Yan Cigui

Chapter 130: It’s easy to get things done when there are many people

 In the house, Liu Xun let out a long sigh, unaware that he was being followed.

Yue Niang warmed some fruit tea and handed it to Liu Xun: "Why are you sighing so much, Master?"

 At Yueniang's place, Liu Xun said what he did not dare to say in front of his father: "I feel defeated."

"Why did the young master say this?" Yue Niang became curious.

"I promised you when I came back that I would take you to live in my house, but I broke my promise." Liu Xun lowered his shoulders and shook his head.

  Not only was the promise broken, things were not pretty.

If you place someone outside the house as soon as you return to Beijing, it means that he has not kept his word and is a liar.

Although it is not a good thing, at least the liar was done by him on his own initiative.

But the fact is that we went back to the house together, and before the chairs were warm, we were "invited" out of the house again.

 Liu Xun not only became a liar, but also a liar who obeyed his father and could not resist.

 What is this called?

Ma Liang was drawing pancakes. The pancakes actually fell, but the people underneath couldn't catch them and smashed them all over their heads.

 It might as well not be possible to draw!

This taste is really not good.

Yue Niang laughed, her tears made her look so enchanting: "Young Master's thoughts are visible to Yue Niang.

If Yue Niang stays in the house, the master will become more and more unhappy and the young master will be embarrassed. It is really meaningless.

On the contrary, here, alone in a single household, clean and comfortable, Yue Niang lives quite well. "

 A few words, every sentence said with sincerity.

Liu Xun's heart became warmer and he asked again: "Is my voice harsh?"

Yueniang's eyes widened in surprise. After a moment's hesitation, she said, "It's normal for a man's voice to change as he goes from a boy to a young man.

Mr. Master, there is no need to worry about the sound. It is only temporary. After a while, everything will be fine again.

If anyone laughs at the young master because of a temporary change, it is their fault. "

 Liu Xun was comforted.

He has ears, and he knows whether it is a duck quacking or not.

He didn't have the shamelessness to call the duck Tianlai, but Princess Ning'an really hit him.

At this moment, after listening to what Yue Niang said, Liu Xun became much more energetic.

 That’s right, it’s just temporary.

   What does the princess, a little girl, know about movies?

 Men, who didn’t come here like this?

 The change in his voice after that would definitely surprise the princess.

Yue Niang saw that he was relaxed and struck a chord while the iron was hot: "Young Master returned to the capital to discuss and communicate with the students who are rushing to take the exam. This matter is the most important. Once you become famous, I see that you are so outstanding. Whatever you ask for in the future, I will not do it." Will listen."

Such soft words of comfort and encouragement seemed like spring rain falling into Liu Xun's heart.

“I remember you mentioned it before,” Liu Xun held Yue Niang’s hand, “is the director of Shiyang Academy your uncle?”

“He is my grandmother’s cousin. He can indeed be called uncle,” Yue Niang whispered. “It’s just that we haven’t been together for a long time and are no longer relatives. Otherwise, how could I not have a place to devote myself to?”

Liu Xun strongly disagreed: "How do relatives count? You are a junior. Regardless of whether he recognizes you or not, you should visit and pay greetings when you arrive in the capital. This is the truth..."

Autumn rain fell in the capital again.

 It rained one day and was sunny the next, and this happened several times.

As the Empress Dowager's health gradually recovered, Lin Yunyan left the palace and returned home.

Lin Yu happened to be going out. When he saw her coming back, he hurriedly called people aside.

"I heard that you kicked that boy from the Liu family out of Cining Palace?" Lin Yu asked her in a low voice.

Lin Yunyan laughed: "Father's news is quite good."

 Lin Yu asked her to make a joke, even if she laughed or not.

He himself would not take the initiative to mention Duke Fu's visit to his daughter. He would only say: "The upper beams of the Liu family are not straight and the lower beams are crooked. He must have bad intentions, right?"

Although you are tired of him, you still have to be on guard against his schemes. I know you are busy at home, and you are probably thinking about the situation in Lao Shi Alley.

You listen to me, if you want to go out, you not only need to bring a few more people, but you also need to ask your third uncle to come with you, or let Chen Gui accompany you.

  It is easier to get things done when there are more people. "

Of course, Lin Yunyan would not refuse her father's kindness: "The third uncle may not be free, so I will look for Chen Gui when I go out. I just have to think about the study and shop."

Lin Yu felt relieved after hearing this.

 His third younger brother, he knows it himself.

Lin Xun is the third master of Uncle Chengcheng's house, whose name sounds bigger, but in reality, he is not as agile as his uncle Chen Gui when it comes to getting things done.

 Chen Gui runs outside every day and has rich experience, so he will not suffer casually.

 With Chen Gui following him, there should be no need to worry about being exploited by the Liu family and his son.

 As for the auxiliary Duke…

 When communicating about business in Laoshi Lane, you will inevitably have to deal with Fu Guogong.

With the education of the Fu Guogong, it will not make the crooked door evil, and then Chen Gui is aside, so you can't show it.

 Looking back, he gave Chen Gui a few words to make sure things went smoothly.

 The father and daughter have finished talking.

 Lin Yuan went out to do business, and Lin Yunyan went to Zai Shou Yuan to meet Xiao Duan.

As soon as the grandfather and grandson started talking, someone came from outside and announced that Chen Gui was here.

 Chen Gui came into the room and saluted the two of them.

"It's just a coincidence," Xiao Duan teased him, "You came as soon as Yun Yan returned to the house. Tell me, did you set up an informant outside the house?"

Chen Gui repeatedly held up his hands and begged for mercy: "Don't make fun of me, how dare I set up an informant outside the house.

 What is this thing called? Coincidentally!

This morning, the Jingdong family arrived in the capital. They first went to Laoshi Alley for a walk, and then sent word that they wanted to discuss something, so I hurried to the house.

I originally thought about asking the third master to go there, but luckily, the princess came back as well.

 Look, by chance, can our business not make a fortune? "

 Everyone likes to hear good words.

 Little Duan was very happy to hear it.

To be fair, of those two boxes of gold bricks, most of them ended up in the uncle's house.

Although what happened later was a bit thrilling, and the gold bricks can't be used for spending now, I can finally relax. The business in Lao Shi Alley has made a lot of money, and Mr. Duan is very satisfied.

But who would object to making more money from business?

"Then I'll wait and count the silver." Xiao Duan said.

Lin Yunyan also smiled: "Just wait, I will bring you some money right now."

 The carriage was arranged, and Lin Yunyan and Chen Gui rushed to Taohe Zhai.

 The shopkeeper pointed back and said, "Please."

Lin Yunyan pursed her lower lip.

Xu Jian has such a strange habit that he doesn't want to let others in at all.

The private room on the second floor has to go up the stairs, and the stone tables and benches in the backyard are blowing cold air. It is not a good place to talk anywhere.

Going through the curtain to the back yard, Nanny He stood on the porch to show them the way.

Lin Yunyan followed the glance and couldn't help but laugh.

 There is a small door in the west wall.

She asked: "Did the Duke of Guo buy the next door?"

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