Yan Cigui

Chapter 156: Misery is also a flavor

 The cold wind is coming again.

 Wrapped in snow foam and floating over.

Zheng Liu blinked hard.

 The trap was exposed, and embarrassment and anger filled her heart. Zheng Yu's shock and the scrutiny of the other sisters fell on her like a knife.

  But, that’s it.

 The knife cut through the skin, and the blood dripped. It was naturally painful at first, but then numbness remained.

 It’s up to you to watch it or not.

After he was no longer uneasy about the outsiders around him, Zheng Liu's chaotic thoughts became clearer.

It was only then that she realized that she had misunderstood the relationship between Lin Yunyan and Liu Xun.

This Liu Xun is not Lin Yunyan’s best friend at all.

 So, after the exclamation came from the mountain on the other side, he would hold on to her and even actively jump into the water after she fell into the water.

 Is it brave?

 Is it a good intention?

how can that be possible!

 And how did this coincidence happen?

The red-colored snow jacket, the unreasonably thick fragrance...

Zheng Liu suddenly turned his head to look at Liu Xun: "Who told you what color snow coat the princess is wearing?"

 Liu Xun looked ugly.

Li Kui turned into Li Gui, and it was actually the girl from Yunyang's house who caused the trouble.

If she hadn't been clever enough to plot against the princess, how could she have accidentally gotten into trouble?

If he doesn’t find the way, when he finds the real princess, he...

 Liu Xun felt extremely uncomfortable.

 But things have come to this, and we can only make mistakes.

Looking at Zheng Liu again, he was in a miserable state after falling into the water. His hair was scattered and his face was pale. He really didn’t look good.

Liu Xun has the charming Yue Niang, and he also sees Princess Ning'an, who is just waiting for her beauty to bloom. Comparing the two sides, it becomes more and more obvious that Zheng Liu is inferior.

 He could only comfort himself: misery is also a flavor.

"What did the girl say?" Liu Xun said, "No one told me..."

 Zheng Liu sighed!

Liu Xun and her have different goals. How could they work together to bite Lin Yunyan?

"You plotted against me!" Zheng Liu ignored Liu Xun and just said to Lin Yunyan, "You deliberately let me know this and brought Liu Xun here, so you just throw the trash you don't want at me? You actually know how to plan!"

 “Oh?” Lin Yunyan raised her eyebrows.


Zheng Liu just doesn’t think things through thoroughly when he does things, but he’s not so stupid that he doesn’t understand things clearly.

 Look, don’t you understand this?

"Then tell me," Lin Yunyan looked at her and said, "How did I let you know this on purpose?"

Zheng Liu was lying in Zheng Yu's arms. She was the only one who looked up at Lin Yunyan, and she was the only one who saw "encouragement" and "urge" in the princess's eyes.

This person with an abacus is actually still complacent?

Zheng Liu almost jumped up.

Unfortunately, as soon as he propped himself up, he was pushed back by the eager Zheng Yu.

"Are you crazy?" Zheng Yu covered Zheng Liu's mouth, "I think you are crazy! What do you do every day? Your mind is full of this and that, but you should leave some for your mother , Give it to me, how can we behave as people in the Yunyang House?"

Zheng Liu struggled but couldn't get away. In a hurry, he punched and kicked, wishing he could use all his strength.

 But she couldn't earn Zheng Yu, let alone the maids around Zheng Yu.

Zheng Liu was furious and furious.

 What family?

 Is this how the family helped her?

 She was going to call Auntie Lao and ask her to tell her the process of "knowing", so that others would know that Lin Yunyan was plotting against her.

Lin Yunyan looked at this scene and knew that the dust had settled.

She told the woman who was looking after the backyard, "The ladies who went into the water to save people worked hard. I drank some **** soup to go away the cold, and then I took two tonics to calm down the shock.


Wanyue handed over the red envelope at the right time.

 The mother-in-law responded one after another. In their Zhangping Garden, many people come to enjoy the flowers every day, and they often entertain nobles with hairpins.

Everyone has seen quarrels and fights. Princess Ning'an is not the most noble person, and it is not the first time that someone has fallen into the water.

 But this was the first time that he had such misfortune that he had to make plans again and again, and in the end he was completely wiped out.

"I'm tired today, so I'm going back to my house first," Lin Yunyan bowed to the others, "Sisters, if you want to play, continue playing."

 The host is about to leave, how can the guests still be interested?

 Everyone came out to play happily, but before the excitement started, they asked Zheng Liu to cause trouble.

Of course, this farce is quite lively, but when I think about the trap...

"The princess invited them here with good intentions, who knows..."

“What if Zheng Liu succeeds? What will the princess do?”

“I shouldn’t have invited her in the first place. The princess is kind-hearted. Didn’t she talk to Sister Zheng Yu before?”

“Sister Zheng Yu is so pitiful, being dragged down by such a sister.”

“Last time something went wrong with the horse crane, and the Zheng family didn’t take care of it properly.”

“I heard from my grandmother that on the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mrs. Yunyang went to choke Mrs. Chengyi.”

“Seriously? They are wrong, how can they still choke?”

 The words are full of disgust and rejection.

Zheng Liu was busy with earning money and didn't care about this anymore, but Zheng Yu felt more and more uncomfortable as he listened.

“Old ladies are like that, which shows the state of the family.”

“Zheng Yu may not be unaware of this.”

Zheng Yu couldn't hold back the mutterings and comments in front of his ears.

With this sentence, she became more emotional and tears fell down.

 She has no idea!

If she knew it, how could she let Zheng Liu do such a stupid thing?

She wanted to tie Zheng Liu up at home and not let her take a step out of the room.

"Did I owe you in my last life? Did our whole family owe you in my last life?" Zheng Yu trembled, "If you want to go crazy, go crazy, what are you doing to harm us?"

 Zheng Liu doesn’t make any more money.

Not to mention that she couldn't earn enough money for two people, she really didn't have the strength to earn it.

 She looked straight at Zheng Yu who was crying, and the more she looked at it, the funnier she became.

  What kind of innocent wretch are you pretending to be!

It’s not enough to pretend to be good in front of your grandmother and mother, do you have to continue to pretend here?

 Compared with Zheng Yu, Liu Xun is obviously much more pleasing to the eye.

The voice is unpleasant to hear, but it will probably become easier to hear after some time, and the facial features are quite outstanding.

 Liu Xun clearly came here to catch a fat sheep!

And she, Zheng Liu, what kind of fat sheep is she?


 It was unlucky that Liu Xun caught her.

 Not long after, carriages left the garden.

 In all the houses, they were quite surprised to see the girl coming back so early.

 It’s not even noon yet.

 “The flowers don’t look good?”

“The princess has not arranged anything else?”

“Don’t mention it! It’s all Zheng Liu’s fault!”

“And what about Mr. Liu’s son? He and Zheng Liu are dead!”

"If I were the princess, I would throw them two back into the pool. Who are they?"

Such conversations happened in every mansion, attracting mothers, grandmothers, aunts and uncles from all families to come and listen to the excitement.

 In the midst of the "Ouch", "You are really evil-minded at such a young age", and "Even the princess dares to scheme", the farce in Zhangping Garden spread like wildfire.

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