Yan Cigui

Chapter 143: I don’t know who I learned it from

Chapter 143 I don’t know who I learned it from

 The newly relaunched society was stumbling at the beginning, and then gradually got better, with many students enthusiastically participating.

 Many of them answered beautifully, because Liu Xun's business came first, and he would be questioned by the teacher and other students after finishing his answer.

Don't be afraid to ask questions based on genuine information, and your answers will win the house.

 Chen Gui also sent out a few copies of the study he had prepared, with a smile on his face.

When it was over, before the show ended, Supervisor Hu came to the stage to talk about the results of the inquiry.

 This turmoil can be judged clearly here.

However, everyone knows that with the development of the society and poetry meeting, and with the arrival of Enke next year, this matter will be difficult to deal with and will have to be discussed all the time.

 Before evening, Lin Yunyan returned to Uncle Chengyi's Mansion and first went to Zaishou Courtyard to greet Xiao Duan.

Before the grandfather and grandson could exchange a few words, Lin Yunfang poked her head outside.

 “Let her come in,” Xiao Duan said, “like a monkey.”

Lin Yunfang was not afraid of being called "monkey" by her grandmother, so she took her grandmother's hand to please her, and she winked at Lin Yunyan.

 “What’s the matter?” Xiao Duan asked her.

“Second sister, do you know what happened in the academy?” Lin Yunfang was extremely curious, “Tell me quickly?”

Little Duan didn’t know about the rumors outside, so he asked: “What kind of learning?”

 “You are well informed,” Lin Yuntan laughed at her sister, and then asked, “Where did you hear this?”

“The elder brother said that he went with his classmates today. He was going to listen and gain some knowledge, but unexpectedly...” Lin Yunfang dragged out a long sound, obviously to give Xiao Duan a little hook.

Lin Yunyan was very funny: "I didn't expect that Chen Gui would go on stage?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Lin Yunfang said, "Not only did he come on stage, he also exposed that Mr. Liu."

"You've heard what Yunding said, why do you still ask?" Lin Yunyan said.

"It's different. The eldest brother only said superficial things. The second sister has been out recently, and Dong Chen's family always follows her around, right?" Lin Yunfang said cleverly, "I just want to know, is the second sister seeing an injustice on the road, or has she planned this in advance? Just to expose that person? How dare he cheat in the academy? "

Lin Yunyan did not answer immediately, but only glanced at Xiao Duan.

Little Duan listened to the conversation between the two sisters and thought about it in his mind.

There is no doubt that the Liu family master failed to stand up and was calculated by Yun Yan.

 As for the twists and turns...

 Six months ago, little Duan would not have let Lin Yunfang listen to this, but thinking about how Yunfang was almost tricked by others last time, she thought that she still had to let this girl listen and think more.

Yunfang has a kind heart, but she can't resist encountering wolves. Only by being more knowledgeable and giving more tips can she not be deceived and still keep her kindness.

 Little Duan nodded slightly.

Lin Yunyan smiled. If her grandmother didn't nod, she would have to persuade her again afterwards. This was for Yunfang's sake.

 Fortunately, grandma figured it out on her own.

Same, grandma just won't do evil to others, her face is a bit thin, but she actually has a clear mind in her heart.

Lin Yunyan explained the ins and outs one by one.

The Liu family's father had a criminal record, and his son deliberately tried to please him in Cining Palace, and then she asked Chen Guiduo to join the society.

As for whether Liu Xun will definitely become famous in this society, Lin Yunyan can't say, she can only put it to "waiting and waiting."

“I just tried him, but I didn’t expect him to be such a fool,” Lin Yunyan said. “He was also exposed for stealing questions.”

Lin Yunfang’s eyes sparkled when she heard this.

Had she known that such a wonderful thing would happen, she went out with her second sister today.

 Looking at the men's clothes on the second sister, she looks handsome and young. She will wear the same style next time.

Little Duan couldn't tell what Lin Yunfang was thinking, and said, "Put away your whims. Chen Gui is busy and has to take care of you."

Lin Yunfang pursed her lips and smiled. Seeing that her grandmother and second sister still had something to say, she had satisfied her curiosity and happily got up and went out.

Little Mrs. Duan laughed and scolded her, then patted the back of Lin Yunyan's hand, her expression showing a bit of worry. "It's too radical," she said with concern. "Everyone knows the relationship between Chen Gui and our family, and this debt will definitely be settled on his head. It's not that he is afraid of the Liu family, but that there are countless insidious and cunning methods. We There’s no way to take advantage of it.”

Lin Yunyan understood what Xiao Duan meant.

Little Duan doesn't like to scheme against people. She acts upright and upright. If she has to scheme, she will think more carefully and be cautious.

The little Duan would not easily choose the method of letting Chen Gui stand up carelessly.

"I know what you mean. There are many ways to expose fraud, and it won't be so cruel," Lin Yunyan smiled, "But isn't this just a coincidence? I wasn't sure at first, so I couldn't arrange anything detailed in advance."

 Little Duan listened and nodded.

 Opportunities are fleeting.

Lin Yunyan leaned over and said: "Besides, it's good to go straight, isn't it?"

Little Duan was laughing and crying.

This girl will say something like this from time to time.

However, Xiao Duan was really worried about Yun Yan, and when Lin Yu came back home to say hello in the evening, she made it clear what had happened.

"In your opinion, what kind of temperament does Mr. Liu have?" Xiao Duan asked, "Will he become angry and unwilling to forgive?"

Of course Lin Yu heard about the society.

Without asking, he knew it was Yun Yan's handiwork.

Yuan was also wondering if it would be too radical. When Xiao Duan asked, Lin Yu suddenly wanted to change his mind.

Yun Yan just wants Liu Jing to "become angry" from shame.

If you can't get rid of it once and for all, you will be unable to get off the tiger with one careless move.

"She should just want to force the Liu family," Lin Yue said softly. "Without the way out, the Liu family is bound to become more violent. Instead of always worrying about when the Liu family will attack, and always being on guard, It's better to block their path and force them to take cruel measures in the near future."

"You can't bear to let go of the child, but you can't trap the wolf?" Xiao Duan frowned, "Yun Yan is bold, but I really can't bear to let go of the child!"

Lin Yu was amused by Xiao Duan's statement.

Thinking about Yun Yan's behavior again, it doesn't matter whether she laughs more or not.

 It is safe to say that Yun Yan has many radical ideas.

You have to say that she really doesn't have any backup plans and attacks directly with a knife. She also has many little traps, one after another.

"I don't know who she learned it from," Lin Yu sighed, and comforted Xiao Duan, "She is so brave, isn't she like us elders?"

Little Mrs. Duan can hear this.

  Previously, it was Yun Yan who served as the military advisor, instructing Sanlang's wife, Yun Fang and others on what to do, or playing drums with her to get her to take a few steps forward.

This time, Yun Yan wants to be the vanguard, so they should be good at holding the battle.

 This is how a family gets along.

The next day, in the morning court, the censors scolded Liu Jing so much that he did not dare to raise his head, so he could only admit his mistakes honestly in front of the emperor.

On a very cold day, Liu Jing was sweating profusely from being scolded.

Lin Yue looked at him, then raised his head and glanced at Xu Jian.

 What was rare was that Xu Jian did not have the fun written on his face.

 He was observing Liu Jing calmly.

 Based on his understanding of Liu Jing, this person would never give up.

The little princess’s risky chess moves should yield results.

 Otherwise, it would be quite boring for Xuan Su to stare at Liu Xun all day long.

The little princess likes a series of pits, so don’t worry.

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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