Yan Cigui

Chapter 131: Can't get it together

That door looks newly opened at first glance.

 The last time Chen Gui came here, the walls were still flat.

Going through it, I saw that the yard next door was neatly tidied.

Jing Dafan greeted the two of them cheerfully: "Princess, Mr. Chen, long time no see, long time no see."

Having not returned to Beijing for half a day, Jing Dafan wasted no time in explaining all the things that had happened during these days from Shenchen's mouth.

From digging for gold bricks to burying forbidden books, and then to the Duke’s visit to Uncle Chengyi’s house a few days ago, I understand everything.

 At the same time, while Shen Chen was worried about the Duke's leg injury, Jing Dabao was thinking about something else.

Do n’t want to let others enter the study, nor do n’t you want to climb the stairs and be thought of by the county. Do n’t you arrange another house to avoid the wind and rain?

Otherwise, given the Duke's temperament of not wanting others to see his illness, he could still sit on a stone bench in the courtyard even if he didn't take the stairs.

 It's a matter of lighting a brazier and holding a hand stove.

 After all, the princess is so delicate, how can she be blown by the cold wind?

If the princess catches a cold while discussing matters here, the Duke of the country will not be able to absolve himself of the blame.

This door opens well and this courtyard is beautifully laid out.

Jing Daduan invited the two of them into the house: "I heard from Nanny He that this place has just been cleaned up and it looks empty. The princess will take a seat."

Lin Yunyan looked around, and finally landed on Xu Jian.

Xu Jian sat at the round table with a blanket on his legs and a hand stove, which looked quite warm.

Lin Yunyan's brows relaxed a little: OK, just know the importance.

 All parties are seated.

 Things are said quickly.

 The progress of the renovation of Laoshi Alley was better than Jing Daguan expected, and the furniture scheduled to be moved in was also progressing smoothly and was delivered on time.

Jing Daduan rubbed his hands and said: "Students are arriving in Beijing one after another, and there are more and more poetry societies. Taking this opportunity, we will conduct more inspections. If we can gather as many outstanding candidates as possible in our Laoshi Alley..."

“Shuntian Prefecture still has the final say on how to arrange the candidates,” Chen Guidao said. “I’m afraid we still have to go through some tricks.”

"I have an idea here," Lin Yunyan had already thought of it. "My study shop still lacks a reputation. So..."

Chen Gui listened to her with his ears pricked, nodded repeatedly, and finally said: "I will go to the Yamen as soon as possible to complete the formalities, then prepare a batch of better study rooms, find more academies to cooperate, and make my name known. "

 The students compete and some prizes can be used as jackpots, which is also good.

 It is for future business, and it will not be too eye-catching, so that you can get in touch with more candidates.

Jing Daduan also thinks this is a good idea, but...

They had been talking for a long time, and the Duke of Guo actually showed his hands away from the shopkeeper, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes to meditate.

 Tsk tsk!

If you really don’t want to participate, why don’t you just let them go to the private room on the second floor to discuss it?

 Where is the need for this?

Jing Dafan knew it well and quickly put his arm around Chen Gui's shoulders. The two brothers were very kind: "Dong Chen, let's go discuss how many study rooms are suitable."

Chen Gui glanced at Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan smiled and nodded at him.

Chen Gui then got up and followed Jing Daduan to the next door.

 When it comes to business, the masters give the ideas, and the people who handle the details are in charge of them.

If the master has to worry about even the details, things will not be done well.

As soon as the two hosts left, Shen Chen refilled his tea and left.

 Xu Jian slowly opened her eyes.

 Then, he met Lin Yunyan's smiling eyes.

Their eyes met, and Xu Jian didn't move away. He just said slowly and leisurely: "What are you laughing at?"

“Be careful not to let the Liu family plot against you,” Lin Yunyan said. “The Duke is kind-hearted and even reminded my father.”

 Xu Jian raised his eyebrows.

It seems that the anger that the little princess was holding in the Cining Palace that day still had some sparks.            Laughing is a matter of laughter, and there is also a lot of yin and yang in it.

“The leg binding was done by my father-in-law, and Liu Xun was the one who quacked,” Xu Jian clicked his tongue, “but it was me who suffered an unreasonable disaster.”

Lin Yunyan tapped her fingertips on the table: "It's quite quick to avoid disasters."

 She was referring, of course, to the room where the table was.

Xu Jian took a sip of tea and said, "This house is empty, so I'll just ask He Rui to come over."

He Rui is the shopkeeper of Taohe Zhai.

Putting down the tea cup, Xu Jian said again: "If you ask Chen Gui to find more poetry gatherings, it won't be just about looking for talents, right?"

 The topic turned to serious matters, so the verbal exchange was put aside for the time being.

Lin Yunyan did not deny it.

She still remembered the name of Enke, the former number one scholar, and the names of the second and third best candidates. Even if she couldn't remember clearly, Xu Jian was still in the court in those years, so he must be able to remember more.

 Looking for someone does not require her to expend much effort on her own.

 Her real purpose is actually Liu Xun.

Liu Xun almost became famous before Enke.

Although he did not take the exam, he showed his talent in several poetry meetings before the exam. Several of his articles were quite brilliant, which won the appreciation of the Imperial College Secretary, and he was able to successfully enter the Imperial College in the spring.

 Having the guidance of a supervisor, Liu Xun did not lose his job even after becoming a supervisor. He ranked among the best in several examinations as a supervisor.

 Liu Jingde has such a talented son, his face is full of glory.

Gradually, he began to express more and more "pity" for Xu Jian, who was brought back to the Duke's mansion, and attributed the rift between father and son to the old Duke's tough decision.

In Liu Jing's words, although he could not teach his sons martial arts, if Xu Jian had also taken the path of writing articles, he would not have been in a wheelchair at a young age...

Lin Yunyan later asked Xu Jian, is Liu Xun really a scholar?

 Xu Jian’s answer was meaningful.

 Inexplicably, I can’t read, and yet I’m inexplicably enlightened.

Therefore, Lin Yunyan just wanted to try to see how Liu Xun's brain opened up.

“You can’t really be turned into gold by Master Si Ye, right?” Lin Yunyan asked.

On such a non-confrontational question, only Xu Jian knew what she was talking about.

After thinking for a while, Xu Jian said, "Then I'll give you another piece of news. Liu Xun brought back a woman named Yue Niang. She originally wanted to stay in the house, but Liu Jing kicked her out and placed her in Shuixian Alley."

Lin Yunyan frowned.

How come she didn't know about Yue Niang before? Was it because Liu Xun wanted to marry Zheng Liu that she abandoned her?

Xu Jian added: "Let me ask a few questions and find out that the woman has some relationship with the mountain chief of Shiyang Academy, and the mountain chief and Si Ye are old friends."

Lin Yunyan laughed: "Then I will ask Chen Gui to go to Shiyang Academy to add more luck."

 Whether you have real ability or not, you will know if you try it.

 After finishing the matter, Lin Yunyan stood up and left.

Before I could reach the door, someone behind me called out "Ayan."

The steps suddenly stopped, and Lin Yunyan was a little dazed for a moment, but soon, familiarity and habit followed.

Lin Yunyan looked back at Xu Jian and asked him with her eyes.

"It's nothing important," Xu Jian looked calm and just chuckled, "I originally wanted to say don't make a big battle every time I attack. I'm afraid Master Shan hasn't recovered yet. Thinking again, Liu Xun We are so weak that if we can’t get together, we won’t be able to fight in a big battle.”

Lin Yunyan blinked her eyes.

 Thinking of the big battle she had created in the past, she couldn't help but smile and her eyes rolled up.

After laughing for a while, Lin Yunyan pushed the door open and went out.

Facing the cold wind, she suddenly remembered.

 In the past, his title was revoked and he could no longer be called the princess, so Xu Jian changed his tune.

 Now, she is still the princess.

Concentrated on the joke, she actually forgot to ask Xu Jian why she called her name for no reason.

 Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward, and thanks to Bookstore book friend Koi Benli for the reward.

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