Yan Cigui

Chapter 137: If you don’t know how to read, there are quite a lot of tricks.

The words may not be pleasing to the ear, but the reason is also reasonable.

 The atmosphere relaxed a little.

 Only Liu Xun, his face changed from white to black.

Honglu Temple Minister's status is not worth mentioning in the capital.

His father worked hard to climb up the ladder for so many years, but the word "not worthy" was not often used in other people's mouths.

What is it worth?

 Gonghou Bofu?

 Like Xu Jian?

 Fire burned in my heart.

 Obviously they have the same father and mother, but because Xu Jian was born first and he was the second son of his parents, their lives were completely different.

Xu Jian took the surname Xu from Xu Mang, and grew up in fine clothes and fine food.

Grandfather has no other children. He only has one "grandson", Xu Jian, and the entire Duke's mansion is in Xu Jian's pocket.

 And his surname is Liu.

 Since he was a child, he has not gone to the Duke's Mansion many times.

Only during New Years and holidays, his mother would take him back to visit his grandfather. In his words, this was "being a guest."

 What made him even more uncomfortable was that nine times out of ten, his grandfather would not give his mother a good look.

Mother wanted to see Xu Jian and get acquainted with the brothers, but her grandfather refused.

 “He’s practicing his gun, don’t disturb him.”

“Yesterday he only practiced martial arts and did not study. I made him recite the book in the study. No one is allowed to see or talk to him until he has finished reciting.”

"I broke my arm during practice the day before yesterday. I just changed medicine and went to sleep. Don't call him."


 This is the case every time.

 Liu Xun didn't believe it at all.

  What kind of guns and books should be memorized during the New Year and festivals? These are all excuses made by my grandfather!

How can a person who can inherit the position of Duke of the country as long as he grows up step by step have the energy to fight?

Liu Xun doubted Xu Jian and questioned Xu Jian, but he was even more jealous of Xu Jian.

 There is no way he can become Xu Jian.

 When he thought of this, he was so angry that Liu Xun didn't care and rushed off the stage.

 Everyone on the edge gathered around.

Liu Xun was pushing and kicking among them, trying to squeeze out a way, but he could not withstand the crowd that was getting tighter and tighter, and he had nowhere to hide.

 “Don’t let him get away!”

 “Liar! Fraudulent! Let him explain clearly!”

“Go and file a complaint and call his father, who is an official!”

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Supervisor Hu hurriedly stepped onto the stage.

“Everyone, please calm down first!” He shouted loudly, “Mr. Liu is answering today, and there are indeed many doubts. Please give Shi Yang some time to self-examine, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer.”

 The old gentleman’s words can still have some appeal among students.

Chen Gui also helped and said: "Today's incident happened because of me, and I also want to find out the reason. Please be patient, please be patient!"

Soon, gentlemen from the three academies came on stage one after another and shouted to calm their students.

The three families came with the largest number of people. After settling down, the other candidates gradually became more restrained.

They stopped making loud noises, but they didn't let Liu Xun get away. They still surrounded him.

With the situation under control, Supervisor Hu breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Chief Sha Shan aside.

This glance was very dull and without any emotion, but he had some answers in his heart.

Based on his understanding of Sha Shanchang, Shanchang was very abnormal at this moment.

  Could it be that the problem is really caused by Shashan Changxie?


Hu Jianyuan was puzzled.

 If something like this happened to the Society, of course it would not be able to continue its progress.

 Chen Gui's task was basically completed, so he quietly took a step back and waited for someone from the government to come.

 If a society of this scale is to be held, it will be reported to the government office in advance, and for safety reasons, the government office will also send officials to maintain order.

There was a commotion before, and although it was still under control, the person on the stage who was unable to advance or retreat was the son of the Minister of Honglu Temple.

He is the top leader in the yamen on the left and right sides of Qianbu Corridor. He has to report to Shuntian Mansion. Now it has reached the point where Liu Xun is surrounded, and the government officials have to fish him out first.

Soon, Chen Gui saw the government officials coming.

 A group of students are very cooperative when dealing with government affairs.

There were gentlemen guiding them, and a road was soon opened, revealing Liu Xun's figure.

 Liu Xun was in a panic.

At his age, he is still tall and thin. Among a group of older students, even those in their thirties and forties, he is so crowded that he can hardly breathe.

There was a road, but he couldn't run at all, pulling on his collar and gasping for air.

Di Lan, the candidate who first questioned Liu Xun, was standing on the edge and saw the clues on his neck.

  Under the torn collar, there was a red and purple mark.

Di Lan is young, bold, quick-witted and can read, but he has too little experience to recognize it at all.

Turning his head, he asked the others with a puzzled look on his face: "Are there still mosquitoes in the capital at this time of year? Are they so ferocious?"

Other students were confused by his question, and when they looked at it...

 “What kind of mosquito, it’s bitten by a woman!”

 “Where did the woman come from? Why are women involved?”

“Liu Xun was bitten by a woman with a big mark on his neck.”

 “What? I can’t read, but I have a lot of tricks!”

  "He is still quacking, so he dares to play with women?"

 “Otherwise, how can we say he is a dandy?”

 The only people who could see Liu Xun's neck were those near him.

 But the words spread, you asked a question, I answered a question, and before long, everyone present knew about it.

 Amidst the bursts of discussion, Liu Xun almost fainted with a pale face.

He wanted to cover his neck, but he couldn't breathe and couldn't care less.

 Chen Gui was stunned when he heard this.

This development was not in his plan!

However, he was someone who had seen Mr. Su’s teeth marks on his **** before, so he was surprised, but his jaw didn’t drop.

 People will always make progress.

 He has learned a lot in the past half year or so.

 Not long after, reinforcements from Shuntian Prefecture arrived.

Shan Shen did not come in person. Zhang Yuan, the prime minister of the government, led the team and had people help Liu Xun who was about to faint.

 Zhang Yuan quickly understood the situation.

Supervisor Hu made a brief explanation.

Zhang Yuan listened and looked at Liu Xun repeatedly, shaking his head inwardly.

Mr. Liu is quite talented and writes very good articles. How could this son make such a big mistake?

 Can’t answer, it’s just that I don’t look good.

If you are accused of cheating, your character will be completely ruined. If you want to study or take exams in the future, others will not believe you.

"The Academy needs to conduct its own self-examination. I believe that the Supervisory Yuan can give an explanation to all parties," Zhang Yuan said. "As for Mr. Liu, we have taken him away first to avoid the situation. If the Supervisory Yuan wants to ask questions, please wait. Come to the Yamen."

 As Zhang Yuan explained, he suddenly raised his eyes and saw Chen Gui.

 “Why are Dong Chen’s family here?” he asked curiously, “This outfit looks very good today!”

 “It’s funny, it’s funny!” Chen Gui stepped forward, cupped his hands, and explained the reason.

The reason was sufficient. The yamen also registered the business. Zhang Yuan had no doubt that he was there. Before leaving, he said politely: "I wish my uncle a prosperous business."

Liu Xun was being held up and asked, "What uncle?"

The yamen servant spoke quickly and said, "I am my uncle from Chengcheng's Mansion. Everyone knows me."

 Sincerity’s Mansion?

 Princess Ning'an!

 Liu Xun was dumbfounded.

Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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