Yan Cigui

Chapter 152: Hero saves beauty

There is a pond in front of the house, and there are mostly rocky roads on both sides. Only the road to the front garden on the south side is very flat.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Guan Liu rushed into the small hall and rushed out again, leaving only Liu Xun behind.

Liu Xun was striding out of the small hall and met Guan Liu head-on. He didn't even see Guan Liu's face clearly.

 Firstly, Guan Liu's steps were fast, and secondly, Liu Xun's thoughts were entirely focused on "Lin Yunyan" by the pool.

He is here to find the princess. Who cares to take a second look at a scoundrel who has a thief but no courage and runs away after being shouted at?

His heart and eyes were filled with that red snow coat!

Liu Xun walked over quickly: "Princess, don't be afraid, the bad guy has been scared away!"

Zheng Liu was facing the water and did not dare to turn his head.

Once someone sees her true face and lets people know that there are two pieces of Zhang Danse, her plan will not be implemented.

 Speaking of it, it is still difficult to implement now.

 Guan Liu ran away!

Zheng Liu scolded Guan Liu in his heart.

This Guan Liu is a son of the Yunyang uncle's family. He works in the outer courtyard. It turns out that Zheng Liu wouldn't give a half-glance to his servant.

 It happened that we needed such a role today, so Grandma Lao introduced Guan Liu to her.

According to Grandma Lao, Guanliu, an honest man, used to do his job very seriously, but he didn’t know that he had a cramp that day, so he went to place a bet with someone, lost ten taels of silver, and his money was suddenly tight.

Zheng Liu was not well-off, but he didn't take ten taels of silver seriously, so they hit it off immediately.

 She paid for Guan Liulai to do this scene with her.

In Zheng Liu’s opinion, this play couldn’t be simpler.

The two of them were standing close to each other. Looking down from the mountain to the north, due to the distance and angle, they looked like they were pulling and hugging each other.

As long as there is a shout on the mountain, no matter where the six dozen go back and forth, Zheng Liu changes the snow coat back to pomegranate red, and at the same time leads Lin Yunyan to this side, it will be enough.

The last time he failed against Lin Yunfang, he taught Zheng Liu a lesson.

 You have to strike quickly, accurately and hard, but you must also leave yourself a way out.

She doesn't need to personally come out and say that Lin Yunyan is having trouble with others. She just needs to watch the show from a distance to avoid being unable to escape like before.

Lin Yunyan would certainly say that these people made things out of nothing, but she saw snow coats on the mountain, and there was such a strong smell of fragrant dew in the cave...

 Others may not say it with their mouths, but what they believe in their hearts is not something that Lin Yunyan can cover up with one hand.

However, Zheng Liu didn't expect that with her arrangement, Guan Liu would indeed "go back and forth wherever he went", but he returned too early!

 As timid as a mouse and useless!

  I won’t give you ten taels of silver or ten copper coins!

Zheng Liu cursed in his heart.

Seeing that she was ignoring him, Liu Xun hurriedly said: "Princess, I'm here. I drove that **** away for the princess."

Zheng Liu was so angry that he wanted to drive people away. Suddenly a thought flashed through his mind: Does this person recognize Lin Yunyan?

Thinking about it, another strange thing emerged.

The hat was covering her face tightly, and her back was turned to her body. Why did this person think she was Lin Yunyan?

 Snow coat!

 Zhang Danse!

 Could this person be Lin Yunyan's good friend and have made an appointment with her to come and see the flowers?

 Otherwise, how would you know what she was wearing today?

 The more he thought about it, the more certain Zheng Liu became.

What did Auntie Lao say yesterday?

 God is helping her!

 Absolutely right!

 If Guan Liu runs away, just run away. The new one is very useful.

In the rock cave, Grandma Lao was also startled by the sudden unfolding. Just as she was hesitating whether to help the girl out, she saw Zheng Liu winking at her.

 The meaning is quite clear, tell Auntie Lao to hide first.

Zheng Liu decided to play the trick first, and when it was time to escape, Auntie Lao would help her out.

They are two against one, are they worried that they can't get rid of this newcomer? Moreover, Guan Liu cannot show his face in front of others because of his status as a servant of Uncle Yunyang's house. This is different for the newcomer. As long as he says that he is with the princess, that is the best evidence.

Having made up his mind, Zheng Liu hurriedly raised his hand and tightened his hat, almost covering most of his face.

 Then, she suddenly turned around and leaned into Liu Xun's arms.

The beauty suddenly threw herself into her arms, which was beyond Liu Xun's expectation. Although he was not quick at studying, he had hugged women before and had experience.

Without having to think at all, Liu Xun naturally stretched out his arms to hug the person in his arms, put his arm around her waist, and patted her gently on the back with the other.

 What did father say?

 Heroes save beauties, it works better than anything else!

 The facts prove that there is nothing wrong at all!

 He came to Zhangping Garden to gamble on his luck.

Although Yueniang still lives in Shuixian Hutong, the news that he and Yueniang are "in love" is no longer a secret. He wants to get a marriage that satisfies his father, and it is already difficult for him to get married in a serious way.

 Got to seize every opportunity.

If you can't catch the princess, you can catch whoever you want. Anyway, the girls who came to the garden today are all noble people.

Fortunately, the princess's car was conspicuous, and Liu Xun saw what color the snow coat the other party was wearing, but the back garden was reserved, so he could only sneak over the wall from the front garden.

 I really didn’t expect that God was so helpful to him.

He was hesitating where to turn when he met a man looking around.

That sneaky look said "I want to do bad things" directly on his face.

Liu Xun followed the man and saw the man setting up a ladder and climbing over the wall. He followed suit and climbed over, and found Lin Yunyan being pulled by the man.

 Almost subconsciously, Liu Xun spoke.

He thought that the man was so "sensible", and ran away as soon as he slipped, but it made Liu Xun's hero save beauty.

 Look at it, the princess was so moved that she threw herself into his arms!

Zheng Liu lowered her head and buried her face in front of the person to prevent the other person from seeing her face.

This man is indeed Lin Yunyan's best friend, and he is so easy to hold.

Zheng Liu’s hair stood up when he thought of the arm around his waist.

 That’s right, she can’t let this person see it yet.

His body was trembling slightly, Zheng Liu said nothing.

Liu Xun just thought she was "fearful" and kept saying: "Fortunately, I met you. Princess, don't worry, nothing will happen..."

Hold the beauty in his arms, Liu Xun didn't look proud on his face.

  What kind of fragrance does the princess use? Why does it smell so strong!

The two of them were still close to each other, and he was so fragrant that he could hardly open his eyes.

 Be patient, be patient!

 When he conquers the princess, he has the final say on what kind of fragrant dew to use!

Zheng Liu is also forbearing.

 What is Lin Yunyan’s hobby?

She actually likes such an unpleasant sound? !

 It sounds like a duck quacking, are you crazy?

 Hold it, hold it!

Zheng Liu kept telling herself that as long as she endured it for a little longer, she would be able to achieve a complete victory, which Lin Yunyan couldn't explain!

God bless, the next moment, the two patient people heard the most beautiful exclamation in the world.

 It came from far away from the rocks on the opposite side of the pool.

 “There, what about there…”

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