Yan Cigui

Chapter 141: Hate iron but not steel

Chapter 141: Hating iron but not steel

It is nearly noon.

 In the yamen on the left and right side of the Qianbu Corridor, officials who had been busy all morning put down their work and prepared to have lunch.

 Liu Jing also walked out of Honglu Temple and went to the noodle shop at the street corner to ask for a bowl of noodle soup.

  It’s hot, just in time to take away the chill of early winter.

This restaurant is close to Qianbu Corridor and has good taste. Many officials come to take care of the business on weekdays.

Liu Jing arrived quite early, and the lobby was already 60 to 70% full.

 After greeting the officials he knew well, he waited for his bowl of noodles.

When the noodles were served, Liu Jing took a sip and suddenly realized that the atmosphere around him was not right.

 He raised his head and looked around.

At this time, other seats in the lobby were full, and some latecomers were still standing and waiting, but the table opposite him was empty.

 This is unusual.

Liu Jing has a good reputation among his colleagues, and they all say that he has a stable character. In the past, some clerks would come to ask questions with bowls in their hands. Seeing that he was cheerful, they sat down.

 After one or two visits, everyone knew that Liu Jing had a good temper.

Today, no one dares to sit down in front of him.

 What the **** is this...

 Liu Jing couldn't understand.

An Yibo, who came a step behind, didn't understand either, so he sat down on the empty seat.

He moves so fast and opens and closes so widely that even someone who wanted to hint at An Yibo failed to catch up.

Liu Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

 Fortunately, although An Yibo's face was smelly and fierce, compared with the previous one, he was still passable.

While eating, Liu Jing thought about the reason.

By the way, when I woke up in the morning, Xun'er said that he was going to do an essay competition. Could it be that his skills shocked everyone?

 I think he is outstanding.

 After all, he revised and polished the article himself, and Liu Jing was very confident in himself.

 With his articles, Xun'er can stand out no matter where he is compared.

But gradually, Liu Jing felt that something was not right about those eyes.

It doesn’t sound like envy or praise, but rather curiosity and questioning?

 Liu Jing immediately lost his appetite.

Just when he was hesitating whether to ask, he saw a small official coming in.

That was a small official from Shuntian Prefecture. He didn't find Liu Jing in Honglu Temple, so he was directed to find a noodle shop.

"Mr. Liu," the visitor said, "Your Majesty is in the Yamen. Sir Shan, please come over."

 Liu Jing was startled.

 How did Xun'er get herself into the Yamen?

He didn't bother to finish the noodles, got up and followed the clerk.

As soon as Liu Jing left, the atmosphere in the noodle shop became lively.

Bo An Yi realized it later and asked, "What's the situation? Something happened to the Liu family's son?"

Someone quickly told him about the situation in the society: "It's been widely spread..."

With a word from you and a word from me, everyone pieced things together.

An Yibo frowned when he heard this.

I won’t say how Mr. Liu rose to prominence, but he has been able to successfully function in the officialdom for so many years, and his overall ability is still excellent.

How could a father with such ability raise such a naughty son? can't read!

 On the other side, Liu Jing hurried to Shuntian Mansion.

On the way, the clerk who came to deliver the message was tight-lipped and did not reveal the slightest bit of the situation.

Liu Jing was in a state of confusion as he walked to the court. Before he saw his son, he saw Yue Niang first.

Yue Niang stood aside with her neck hunched and timidly. She couldn't pretend she didn't see Liu Jing, so she could only bow obediently.

 “Why are you here?” Liu Jing was extremely dissatisfied.

Hunter has obviously been asked to send the person away, so why does he appear again?

 Could it be that this woman regretted it, refused to leave Xun'er peacefully, and simply went to the Yamen to file a complaint?

Liu Jing is not afraid of this kind of lawsuit. What he is worried about is Liu Xun's reputation.

 Once Xun'er gets into trouble with other women because of their emotional relationship, how can he win the heart of Princess Ning'an?

 In all the capital, the one who is most suitable for Xun'er and the Liu family is the princess.

 When he thought that the princess would hear about this, Liu Jing looked at Yueniang with more and more bored eyes.

However, in Shuntian Mansion, even if he was unhappy, he would not speak harshly to Yue Niang, he would just show his emotions.

Yue Niang lowered her head and replied: "An official brother just came to look for me and asked me to come to the Yamen."

 Liu Jing was startled.

So it means Yue Niang sued Xiner?

Soon, Liu Jing knew the reason.

Shan Shen and others came from the back hall and brought Liu Xun with them.

Hu Jianyuan said it bluntly.

 For a moment, Liu Jing's mind was buzzing, and he couldn't believe his ears.

 Xun'er asked Yue Niang to steal the questions?

Yue Niang is the junior of the headmaster of Shiyang Academy?

 Xun'er recited a good article at the academy, but was found to have no skills at all?

 Liu Jing's figure swayed.

How could Xun'er do such a stupid thing?

 Is the society such an easy place to fool? He even chose to show off at a conference jointly organized by three academies!

If Xun'er had told him the truth earlier, he would never have written such an article!

It can’t be so neat and hierarchical, it should be more comprehensive, highlight the point of view rather than the writing style, and then give him a good analysis of the center of the topic, so that even if someone chases him and asks, he can still say something meaningful!

There are obviously good chess pieces like Yue Niang that can be used. It is obvious that every step of answering questions on the stage can be broken down, corrected and improved carefully. It is obvious that things can be done beautifully, but everything is smashed!

Liu Jing now fully understands what it means to hate iron but not become steel!

"You..." Liu Jing raised his hand and said to Liu Xun with a trembling voice, "Kneel down!"

Liu Xun knelt down without saying a word.

 Since it is hard work, it is inevitable to be scolded.

“I’ve told you since you were a child that if you study hard, you’ll be a good person, and if you study hard, you’ll be a good person,” Liu Jing put his hands behind his back, stood in front of Liu Xun, and gritted his teeth and said, “It’s better for you, if you haven’t learned enough in studying, you still don’t understand how to be a good person!

 Stealing the question? Thank you for thinking about it! You don’t want fame for yourself, have you thought about others?

Your father, I did not raise my son well, and I was criticized by others. It is reasonable that I was wrong.

 But what about Shiyang Academy? Where is the sand mountain?

The best academy in the capital, the most prestigious mountain chief in the capital, your reputation has been damaged by you!

 You really disappoint me! "

With that said, Liu Jing turned away, his hands still behind his back, and he quietly pinched his waist.

Pain welled up in his eyes, his eyes instantly turned red, and his tone became choked with sobs.

 Hands clasped in fists and bowed, Liu Jing first apologized to Shan Shen, and then Liu Jing said, "I've caused trouble to Mr. Shan."

Then, he bowed to Chief Shashan: "The dog is unreasonable and shapeless, and behaves erratically. I, I, alas!"

With a sincere attitude and sad words, he completely shows the image of a father who is disappointed in his son.

Liu Xun was the only one who noticed his father's little move. He immediately understood it and imitated it. He also pinched himself hard, and then admitted his mistake to everyone with a sad face.

Both father and son were like this. Sha Shanchang was stunned for a long time with his mouth open.

His mouth, full of knowledge and well-spoken words, seemed to be blocked. After a long while, he added, "That's it..."

Such a scene made Shan Shen sigh secretly.

It's no wonder that Chief Shashan couldn't deal with it. Mr. Liu came up and scolded his son first. How could others like them have the nerve to scold him again?

   Thanks to book friends Tongtong 1609 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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