Yan Cigui

Chapter 148: Money well spent

 When Liao Zi’s wife brought the fragrant dew, Grandma Lao tried to smell it.


 What a strong taste!

It went straight to her head, making her shrink back in a hurry.

How does Princess Ning'an like this?

Although my daughter only interacted with the princess once, she was very familiar with the third girl of the Lin family.

 The third girl praised her second sister very much, and her own taste was not bad, so the two sisters could not even choose a fragrance.

Thinking about it, Grandma Lao slowed down and went up to smell it again.

 It’s still a rush, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems pretty good?

                                        ification, without the aura of dust, and not like a charming person, it is just fragrant.

 What did this lady say?

 It makes sense to compare the taste with plum fragrance.

 After all, the plum blossoms are so rich!

 “It’s a good time to enjoy the flowers...” Aunt Lao said with a smile, “It’s good to enjoy the flowers. Plum blossoms are in season.”

“That’s right!” Lady Liao also smiled. She had done a lot of business, and her fake smile was sincere. “Look at the sky, it’s going to snow in the next few days.

White snow and red plum blossoms, what a wonderful scenery, especially when wearing a red snow coat, standing in that scene, I just regret that I don’t know how to draw, so I can’t draw it.

 You think, how could the ladies not like such a fun winter outing?

 But, who doesn’t wear red yet? It looks good, but it's too similar.

If only there could be some different reds..."

Mammy Lao asked Madam Liao to go in, and she also felt "different" in her mind.

 What about pomegranate red, peony red, cherry red, Zhu Jin, cinnabar...

“Oh!” Ms. Liao clapped her hands and went to the cabinet to get a box of rouge. “Mom, what do you think of this color?”

 Mother Lao’s eyes lit up.

That is Zhang Dan color, like sunset falling from the sky, very good.

 “Yo, this is really beautiful,” she said.

Lady Liao said: "It goes against the snowy scenery and is different from other reds. It is perfect for admiring red plums, white plums or golden plums."

Mammy Lao nodded repeatedly.

It seems that when we were picking out perfume just now, the Lin sisters chatted a lot together.

They would never have thought that if a shop lady heard these words, her mouth would be pried open.

Our girl was preoccupied with inquiring about the princess and wanted to create a chance to win back the victory. Unexpectedly, she was lucky. She only stood outside the alley of Chengyi Mansion for a while and made some progress.

 It was on this road that I was too tired chasing the carriage.

However, Xianglu, Xuehou and Zhang Dan’s snow jackets.

This money is really worth spending!

“I bought it, bring me two bottles of that fragrant dew, and also a box of this rouge.” Auntie Lao said cheerfully.

 Liao Zi’s wife was beaming with joy and looked as diligent as if she had made a successful business.

The scented dew and rouge was put into a box and wrapped. She handed it to Aunt Lao and sent it on her way out.

 “Come again next time.”

Watching the guests leave, Liao Zi’s wife turned around and returned to the shop, rolling her eyes behind everyone’s back.

Looking at the look on that nanny's face, she must have thought she had gotten a big advantage, but she never expected that she had walked into the princess's trap.

Although she didn’t know what the princess planned to do next, Liao Zi’s wife was too confident.

Those who dare to play tricks on the princess behind her back will not get any good results.

It’s sour and astringent, and it will break your teeth if you bite it!

 Let’s wait and see.

The old lady carried her things and stood outside the teahouse next door for a while. After the two sisters Lin Yunyan finished their meal and came out hand in hand, Mother Lao hurriedly hid in the dark.

The two of them continued to act as if they didn't know anything, walked around and bought some snacks and toys, and then happily got in the car and returned home.

Lao Yan chased his leg and chased his panting, and watched the carriage entering sincerity, and she leaned against the wall.

 After lingering at the entrance of the alley for half an hour, she estimated that Lin Yunyan would not leave the house again today, so she returned to Uncle Yunyang's house.

 Those who hurried slowly found that it was already snowing when they entered the yard.

Grandma Lao glanced at the sky and realized that the snow was quite heavy and it would fall at dawn tomorrow.

A little maid hurried in carrying a food box and stood on the porch dusting the snow off her body.

“What’s for the girl?” Auntie asked her, “What’s for food?”

“We made pastries in the kitchen,” the little maid said, “red date cakes, walnut cakes and so on.”

Mammy Lao was worried and urged to open the food box.

There are just these two things in the upper floor. Looking at the lower floor, not only Grandma Lao frowned, but also the little maid turned pale.

 It's filled with peanut cake.

Since the day they were born, the most annoying thing for these girls has been "peanuts".

 Anything that is even close to peanuts cannot appear in front of you.

 “What do you think in the kitchen?” Nanny Lao asked in a low voice.

The little maid looked sad and couldn't answer.

Mammy Lao scolded Mrs. Yunyang in her heart while scolding her for "not being cautious" and "I don't know how to look twice."

 Obviously she is the girl's biological mother, but in recent years she has been focusing on her eldest daughter and neglecting the girl.

If Mrs. Uncle wasn't partial and didn't give the girl the best, would she have been unable to compare with the three girls in Uncle Chengcheng's house? It’s not just because of financial constraints!

 After the incident, because other girls in the house were affected, the sisters-in-law complained all the time, and the uncle's wife became even more unhappy with the girl.

My own mother doesn’t protect her, but often complains and blames her in words, and doesn’t she flatter everyone and look down on them?

I don’t know which room the old ladies in the kitchen collected the money from, and used this dirty trick to disgust the girl.

Can this hurt the girl even a hair?

 This is clearly meant to insult the girl!

“Eat the peanut cake, then rinse your mouth,” Grandma Lao instructed the little maid to put the walnut cake on the lower floor for pretense, then lifted the food box, “I’ll take it in.”

Little maid is very grateful.

If Grandma Lao hadn’t found out, she would have sent it to the girl in a daze...

 As long as she is forced to stand in the heavy snow for an hour, the girl will probably not calm down.

 Grandma Lao entered the house.

Zheng Liu was lying on the Arhat bed boredly. When he saw her coming back, he sat up straight and asked, "What's the gain?"

  "Yes, yes, God is helping the girl. Look at the snow outside." said Grandma Lao.

 Put down the food box and take out the scented rouge.

Zheng Liu came over with his shoes on. When he smelled the fragrant dew, he was extremely disgusted: "What does it smell like!"

Mammy Lao hurriedly explained the situation as if pouring out the beans.

"It's not inferior to plum fragrance, that's right." Zheng Liu looked at the rouge again, "Zhang Dan color? Do I have one with a similar color?"

Grandma Lao took one out of the box and said, "This was popular in Beijing the year before last, so I made one. It looked a bit small."

“They’re just as young as they are, just a snow coat,” Zheng Liu said. “Where can they go to enjoy the flowers after the snow?”

 This question was not answered by Grandma Lao.

Zheng Liu's face darkened, and just when he was about to scold Auntie, a greeting from the little maid came from outside.

It was Zheng Yu who came in the snow.

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