Yan Cigui

Chapter 144: reach out

Jinluan Palace.

 Xu Jian glanced at Liu Jing lightly again.

 His gaze did not stop, he glanced over slowly, looking very absent-minded.

 He heard the impassioned speech of an old censor, scolding him particularly fiercely.

 It’s no wonder.

Xu Jian can probably understand the reason why these people are so angry.

Like Su Ke who lived in Duke Xu's mansion, he lived an unruly life and behaved like a dandy. The censors were indeed good at scolding him, using different vocabulary.

 Those who can scold and criticize one another and talk about matters as they come may not necessarily have much anger in their hearts.

 But this time it was different, Liu Xun touched the fundamentals of being a scholar.

Stealing questions and cheating on academics are absolutely unacceptable to scholars who rely on ten years of hard work and imperial examinations to determine their life and death.

 At a small scale, it only involves the character of a certain person; at a larger scale, the imperial examination is a channel for the imperial court to select talents, and the opening of the Poetry Society is also paving the way for the enke in the coming year. Where can we act recklessly?

 Fortunately, Liu Xun was exposed. If he had been allowed to pass the test and relied on his cleverness and official background to get further, it would have been a disaster for other diligent and down-to-earth students.

The old royal history ignited in their hearts, led the ancients to the present, and said the wrong mistakes, the greater the hat, the higher the hat, and the higher and the higher the hat.

 Under such circumstances, Liu Jing could not lift his head for a long time.

Finally mustered up the courage to take a peek at the holy face...

The Holy Emperor's face was extremely gloomy, and his two hands were tightly holding the armrests of the throne. He was obviously very angry.

How can Liu Jing still stand?

 You must kneel down at this time.

With this thought in mind, he did so and knelt down to listen to the scoldings of the censors.

The censors took turns in the battle, and the scolding lasted for almost three quarters of an hour before they stopped.

The Holy Spirit asked in a cold voice: "Liu Qing, do you have anything to say?"

 Liu Jing had a lot of things on his mind.

There is no doubt that when Chen Gui stepped forward to do something, there must be the sincerity of Uncle Cheng behind it.

 In all likelihood, he is sincere.

An uncle who only works casually and has no intention of stirring up trouble in the court is supposed to be a calm and stable person, but when he plots against a junior like Xun'er, he is really bullying the young.

Of course, it was impossible for Liu Jing to say this. He was trembling and frightened: "I did not teach my son well, which caused that unworthy son to do such a wrong thing. I feel extremely guilty. I will definitely restrain him in the future and never do this again." Something happened."

The attitude of admitting his mistake was so good that even though His Majesty was dissatisfied in his heart, he did not hold on to it.

After the emperor retired from the court and walked out of the Jinluan Hall, Liu Jing stood up with his knees in hand and took a breath. He raised his arms and pressed the sweat on his forehead with his sleeves.

Standing there for a while, he wanted to wait until the courtiers in the hall had left one after another before leaving.

 Xu Jian would not care about Liu Jing and would go out on his own.

  When passing by Liu Jing, Xu Jian glanced at Liu Jing.

 This glance happened to meet Liu Jing's gaze.

Even though Liu Jing was quick to accept it, Xu Jian did not miss the annoyance and hatred in him.

Without stopping, Xu Jian left the Jinluan Hall.

Outside Qianbu Corridor, Shen Chen is waiting.

 The sedan arrived at Taohezhai, and Xu Jian entered the study.

At noon, Shen Chen went in to make some tea and saw Xu Jian sitting behind the desk, holding a tool in his hand and polishing a long and slender object.

He took a closer look and saw that it was a thin arrow.

Thinking about it again, Shen Chen remembered that yesterday they were rummaging in the warehouse for a while, and finally found a box containing a pair of sleeve arrows.

This set of sleeve arrows is equipped with twelve thin arrows. The arrows are sharp and the arrow bodies are made of bamboo. They are probably not smooth enough, so they are polishing them. I don’t know when the old almanac was left behind. The sleeve arrow is a single barrel with exquisite patterns on the barrel. It can be seen that this thing has not been used much.

 This is not surprising.

Hidden weapons like sleeve arrows are not suitable for their old master, and I have never seen him wearing one.

 I don’t know what I’m looking for...

Xu Jian did not raise his head, but only motioned to Shen Chen to put down the tea, and then said: "Tell Chen Gui that the princess will come over when she is free."

Shen Chen agreed and left to do some work.

Xu Jian was still doing what he was doing carefully, sharpening each thin arrow, readjusting the mechanism and butterfly piece of the quiver, then took out an arrow and put it in it, and pointed it at the hanging on the far wall. The target was shot out.

After checking the arrows one by one, Xu Jian collected the twelve arrows and put them into the quiver.

 In the afternoon, Lin Yunyan arrived at Taohe Zhai.

Shen Chen served tea. When he left, he glanced at the box on the table and an idea flashed across his mind.

Could it be that this is what I have prepared for the princess?

 Speaking of giving a gift, it is indeed a gift. The craftsmanship is quite exquisite and it takes a lot of work.

 No matter how flashy it is, it is also a weapon!

 Where can anyone send concealed weapons to the girl’s house?

Although he has no experience in this area, he has heard from the streets and hearsay that hairpins, rouge, balm, etc. are what girls like, right?

Even if it is not appropriate to send those things at the moment, you can still send food to the princess.

The princess loves sweets, so asking Aunt He to prepare one or two boxes of exquisite sweet snacks would be more appropriate than giving Xiujian a gift, right?

 Besides, will the princess know how to use the arrows in her sleeves?

 Could it be that I gave it to you because you wanted to teach the princess?

Shenchen couldn’t figure it out.

 He has been quite frustrated recently in trying to figure out the Duke's wishes.

 Let’s ask Jingdong’s family for advice next time...

 There were only two people left in the study, Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan.

Xu Jian opened the box and pushed it in front of Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan glanced at it, then reached out and picked up the thin arrow: "I really miss it."

Because of her good accuracy, Xu Jian taught her to use sleeve arrows to defend herself.

 This is not the case.

Xu Jian seemed to understand her thoughts and said, "It's ready-made in the warehouse."

Lin Yunyan understood.

The last time I first wore Xiujian, there was no Fu Guogong Palace anymore, and everything in the warehouse was confiscated.

Xu Jian found another shop that she knew well and borrowed tools, and made a set with her. It was practical and there were naturally no patterns on the outside of the quiver.

 Now, since it is ready-made, it saves the time of re-creating it.

Xu Jian picked up the quiver, adjusted the position of the strap, and said to Lin Yunyan in a calm tone: "Reach out."

Lin Yunyan stretched out her right hand without even thinking about it.

The clothes in winter are thicker and the cuffs are longer. Only half of the palm is exposed. The skin on the back of the hand is very white and the fingers are slender. The nails are dyed with kodan, which makes the fingers whiter.

Lin Yunyan straightened her cuffs herself, rolled them up a bit, exposing a small part of her arms, and then turned her palms upward toward Xu Jian.

 The slender strap falls on the upper edge of the wrist and goes from loose to tight.

 The thin calloused fingertips rubbed against the soft skin, which was a little numb. Lin Yuntian subconsciously shrank her hand.

Xu Jian raised his eyes to look at her, lowered his eyes again, and uttered two words from his lips: "Don't move."

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