Yan Cigui

Chapter 157: you are sick

Chapter 157 You are sick

 Sincerity House.

 Two carriages stopped one behind the other.

 Leaving the contents of the two large boxes and cages to Wan Yue and Ma Ma, Lin Yunyan went to Zai Shou Yuan with her sisters.

Little Mrs. Duan was talking to the nuns. When she heard that they were back, she was quite surprised: "Aren't the flowers beautiful?"

“I didn’t care about looking at the flowers,” Lin Yunyan said with a smile, “I just went to look at people.”

 Little Duan was even more surprised: "Who is so good-looking?"

Lin Yunfang was so happy that she smiled from ear to ear.

Only the three sisters knew about this plan, and Lin Yunyan did not inform Xiao Duan in advance.

  It’s not that I’m afraid of Mr. Duan’s objection, but I don’t want my grandmother to be frightened.

 Even the best-laid plans may change before they are accomplished.

It's okay to be really sonorous and powerful on the stage. Those who haven't even entered the theater and can only stand outside the gate are extremely anxious.

It would be better to talk about it after the applause.

 Lin Yunfang smiled like this, and Xiao Duan had some vague guesses in her heart.

 “If you are reluctant to let go of your children, you will not be able to ensnare the wolf.”

 Last time, after discussing with Lin Yu, she decided to do a good job in holding the battle.

Could it be said that these girls have already taken the lead in the battle and killed the enemy?

 But today we were clearly going to enjoy flowers, so how could we include the Liu family and his son in it?

Little Mrs. Duan became curious and raised her chin at Grandma Ruan.

Mother Ruan understood and sent everyone else in the room away. She guarded the middle room and asked Aunt Cen to guard outside.

By chance, Mrs. Chen entered Zaishouyuan.

Seeing Aunt Cen guarding the door of the main room, my heart skipped a beat.

 Coming back so early, could something have happened?

However, with Lin Yunyan here, Mrs. Chen is not worried about the three sisters suffering a loss.

Mother Cen gave a warning, and Mrs. Duan let Mrs. Chen in.

When Mrs. Chen saw Lin Yunfang's cheerful look, her heart dropped again.

She just said that there are so many wealthy girls' families in the capital, and there is no one who can make Yun Yan suffer.

 Lin Yunfang explained the matter vividly.

Little Mrs. Duan held Lin Yunyan's hand tightly, her face extremely gloomy.

Ms. Chen put her hands together and recited "Amitabha" several times.

"If you make a mistake, you will be tricked..." Xiao Duan covered her tight chest.

Lin Yunyan asked: "If I am really being tricked, what will you do if Mr. Liu comes to propose marriage in such a big way?"

Little Duan’s eyes widened and he said anxiously: “Get out!”

Lin Yunyan bent her eyes and smiled: "You are a decent person, why are you driving people away?"

 Little Duan:…

Ouch, this little ancestor!

 I usually look for opportunities to click or poke, so why don't you miss it now?

 This kind of thing can be assumed casually?

 When Xiao Duan thought about being plotted, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Lin Yunyan turned sideways and said, half coaxingly and half teasingly: "If something really happens, you must drive that Liu guy out. It's his family's injustice that started first. If we can't separate ourselves from this kind of family, our Lin family will It’s not respectable for our ancestors. You have to put aside your own dignity first and think about it for the sake of your ancestors, right?”

 It is well-founded and the thinking is correct.

 It doesn’t matter if Mr. Duan is really smiling or not smiling.

 Such a quarrel has relieved the worries and fears of the two elders.

Lin Yunyan added: "To do things, we need to work together as one. You see, we sisters are of the same mind. The two Zheng family members haven't figured it out yet."

Lin Yunjing said shyly: "I just followed the second sister around and said a few words about the situation. Yunfang is very powerful today and handled it well."

Lin Yunfang smiled happily: "It's not in vain that I prepared all night." "I'll tell you what!" Chen's eyes lit up, "You were thinking about this while hiding in the room last night, right?"

After asking her mother to point it out, Lin Yunfang hugged her arm and smiled sweetly.

"Old madam, you don't know," Mrs. Chen pointed at Lin Yunfang, "she hid after dinner. I was surprised that she became more honest.

I went to her room to take a look, and saw her sitting behind the desk with a pen in hand, frowning, and thinking hard.

I asked her what she was thinking about, but she refused to answer or ask me to read the contents on the paper. She just kept her head down and pushed me out of the room.

Being like a thief to prevent me, the appearance of the bite, no one was carefully examined.

 It turns out that I was just thinking about how to handle today’s affairs! "

Lin Yunfang looked a little proud and said: "I have to summarize it when I go back today."

Little Duan heard the music, laughed a lot, and said: "Be prepared for any trouble, we Yunfang have made great progress."

 It would be better if you make more progress.

I won’t be harmed by some “good sisters”!

That Zheng Liu is really not a good person. He tried to harm Yun Fang but failed, and then tried to harm Yun Yan.

 The other side.

 There was almost an uproar in the Yunyang uncle's house.

Zheng Liu fell into the water and was freezing. He started to burn on the way and was moved to bed in a daze.

After hearing what Zheng Yu said, Madam Yunyang faced her angry mother-in-law with a mournful face.

When Mrs. Yunyang finished asking her questions again, she was so angry that she wanted to beat her up and sell her: "Aliu is young and careless, are you too? Are you living like a pig or a dog at your age? Are you being treated like a stinker by the Lin family? The girl’s calculation is clear!”

Where can Zheng Liu let Aunt Lao go?

Beside her, only grandma really cared for her.

Suffering from illness, Zheng Liu cried and called for his mother-in-law.

Mrs. Yunyang had a headache due to her quarrel, so she simply followed her wishes and left her alone for the time being.

Mrs. Bo asked, "If the Liu family comes to visit?"

“Is his house clean?” Madam Yunyang patted the table.

It was just a show, everyone had their own agenda, and no one had any good intentions. It was just Zheng Liu and the stupid Liu family who lost everything, leaving the Lin family girl to win all by herself.

Of course Mrs. Bo is also aware of the twists and turns, but what she needs right now is a coping strategy, rather than waiting for the Liu family to come and talk to them about "no one is clean".

 It's just that the old lady was so angry that she couldn't discuss it seriously.

To Mrs. Yunyang's surprise, until nightfall, no one came from the Liu family.

 In Liu Mansion, a medicine stove was set up outside Liu Xun's study.

As soon as his mother walked away with her front legs, he lifted up the heavy quilt with his back legs.

Liu Jing came in with his hands behind his back and shook his head at him: "You need to recuperate."

 “I’m not sick.” Liu Xun continued.

The water in the pool was indeed cold, and there was a cold wind blowing for a while, but his body and bones could withstand it.

 When I got home, I drank a bowl of **** soup and sweated a little, but nothing happened.

"You can take care of him," Liu Jing said earnestly, thinking that his son might not be obedient, "Uncle Yunyang's house may not be easy to talk to. Even if you save Zheng Liu, his family will say that you are scheming first." ”

Liu Xun became anxious: "His family is not being reasonable! I can't just go and take a dip in the pool in vain, right?"

"If you don't want to soak in the water for nothing, just listen to me," Liu Jing said. "You have to be sick. The more seriously ill you are, the better."

 Otherwise, how can we negotiate terms with Yunyang Bofu!

   Thanks to book friends Tongtong1609, Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, Xiaoyuan, and Yunshui98 for their rewards.

  (End of this chapter)

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