Yan Cigui

Chapter 138: Neck biting relationship

 In the elegant room.

 The situation below was reported, and the rooms on the left and right were noisy, making the room where Lin Yunyan was located particularly quiet.

Lin Yunyan said nothing, leaning her cheeks and frowning, watching the development of the matter.

Xuan Su bit the pastry and whispered to Shen Chen softly: "Dong Chen's family really has a way of treating guests."

Shen Chen responded briefly and his eyes fell on Xu Jian.

 He was observing them.

I'm a little weird today.

  I couldn't tell whether he was in a good mood or not. He obviously said "watch the fun", but every time Shen Chen looked over, their eyes were always directed towards the princess.

That look could be called warm, but not warm at all.

  In any case, Shen Chen couldn't see any "deep joy" or "long friendship".

They are just indifferent, with no drama in their eyes and no drama in their expressions.

 The more he observed, the less confident Shen Chen felt.

Jingdong’s family had told him several times before that he cared about the princess, and the princess also favored him.

 He was thinking about it before leaving Beijing. After Jing Dong’s family returned to Beijing, they were anxious to ask him about their progress...

Shenchen answered.

 There is certainly progress.

 The princess can enter their master's study.

The cooperation between the princess and the master went very smoothly.

I went to visit Uncle Chengyi’s house.

 But these are far from anything affectionate!

 Even if it is said that it is polite to stop being in love, it should be restrained, rather than not showing any signs at all.

 Are they too much of a hindrance?

Shen Chen was thinking hard here. Of course Xu Jian noticed it, and he didn't care. He continued to drink tea while the old **** was there.

Lin Yunyan turned her head and said, "Liu Xun is really unlucky."

 Xu Jian put down the tea cup and replied, "It's you who are lucky."

Lin Yunyan chuckled.

 Her purpose in coming here today is just to expose Liu Xun's fraud and prevent him from rising up like before and gaining a false good reputation.

 But Liu Xun's performance just now was even more exaggerated than Lin Yunyan expected.

Maybe he was nervous, maybe he just wasn’t good at it, and Liu Xun couldn’t answer it at all.

Comparing the two sides, it becomes more and more obvious that the article he just wrote is "outstanding".

This is called going too far and not going too far.

If Liu Xun's article is very mediocre and he can't answer anything else, he will be laughed at as "poor in knowledge" and his moral character will not be questioned.

 And the red mark in the collar...

It was God's will. If she didn't pursue him, she would be sorry for her luck and God's will.

“That Shashan chief looks quite nervous.” After Lin Yunyan finished speaking, she turned to look at Shen Chen and Xuan Su.

Judging from his attire, Shen Chen looks like someone who is a follower of a noble family.

Xuan Su, on the other hand, looks like a student. No wonder he could follow them silently before, but now there are too many students and he doesn't notice them at all.

Lin Yunyan smiled and exchanged a few words with Xuan Su.

Seeing Xu Jian nodding, Xuan Su turned around and left the private room, quickly going downstairs.

Chen Gui also arranged a few people below, all of whom looked like handsome scholars. Apart from their lack of knowledge, their appearance was quite intimidating.

Those voices that previously questioned Liu Xun put in a lot of effort.

Xuansu quickly found his "own one" and muttered a few words.

The man became excited when he heard this: "What did you say? This Mr. Liu gave a penny to the chief of Shashan Mountain?"

 “Is it true or false?” someone asked from the side.

"This is not nonsense, the mountain chief is not this kind of person!" "Call Yueniang and place her in Shuixian Alley!"

“Hey, I’ve heard that he’s the mountain chief’s junior and a relative!”

“So they are relatives! What is the relationship between the girl and Mr. Liu?”

 “It’s just about biting the neck!”

The crowd burst into laughter, but Xuan Su had already stepped back from it, patting his sleeves as if he had not participated.

The discussion here is getting louder and louder, and it has reached the stage.

Shashan Chang’s old face turned extremely red, and he was speechless for a long time.

Chen Gui stepped forward to help him and said: "Lao Shanchang is slow, slow, at least it proves that it is not a matter of romance."

Sha Shan Chang:…

How much better can this be than having sex?

Hu Supervisor asked in a deep voice: "Is it true? Chief, no matter what, you have to give an explanation."

Chief Sha Shan did not speak. He looked towards the audience in the direction where Liu Xun left. His old eyes were full of resentment.

"Yue Niang's grandmother is my cousin," Chief Shashan said slowly after a long time. "We used to have contact with each other when the elders were still alive. Later, I went to Beijing to study and my cousin got married. As the elders passed away, the relationship naturally ceased. .

 A few days ago, Yueniang came to visit her home and told her her identity. She still had a bracelet in her hand that her elders had given to her cousin as a token.

She said that her family was in decline and was no longer what it used to be. Fortunately, she came to Beijing with the help of a scholar. The two of them treated each other with respect and hoped that the scholar would have a good future and that she would also find a good home.

 It’s also because I’m getting older, and I feel particularly grateful for family ties as I get older.

It's not a good idea for a girl to live outside. I suggested that she come and stay at my house and wait until after the scholar's exam to formally discuss the marriage. My uncle and grandpa would arrange the marriage for her.

  She said she was used to wandering around and did not want to be disturbed at home for a long time, so she only stayed for half a day and left first.

Now that I think about it, she probably took a peek at the topics I had prepared in my study.

Liu Xun’s answer was weird. I didn’t expect to go up like this. So, that’s it! "

Sha Shanchang became more and more depressed as he talked.

His love for the younger generation was exploited so thoroughly that he was embarrassed and even brought trouble to the academy.

Sha Shanchang sighed and said: "Since Liu Xun is the son of the minister of Honglu Temple, he did something that made people gossip. It is really not what a scholar should be like.

As for Yue Niang, she stole the title for Liu Xun. This was her choice. She never even told me the name of the so-called scholar.

 As her great-uncle, I am very disappointed. "

Chief Sha Shan and Supervisor Hu said, "This is probably the situation here. I don't know what Mr. Liu and Yue Niang planned."

Hu Supervisor Hu patted Chief Shashan on the back.

 The two have been dealing with each other for many years, and he believes that Chief Sha Shan is telling the truth.

Chang Shashan definitely did not intend to leak the topic, but it is indeed true that the topic has a problem with him, and what needs to be dealt with afterwards still needs to be dealt with.

 Things are over.

The people from the yamen have left. There are so many people on stage and off stage, and most of their thoughts have also left.

 Under such circumstances, the society cannot continue to operate.

Chen Gui glanced left and right, and sighed.

According to the original arrangement, it was time for him to retire after his achievements, but looking at so many students, he felt quite uneasy.

Although most people like to watch the excitement, there are many who only have one thing in mind.

Regardless of whether they want to watch a play or not, their purpose in coming to the academy is to exchange knowledge and build a reputation.

Especially for candidates from other places, they are under even greater pressure.

Before the yamen started to provide subsidies, they had to worry about food and clothing. The expenses in the capital were already quite high, so they came here a few months in advance just to take a chance.

 According to what Liao Zi inquired about, this was the seminar held two years ago, and many people were pointing to this time.

 It's so messed up...

Although the root cause was the cheating Liu Xun, they used Dongfeng to perform and did influence others.

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