front of Liu Xun, he did not pay special attention to the fact that Xu Jian followed him to Cining Palace, but in his heart, he still couldn't let go.

Rather than speculate at home, Liu Jing chose to sit in the Yamen for a while, maybe he would get some news.

As expected, within two quarters of an hour, rumors reached his ears.

“Your Majesty asked Duke Fu to bring it to Uncle Chengyi. I don’t know what he would say…”

Liu Jing held the tea cup and drank slowly.

 Zi Chou Yin Mao would definitely not be able to come up with the answer to the rumor, but he almost already knew the answer he wanted.

The Holy One wants Xu Jian to have more contact with Chengyi Bo.

Otherwise, how could Xu Jian's legs and His Majesty's temper be allowed to leave this time in such a cold weather?

Who can’t send me a message?

 Could it be that the Holy One was unable to persuade Xu Jian and wanted Uncle Cheng to persuade him?

 Sincerity himself is a dawdler.

 You can’t just let those who are dawdling around get some insights, right?

Or is it that the Holy Emperor brought Xu Jian to Cining Palace with the intention of letting him get to know Princess Ning'an?

Thinking about it this way, the tea in my hand doesn’t smell fragrant at all!

Carefully warned himself not to jump to conclusions, Liu Jing observed Xu Jian and Cheng Yi Bo during the morning session the next day.

These two people certainly looked more familiar than before. They bowed to each other and said a few polite words, but nothing more seemed to be superfluous.

 Liu Jing pondered.

 Xu Jian has no intention to please, and Uncle Cheng has no nose that is not a nose, and eyes that are not eyes.

Just looking at the atmosphere, it doesn’t look like he wants to be a son-in-law.

Thinking of this, Liu Jing's heart gradually dropped a little.

It will take some time to arrange Liu Xun's affairs. If others take the advantage, it will cause trouble later.

 Especially the opportunity is given by the Holy Spirit.

Since there is no such thing, he is relieved.

Liu Jing did not know that when he was observing and sizing up others, his son Liu Xun was also being sized up by others.

Xuansu followed Liu Xun from a distance, saw him entering an alley, and knocked open a house.

 The door quickly closed again.

Xuan Su went around to the back of the yard, listened for a while, and frowned.

This does not seem to be Liu Xun's voice...

Turning around and thinking again, Xuan Su reacted.

   Since we haven’t seen each other for more than a year, Mr. Liu’s voice is at its most embarrassing moment.

However, for Xuan Su who was following, this kind of duck call was actually easy to identify. No matter how low he pressed, he could hear it clearly.

Soon, Xuan Su understood the situation inside.

Mr. Liu is worthy of saying that he has just returned to Beijing.

  Otherwise, he could learn a lesson from the previous Third Young Master Su: Don’t raise any warblers or swallows that his old father would not allow him to raise, otherwise, sooner or later, trouble will come to his door.

Thinking like this, Xuan Su walked out of the alley while chewing on the fruit.

  Thanks to book friends I Leave in the Autumn and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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