Yan Cigui

Chapter 151: Why are you pestering the princess?

The carriage was cramped and the rich aroma spread, irritating Wan Yue to sneeze several times.

Lin Yunyan couldn't bear the taste and urged Uncle Niu to drive the carriage to the side gate of Zhangping Garden.

This is a good place to enjoy flowers in the capital.

 A few months ago, Shen Chen was in this garden when he followed Li Yuanfa and discovered that the person behind him was Zhu Cheng.

Autumn chrysanthemums are replaced by winter plums, and there will only be more people admiring the flowers.

Since the girls had reserved the back garden, the guests gathered in the front garden, which was quite crowded.

Liu Xun saw the two carriages parked outside the side door. First the maid and her mother-in-law got out, and then came the figures of Lin Yunyan and her sisters.

The other person seemed to notice someone staring at him and raised his eyes to look over.

Liu Xun did not dare to follow too closely, and was blocked by the crowd. He could only see clearly the appearance of the other party, which was Lin Yunyan.

This is enough!

 Zhang Danse's snow coat, he remembered it!

Lin Yunyan only stayed outside the door for a short while, and then entered the garden with Lin Yunjing and Lin Yunfang.

They arrived a little late because they were delayed outside.

 There are already many people in the back garden.

 Greeting greetings to each other, smiling and saying joyful words.

 Just, regardless of whether he was familiar with it or not, he subconsciously took a step back.

The fragrant dew used by the princess today is really too strong.

Lin Yunyan just pretended that she couldn't tell: "Since you are here to see the flowers, just have fun by yourself. If you want to throw pots and horses, it is not too late to invite others."

 It’s natural for everyone to agree.

Zheng Yu thought about what Lin Yunfang said in the letter and came over with a smile on her face.

 Lin Yunfang saw her and asked, "Why didn't you see Zheng Liu? Didn't she come?"

"Here you go," Zheng Yu glanced at Lin Yunyan as he spoke, "She couldn't stay idle, so she went to play first."

 For a moment, Zheng Yu didn’t know whether to feel lucky or embarrassed.

 She knew that Zheng Liu had brought a red-colored snow coat.

Zheng Liu said that the color looks good on snow and flowers, but it is a pity that it was made two years ago and is now too small and does not fit well.

When going out to meet guests, she still needs to wear something that fits her well. But she just wants to enjoy the flowers for her own pleasure. Anyway, most of these noble ladies are not willing to play with her, so she just enjoys herself.

The reason is indeed such a reason. Zheng Yu was so speechless by her conversation that she couldn't say anything else.

She even wondered if Zheng Liu was complaining that the government did not make more snow coats according to her preference...

However, Zheng Yu never imagined that the princess was wearing a red dress, which was the same as the one Zheng Liu was wearing.

Zheng Yu doesn’t believe that the princess is deliberately targeting Zheng Liu, or that Zheng Liu wants to break up with the princess.

How can you guess what color the other person is going to wear, right?

 Color-contrasting clothes are the most embarrassing thing!

Whoever is of poor quality will be embarrassed.

Whoever does a poor job will be embarrassed.

How could the snow coat on the princess's upper body be left behind?

They all belong to young girls, and you can tell the quality of their clothes at a glance.

Zheng Yu didn't even need to touch the materials to know that Zheng Liu was a complete loser.

It's a good thing that Zheng Liu walked away first, otherwise the two sides would have met each other...

What will happen to the victorious princess? Can Zheng Liu, who was defeated miserably, take out the snow coat again?

Even if he didn't get angry on the spot, she would have to praise Zheng Liu for keeping his temper today.

Zheng Yu's only request for Zheng Liu today was to "talk less" and "don't cause trouble." He really didn't expect that there was going to be a problem in this matter.

There are obviously so many colors of red. It’s common for everyone to bump into each other. Just smile and forget about the embarrassment.

It’s Zhang Dan who is leaning towards Orange, but he can still hit...

 It’s okay, okay, at least the one I’m wearing is garnet red.

 Otherwise, the other girls would see Zheng Liu first and then the princess, and they still wouldn’t know how to fight a lawsuit.

“Let’s go see the flowers too.” Lin Yunyan urged Lin Yunfang.

Lin Yunfang and Zheng Yu nodded and followed the two sisters.

Zheng Yu looked at the backs of the three people and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where has she gone?" Zheng Yu asked the maid, then sighed and shook her head, "I don't believe she can know what the princess is wearing, but it is such a coincidence..."

The maid knew what she was worried about and said with relief: "The fragrant dew used by the princess is special..." Zheng Yu nodded.

She had smelled the fragrance of Zheng Liu before. It had a very light floral fragrance, which was completely different from that of the princess.

 Same, the colors are excusable.

The princess used such a strong fragrance, how can it be used by ordinary people?

 It was just a coincidence.

“We have to go find her,” Zheng Yu explained. “Tell her to stop wearing the clothes that don’t fit her and look good. When I get back home, I’ll report it to my mother and make another pair for her.”

At this moment, Zheng Liu was hiding behind the rockery in the pool.

There is a pool in the back garden, surrounded by rockery rocks. The north side is high and the south side is low, creating a scene of mountains and water.

Although the north side is high, the advantage is that the road is easy to walk. There are many plum blossoms on the mountain and there are pavilions and pavilions. It is a good view whether you look at the back garden or the front garden in the distance.

There are many short caves on the south side of the mountain, and there is a platform facing the water, with a small hall built on top. From here, go south and pass through the moon cave gate to the front garden.

 This is a place carefully chosen by Zheng Liu.

Girls will not come to the south bank of the pond to see flowers, but as long as they look south from the north mountain, they can see the movement by the water.

 The two sides are separated by the lake, so you can’t see your true face clearly. You can only judge your identity through your clothes.

 If you want to rush to this side...

There was snow on the rocks, so we walked directly along the lake. I was afraid that I would slip into the water, so I had to make a big circle and walk through the garden.

 “Girl, girl.”

Hearing Grandma Lao’s voice, Zheng Liu emerged from behind the rocks.

"The princess is here. She is indeed wearing Zhang Dan. From a distance, it looks no different from yours. She also used fragrant dew. That one is great!" Grandma Lao shook her head repeatedly.

Zheng Liu took off his pomegranate red snow coat, put on the Zhang Dan color hidden in the rockery cave, and put on his hat.

 “Does it fit?” she asked.

Mammy Lao nodded quickly.

Zheng Liu was so proud that she had even deceived Zheng Yu!

Last night, Grandma Lao drove most of the night and took out the folded materials to make it bigger.

“No one is coming here, right?” Zheng Liu asked again.

“No one will come,” said Mammy Lao. “There are no wintersweets in bloom here. It’s not as beautiful as in the north, and the road is difficult to walk.”

Zheng Liu became more and more relieved.

Grandma Lao said: "The princess is also very capable. At first, the three sisters left together. Later, Lin Yunfang was called away by someone else. Only the princess and Miss Lin kept going further and further away. Please wait patiently. …”

Just as she was speaking, Grandma Lao turned her head and looked north.

 In the distant attic, a small red veil danced.

 “Look, girl.” Grandma Lao pointed.

 Zheng Liu laughed.

That place is the highest, and you can see everything in the garden.

Red means that Lin Yunyan has gone too far. Except for the Lin family herself, she is not with other guests, and there will definitely not be two Zhang Dan figures.

 Then, a yellow veil appeared there again.

 Some guests have climbed up Beishan, and they will soon be able to see the movement on this side of the pool.

Zheng Liu then urged: "Guan Liu hasn't come yet?"

"He can't enter directly from the back garden, he has to find a way to climb over from the front garden..." As Nanny Lao said, the people came.

After the meeting, Grandma Lao sprinkled the fragrant dew on Zheng Liu and hid in a rock cave.

Zheng Liu leaned close to Guan Liu, quietly looked at Beishan, and said: "I told you yesterday, just run if I tell you to."

Just as Guan Liu was about to respond, he heard a cry from behind him.

"Who are you? What are you doing to pester the princess?"

Like a male duck, the sound of the urn is loud and the explosion makes the head numb.

Guan Liu was so frightened that he jumped up. He didn't want to listen to Zheng Liu's instructions, so he just ran away.

  Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, everyone has entered the net, and everyone has entered the net. You can collect a net later.

  Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and book friend 20220514222337673 for the reward, and thanks to Bookstore book friend V.L.T for the reward.

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