Yan Cigui

Chapter 140: Sit down and taste courage

Chapter 140

 Darcissus Alley?

 Liu Xun's heart was pounding.

 Why do people from the academy mention Narcissus Alley?

With his ears pricked up, Liu Xun approached the door, and happened to hear the word "Yue Niang" from Hu Supervisor's mouth. He was so surprised that his mind was filled with questions.

Not appropriate.

Could it be said that Chief Shashan betrayed Yue Niang?

 What benefit does this have to the mountain leader?

If it were him, Liu Xun, he would definitely be put off by this kind of thing.

With no proof or evidence, how can you say that the issue was leaked from the mountain chief? Could it be that his respected old mountain chief couldn't even settle this matter?

 But now that I have confessed to Yue Niang, doesn’t it mean that I have completely taken over the matter?

 Don't care whether Yue Niang stole the question or asked the wrong question, the fault lies with the mountain chief.

 In this way, it is tantamount to taking a solid position.

Liu Xun became angrier as he thought about it. Does this mountain chief have a problem with his head? Not even able to tell the truth! You will become a fool by reading!

I thought that if a foreign scholar could gain a foothold in the capital city and become the head of a prestigious academy, he must know how to maneuver.

Yue Niang also found out that the mountain chief had a very good relationship with the Imperial College's chief executive.

As long as I win a lot of honors this time, I think I can get acquainted with the business relationship through Shanchang and pave the way for studying in the Imperial College.

 Unexpectedly, this mountain chief made all mistakes!

Liu Xun cursed a lot. When everyone walked outside the private room, he had a blue face and no good expression at all.

Sha Shanchang’s complexion is even worse than Liu Xun’s.

How white his hair is, how dark his face is.

Chief Sha Shan pointed at Liu Xun and said, "What is your relationship with Yue Niang? Yue Niang came to look for her relatives. I pity the younger generation for suffering, but you let her do such an unjust thing!"

Liu Xun said "Ah" and asked, "Why did you mention Yue Niang?"

Chief Shashan told the story angrily: "I just followed your advice, but fortunately I can act upright, stand upright, and have a good style, and Yue Niang is indeed my junior, otherwise, the old man Decades of reputation have been ruined by you!”

 It is understandable that someone stole the question and returned it to the wrong one.

 If he accepts a beautiful woman and deliberately omits the topic, then he really deserves to die.

 How old is he?

 In a few years, my great-grandson will be able to run and jump, but he will still be told to play with a teenage girl?

His old man can't bear this kind of stigma. If he is really going to be stigmatized, he might as well be killed!

When Liu Xun heard this, he shouted excitedly to Shan Shen: "I said someone is plotting against me! I have only been back to Beijing for a few days, and they have even figured out Yueniang and Shuixian Hutong. They are following me and plotting against me. Let’s all shout about this opportunity.”

Shan Shen stood aside and did not interrupt at first.

 In a two-way confrontation, he doesn’t need to give guidance; he can figure out the situation just by listening.

 When the yamen servants bring the Yue Niang back and the three parties have a dialogue, the fraud will become clear.

 But Mr. Liu, who can shout so much, still gives Mr. Shan a headache.

 “Why can’t you, a young man like you, not behave yourself?” Mr. Shan shook his head, “If you could also act upright and stand upright, who could possibly plot against you?

No matter how noisy you are, you can't change the fact that you stole the topic and even went on stage to talk about it.

Even if it is true as you said, someone is plotting against you, that means you have been exposed.

  Expose, expose, do you understand?

In the court, this is called impeachment. It’s okay to scold you directly, or find a way to make you show your true colors.

That’s right, you’ve never seen anything like it in court, let’s say in the academy, you cheated on exams and you weren’t allowed to be pointed out?

 Which academy did you go to?

I would like to ask someone to ask the mountain chief and the supervising school how to teach the students. How can they teach students such a little bit of moral character? How can they read the books of sages! ”    Liu Xun was scolded and his face turned red.

Just as he was about to say something back, Chief Shashan said again: "You yourself have behaved inappropriately, why do you want to implicate Yue Niang?

 She is a girl from a poor family. Her family business has failed and her survival is not easy.

She is young and ignorant, but you take advantage of her admiration for you. Do you know that she will be ruined by you in this life? "

Liu Xun choked up when he reached the retort on his lips.

 He looked up and down at Shashanchang, and then, he suddenly realized!

This old man is not stupid because of studying, he wants to get away!

As long as he puts all the blame on Liu Xun and describes Yueniang as a little girl who is ignorant of the world and was deceived by him, the old man will not only be able to pick him out, but also give Yueniang a hand.


I don’t even think about whether Yue Niang is willing to be dragged away by him!

He is still young and ignorant. He, Liu Xun, is half a year younger than Yue Niang, so isn’t he even younger?

The slander was the same as the slander, and after receiving several scoldings, Liu Xun's burning head actually calmed down.

Since Yue Niang's existence has been exposed, there is no use in holding on. At this time, he should retreat and give in and avoid the edge for the time being.

That Fu Yin’s words may be unpleasant to listen to, but there is one thing he said that is quite right.

It's just a cheat in the society, it's a trivial matter, it's been settled long ago.

 When the storm is over, let him find evidence that Princess Ning'an plotted against him, and it will not be too late for him to take revenge!

                                      int since

 It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.

Liu Xun took a deep breath and muttered it to himself. When he spoke again, his tone changed: "I didn't lie to Yue Niang. I treated her sincerely. It's just that she didn't belong to the right family. My father said that the rules were inconsistent, so I let her live there." Outside.

I thought that if I could excel in school, I could ask my father to accept Yue Niang into the family, and Yue Niang's infatuation would not be in vain.

 It’s just that I made things simple…”

Within a few words, Liu Xun's attitude changed drastically, which actually made it difficult for Shan Shen and everyone in the academy to speak harshly.

Shan Shen touched the tip of his nose and couldn't help but twitching his lips when he saw the expression on the master's face.

Seeing Master Shan looking at him, Master hurriedly explained in a low voice: "It's quite affectionate."

Shan Shen:…


He is just the governor of Shuntian Prefecture. This case has not officially been brought to court, and he rarely talks about it.

If he fails to hit the mandarin duck well with the stick and makes the mandarin duck fly like a butterfly, his sin is too great.

Chang Shashan was also stunned.

 At most of his age, he had seen all kinds of students, but he had never come across Liu Xun’s type.

I thought it was Liu Xun who coaxed Yue Niang around. He was annoyed that Yue Niang failed to live up to her expectations and was tricked, but he even hated Liu Xun for tricking her. But in the end, Liu Xun was still deeply in love with her?

 What should he say about this?

 There is a red mark on Liu Xun's neck. Yue Niang and him may be married.

It may not be a good thing for Yue Niang to forcefully break up an uncle like me who has only recently known each other.

 Let Yue Niang and Liu Xun get married...

 He really doesn’t like this kind of character!

Speaking of which, the Liu family still dislikes Yue Niang.

This thing is really...

It is wrong to raise an army to investigate crimes, and it is even more wrong to actively recognize relatives.

Liu Xun's move completely made him unable to defeat him.

 (End of this chapter)

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