Yan Cigui

Chapter 147: The princess had predicted it accurately

Chapter 147 The princess had guessed it accurately

Hearing this, the boy’s eyes lit up.

He thought about coming back all the way from the alley, but he couldn't think of anyone who was suitable.

When the princess reminded her, he nodded immediately: "That's right, that's right, she's the nanny who followed the girl from Yunyang's Mansion. I'm pretty good at recognizing people, so I won't miss her."

Wan Yue was sensible and handed over a handful of coins: "The princess has invited me to have some drinks today."

Grabbed two more handfuls to share with Linton and the handlebars. Wan Yue said with a smile, "Buy some more plain mutton and some roasted chicken, just in time to drink."

Linton was happy: "I don't dare to drink at noon. When I'm not on duty at night, I can drink and eat meat to warm myself up."

Lin Yunyan said to Che Xi: "Uncle Niu can't eat at noon, and I have to go out."

 Handlebar nodded in agreement.

Lin Yunjing went to offer incense with Mr. Huang today and will not return home until evening.

Lin Yunyan asked someone to go to Hanhui Courtyard to invite Lin Yunfang.

After only waiting for a while, Lin Yunfang hurried over: "Second sister, want to go shopping? Let's go, let's go."

 The carriage left Uncle Chengyi's Mansion again.

Uncle Niu got the order and walked to the entrance of the alley. The carriage stopped after walking for a while, and he bought two cakes in the east and a pot of hot drink in the west. Slowly and leisurely, the carriage arrived at South Street.

Lin Yunfang bit her snack and listened to Lin Yunyan explain to her.

"You mean, then Zheng Liu doesn't give up?" Lin Yunfang's eyes widened and she puffed her cheeks and said, "There are enemies and debtors, so why doesn't she look for me?"

Lin Yunyan smiled and poked her in the face: "You've been staying in the house these days because it's cold, so you can't stand out like my beautiful carriage and follow it, right?"

Lin Yunfang smiled naively.

 The carriage stopped outside the rouge shop.

Uncle Niu set up the pedals, and Wan Yue got out of the car first, followed closely by Aunt Su beside Lin Yunfang.

When the two sisters came down, Grandma Su helped Lin Yunfang with a smile, and whispered to Lin Yunyan: "I saw her, it's Grandma Lao."

 Speaking, Grandma Su shook her head secretly.

It was such a hard job for the nanny, driving the carriage with two legs. Even if Uncle Niu deliberately stopped and walked, she was out of breath and panting heavily on the way.

 Otherwise, it would be really hard for Mother Su to see her at a glance.

"She works for Miss Zheng Liu. Normally, she shouldn't do this kind of work with others." Mother Su said.

Lin Yunyan was not surprised.

Zheng Liu framed Yunfang for cheating, but she exposed it. Yunyang uncle's house lost its reputation that day. Later, outside the palace gate, the old lady's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law's unwilling apology was rebuked by little Duan's rare toughness. I went back and lost face.

They don’t even have the chance to save face. Unless the east wind changes to the west wind, they Yunyang’s Mansion will not easily mess with Chengcheng’s Mansion again.

 That's not necessary.

 Once you don't understand someone, they will just bring up the old things again and let the nobles in Beijing watch the joke again.

 Zheng Liu is the only one who will not give up.

And the only people in the mansion who will listen to Zheng Liu's command are the maids and maids around her.

Lin Yunyan took Lin Yunfang's arm into the shop, and Wan Yue and Nanny Su followed behind, pretending that no one was following them at all.

She was thinking of counterattacking Liu Xun. She thought of three or four ways, but she lamented that she didn't have enough chess pieces in her hand.

If there were a few more useful chess pieces, things would go more smoothly.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Liu couldn't bear it anymore.

 Speaking of which, they had figured out Zheng Liu's plot against Yun Fang in the past, but they had not yet settled the troubles and obstacles Zheng Liu and Liu Xun caused to her and Xu Jian.

 Just put it together in a pile and "make the best use of it" in the future.

Xu Jiangang also laughed at her for always catching a sheep. It’s not her fault, because the sheep is really wooly.     It would be too wasteful not to collect it.

 This rouge shop is owned by Chen Gui, and the Lin sisters are regular customers.

Liao Zi’s wife was working here and led the two of them into the private room upstairs.

"Princess, Third Miss, if you two want rouge, just ask Dong Chen's family to deliver it to the mansion. Why don't you come here all the time? It's very cold today." Liao Zi's wife served tea.

Lin Yunyan smiled and said: "He has been busy running to the academy these days."

 The biggest study session was over, and they had achieved the results they deserved, but Chen Gui still didn't rest.

The Society of Poetry will continue to run, firstly to build up the reputation of Shenghui Pavilion, and secondly, to have a beginning and an end, so that it will not appear to be deliberate.

 “Let’s pick out the fragrance,” Lin Yunyan added, “pick something with a stronger flavor.”

 This made Liao Zi’s wife quite surprised.

Generally speaking, young girls prefer elegant ones, and those with strong flavor will be judged as too rouge-y.

 As for the stronger ones, serious people don’t like to use them.

But after the princess told her this, Liao Zi’s daughter-in-law naturally obeyed and took some money as she was told.

While asking the princess and the third girl to smell it, she still made some suggestions: "There is a new batch of very good perfume in the shop. It has a long-lasting fragrance and is very unique, but the smell is not so strong."

"Just ask Chen Gui to send it to the house later." Lin Yunyan lowered her voice and said a few words to Liao Zi's wife.

Upon hearing this, Liao Zi’s wife rolled her eyes and nodded repeatedly.

At the opposite corner of the shop, the old lady was holding on to the wall. She had just regained her breath, but there was still sweat on her forehead. She wiped it with a handkerchief.

What she didn’t know was that someone was looking at her from behind the half-open window upstairs in the rouge shop.

 After waiting for almost a quarter of an hour, Grandma Lao saw the Lin sisters coming out of the shop.

Those people did not get on the bus, but walked forward a short distance and entered a teahouse.

Having made sure that she would sit down to have tea and snacks there and not leave for a short time, Grandma Lao hurried back to the Rouge Shop and looked around.

Liao Zi’s wife has already recognized this grandma under the guidance of Grandma Su.

When she saw someone coming in, she greeted him enthusiastically: "Rouge, balm, perfume, and dew are the most fashionable in the capital. What kind do you want to choose?"

Mammy Lao took a closer look.

Isn't this the lady who just sent Lin Yunyan and the others out?

At that time, I even handed a package of things to the girl holding the moon.

With a smile on her face, Grandma Lao took Liao Zi's wife to the side and asked in a low voice: "What did those two noble girls just buy?"

Liao Zi's wife's face suddenly became wary: "Mom, don't make things difficult for others, we are in business..."

 A cold object was thrust into the hand of Liao Zi’s wife.

After the words stopped on her lips, Liao Zi’s wife lowered her head and glanced down.

 It is a broken piece of silver.

This is not a lot in the Duke's house, but for the people who work in the shop, it is already a lot.

Liao Zi’s daughter-in-law looked at Auntie Lao several times and thought to herself: The princess had indeed guessed it!

 She is right here, waiting!

Pretending to be bribed by money, Liao Zi's wife cleared her throat and said, "Let me introduce a fragrant dew to mom. It has a strong fragrance. It will not be overshadowed by the fragrance of plum blossoms when you enjoy flowers in winter. It is the favorite of noble girls." "

After all, Grandma Lao comes from a wealthy family and understands such roundabout talk.

 She said hurriedly: "Bring it to me and let me smell it."

Thanks to book friend 20230520105817483, Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, and Xiaoyuan for their rewards.



 (End of this chapter)

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