Yan Cigui

Chapter 142: Pretending to be pretty similar

Seeing that the mouths of several old gentlemen were blocked, Liu Jing secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Xun'er is quite smart and knows that it's time to bow her head and admit her mistake at this time, rather than face it head on.

Liu Jing took a deep breath and reprimanded him again: "This time there has been such a big disturbance, I just hope you can learn a lesson, study hard in the future, and don't always worry about those heresy."

Liu Xun lowered his head and responded politely.

Hu Jianyuan stroked his beard and glanced at Sha Shanchang.

 Chancellor Sha Shan is very strict with his students, but he doesn't know how to scold them.

 Especially, Mr. Liu had the upper hand.

When your father is at your wits' end, what can others do?

This kind of situation has been seen many times in the academy. Some fathers got angry and picked up sticks to beat their sons, but it was they, the gentlemen, who rushed forward to persuade them.

  No matter whether it is true or false, it is still a charter.

“Lord Liu,” Supervisor Hu bowed his hand, “Your Majesty’s move has indeed affected our Shiyang Academy and the Chief of Shashan. Although the Chief of the Mountain was not cautious, in the final analysis, the fault lies with the Young Master.

 After we go back, we will definitely explain it clearly to the outside world. The reputation of the academy is very important. I think you can understand.

 This matter will have a bad impact on your son and you..."

“Hey, don’t say that,” Liu Jing sighed. “If you make a mistake, admit it. If a son doesn’t teach you, or if the father makes a mistake, you will be criticized and despised. This is what you deserve.”

Mr. Shan’s eyelids were twitching, and he was wondering how this scene looked so familiar.

Who was the last time a father scolded his son so hard?

 Browsing together, Master Shan remembered it for a while.

                              denoted by Zhu Chang.

At that time, the matter had not been revealed. Zhu Cheng accidentally pushed Li Yuanfa to death. Zhu Chang sighed and scolded his son in the court room.

However, scolding his son will not prevent the disaster that will follow. I just don’t know what will happen to the Liu family and his son in the future.

Shan Shen looked at the two parties again.

The two parties had a good conversation, and at least they were satisfied on the surface.

After the negotiation was settled, they both signaled to him that Shan Shen was a "middleman" and didn't talk nonsense.

Seeing Liu Xun getting up from the ground, dusting off the hem of his clothes, and about to follow Liu Jing back, the master, who was not in his turn to speak, suddenly said, "What should Miss Yue do?"

The words were abrupt and resounded throughout the courtroom.

 Everyone was stunned. Liu Xun's feet were a little numb and he almost sprained his legs.

Yue Niang was still timid. Seeing everyone looking at her, she hurriedly lowered her head.

Liu Xun couldn't bear to see her like this, and he had just said some affectionate words in front of so many people before, so it was obviously inappropriate to ignore her at this moment.

Bite his scalp, Liu Xun looked at Liu Jing.

In order to show sincerity, there was a bit of sincere prayer in his eyes.

Liu Jing felt a lump in his throat.

This master will pick up any pot he doesn’t like!

 No wonder he is just a master at this age!

 Mumbling, Liu Jing did not express his thoughts immediately, but threw the ball to Chief Sha Shan: "What does Chief Shan think?"

 Sha Shanchang walked towards Yue Niang and shook his head slowly: "You did something stupid."

Yue Niang bit her lower lip and whispered: "Uncle, grandpa..."

"Although I am your uncle and grandpa, I can't make the decision for you in everything," Shashan said. "As of now, I can't solve the problem just by asking you to do it, and you may not be willing to listen to my words. .

If you want to have no contact with Mr. Liu from now on, you can go back with me. Not to mention how prosperous you will be in the future, at least your uncle and grandpa will be able to make you feel free and satisfied.

If you insist on going with Young Master Liu, you have chosen this path yourself. Whether it is good or bad, I cannot protect you..."

Yue Niang’s eyes turned red.

  She could hear that her uncle was sincere. It is commendable that my great-uncle, who only recognized her relatives a few days ago, can make these considerations for her.

 But she…

Yue Niang looked at Liu Xun and saw Liu Xun gazing at her affectionately, and her heart skipped a beat.

She fell in love with Liu Xun, because when she was at her lowest and most helpless, Liu Xun did not dislike her and even brought her to the capital.

 Otherwise, as a penniless young woman, how could she go to Beijing even if she had an uncle and grandfather to rely on?

 Furthermore, Liu Xun treated her well, so she was willing to follow him even if she had no fame or status.

Yue Niang’s expression already gave the answer.

The head of Shashan sighed and refused to beat the mandarin ducks. He just said to Liu Jing: "Since we have come to this point, your house must give Yue Niang an explanation. I know that Yue Niang cannot reach your house, but It can’t be so unclear, right?”

Liu Jing's teeth were itching, and he glanced at his son, thinking to himself, "It looks like he is pretending to be a saint."

This Chief of Shashan is not easy to deal with. If he doesn't give an explanation, I'm afraid he won't be able to be kind. He will make more trouble later and give Xun'er the crime of "beginning with chaos and ending with abandonment". That's really...

  I can only admit it.

How could Liu Jing be so angry just thinking about what would go wrong later?

"It really can't be unclear," Liu Jing's heart was bleeding, and he had to put on a good attitude, "Just taking him into the house like this is not a formal rule.

 The thing that embarrasses me the most is Xun'er. He has no fame and no reputation, and he doesn't know what his future is.

 Why should he start a family like this?

 The answer to the question was not very good, and the person did a terrible job! "

As he spoke, Liu Jing vented his anger on Liu Xun: "Are you talking honestly?

You really like this girl and know that she has elders in the capital, so you should take her back to the capital and send her to her elders.

 Let me know your mother and I again, and we will come to your door to talk to you.

 It's a good thing for you, you can't bear it, right?

Can a girl's house be twisted?

 A good marriage turned into a private give-and-take!

I don’t even know what to say about you! "

 Liu Xun did not dare to reply.

 In his heart, he felt like a clear mirror. He knew that what his father said was just for the occasion.

 A good marriage?

In the eyes of his father, even if Yue Niang has a grandfather who is a mountain chief, she is definitely not a good candidate for his wife.

Speaking of which, he and Yue Niang fell in love with each other, just for the pleasure and pleasure. Is the matchmaker marrying him? Never thought about it.

 Thinking of this, Liu Xun turned to look at Yue Niang.

How could Yue Niang not see his hesitation and embarrassment?

 She didn’t want to embarrass Liu Xun.

“I know my identity and don’t dare to ask for anything,” Yue Niang whispered softly, “I live quite well in Shuixian Hutong…”

When Liu Xun heard this, he hurriedly stepped forward and held Yue Niang's hand: "When I gain fame, I will take you home again. This time, you will really study and won't think about heresy anymore. ”

Yue Niang nodded.

 That’s all.

If she persists, it will only make Mr. Liu dislike her even more, and it will also put Liu Xun in a dilemma.

The matter is settled.

  Every party leaves Shuntian Mansion and goes his own way.

Liu Xun first sent Yue Niang back to Shuixian Hutong, exchanged some affectionate words with each other, then returned home and waited in Liu Jing's study.

 When his father comes back from the office, he will have to be scolded again.

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