Yan Cigui

Chapter 158: one stone two bird

 Liu Jing is on duty today.

He remembered the result of Liu Xun's trip to Zhangping Garden and planned to go home for lunch. However, before lunch break, his wife sent someone to the Yamen to look for him, saying that Liu Xun had fallen into the water.

 On such a cold day, falling into the water can be big or small.

Liu Jing hurried back home and met the doctor leaving.

According to the doctor's opinion, although Liu Xun caught a cold, his health was not serious. He just needed to pay attention to keeping the cold away.

 Liu Jing felt a lot relieved.

Xu Miao was still worried: "I only heard a few words from Xun'er. The girl from Yunyang's house fell into the water, so he jumped in to save her. How could he know that he was already in trouble and asked him to ruin things? How could he do anything to him? Extremely annoyed."

 Liu Jing comforted his wife, but he was thinking about Liu Xun's "harvest".

Saving the girl from Yunyang House means letting Princess Ning'an escape.

What a pity, what a pity.

 Fortunately, it is also an uncle's house, so it is not impossible to make mistakes.

Of course, he had to figure things out first.

When Xu Miao was here, it was not easy to question Liu Xun in detail. After Xu Miao left, Liu Jing would of course have to listen to the Dharma.

 He sat down on the Taishi chair.

Liu Xun saw that his father had no intention of leaving. After thinking about it, he took the quilt and lay down on the pillow.

Liu Jing was relieved to see that his son was still obedient.

“Please tell me all the ins and outs of today in detail, from beginning to end.” After speaking, Liu Jing added, “Don’t miss out even the smallest details.”

Liu Xun's throat rolled up and he scratched his head.

 Liu Jing knew his son very well. Liu Xun's reaction was not because he couldn't answer, but because he had so many things to say that he didn't know where to start.

"Let me tell you what happened from the time you left the house to the time you returned home." Liu Jing made up his mind for him. "What tricks did the girl in Yunyang's house do? We'll talk about it later."

 Liu Xun responded.

"I waited for the princess's carriage on the street not far from the garden. Her carriage is easy to recognize."

“She wasn’t in a hurry at all and even bought candied haws to eat.”

“A woman came to the carriage and said something, and their carriage arrived outside the side door.”

“I didn’t dare to follow too closely. From a distance, I saw the princess wearing a Zhangdan-colored snow coat.”

"I could only enter through the front door. I saw a man sneaking around, so I followed him. He set up a ladder to climb over the wall, and I followed him."

“That man was chatting with a man in a red snow coat by the pool. I thought he was the princess, so I gave him a loud shout.”

“I thought I had resolved the crisis for the princess, but the princess seemed frightened and pounced on me. I thought to myself, ‘It’s safe now.’”

"Someone saw us on the mountain on the other side. The princess was struggling to get away. How could I let her escape?"

“While pulling, she shouted into the cave, and a hand stretched out from inside, which scared me to let go. She fell into the water, so I would definitely jump in to save her.”

“I didn’t let go when the woman who was looking after the garden rescued me. All the other girls gathered around me.”

"It's my fault that I was too impatient and didn't see the face of the princess, but the princess was standing outside. When I looked again, the person I caught was the one from the Yunyang uncle's house."

Liu Jing listened without saying a word, his brows getting tighter as he listened.

 When Liu Xun finished Lin Yunyan's accusation against Zheng Liu, his eyebrows furrowed into the character "Chuan".

"I was fooled," Liu Jing took a deep breath, "I was fooled by Princess Ning'an."

 Liu Xun's eyes widened.

At that time, Zheng Liu indeed said that, and Liu Xun also felt that there were too many coincidences, which was very strange.

However, he did not suspect the princess. He only felt that Zheng Liu had set up others to fail and made things messy. He became angry and bit the princess back.

 In the end, is it really the princess who is behind this? Seeing that he couldn't figure it out, Liu Jing asked, "Why do you think the princess's car is always at the intersection?"

“She wants to eat candied haws on a stick?” Liu Xun subconsciously answered. After saying this, he knew something was wrong, and added, “The princess has a bad temper, and she wants to be the finale.”

How could such a delicate and delicate girl show up first when people don’t get it?

 Liu Jing shook his head.

Had it been half a day ago, he might have guessed the princess in the same way.

 But now that I think about it, Liu Jing’s answer is different.

"She is only waiting for two people, one is you and the other is Zheng Liu," Liu Jing said. "She has to let you see what she is wearing, and she has to know that Zheng Liu is wearing a Zhangdan-colored snow coat."

 Liu Xun was stunned.

 It turned out that he was following the princess's car, and he was followed by someone else?

"If you didn't know that Zhang Dan was attracted to her, would you still go after Zheng Liu? The princess had not only calculated that you would show up..." At this point, Liu Jing was speechless.

 Why did Xun'er go to Zhangping Garden?

 Because he heard from Uncle Chengyi that the princess wanted to enjoy flowers with her sisters!

Good, good!

I see!

It's really killing two birds with one stone.

Not only did he deal with the evil-minded Zheng Liu, but he also guarded against their father and son.

 Good at planning and scheming.

Uncle Chengyi holds a post in the Hanlin Academy. He pays no attention to other things on weekdays. He has a gentle temper and is not enterprising.

It has been so long that Liu Jing has forgotten that Uncle Chengyi was not like this when he was young.

At that time, when the late emperor was still alive, he was sincere in discussing politics and was highly praised by the late emperor.

 This man is by no means a mediocre person!

 This also made Liu Jing very confused.

If he had the ability to reincarnate like Uncle Cheng, he would definitely show off his talents in the court instead of dawdling around in idle work.

 As for Princess Ning'an, he made a mistake.

The princess is not a coquettish girl who is so pampered by the empress dowager and her family that she knows nothing about the world. She has her own abilities.

She knew clearly what Xun'er and Zheng Liu were planning, so she could still sing in the garden when it was time to sing and explain when it was time to explain.

Is this the kind of effect that can only be achieved by relying on sincerity to come up with ideas behind the scenes?

 Liu Jing doesn’t believe it!

When the father does not come forward, he can teach the child so detailed in advance and cope with various scene changes. This is dad, the immortal does not work!

 Otherwise, as soon as Xun'er returns to Beijing, he will suffer losses from Cining Palace, Xuexue and Zhangping Garden?

“The princess, I made a mistake,” Liu Jing said, “However, it’s a blessing in disguise. It may not be a good thing for you to marry the princess.”

Liu Xun was stunned when he heard this.

 If he misses, he misses, so there is no need to comfort him like this.

Liu Jing analyzed patiently: "The relationship between husband and wife is like east and west, and it depends on who can outdo the other. The princess is far smarter and more cautious than previously expected. It is not a blessing to marry such a woman into the family."

In Liu Jing’s opinion, when marrying a wife, you must marry someone who can handle it.

 You don’t need to be smart, the most important thing is to be meek, gentle, and able to listen well.

The princess is obviously not up to par with these.

Zheng Liu is certainly not smart either, and he thinks he is smart. This kind of person is very prone to bad things.

It's a pity that things have come to this point. Princess Ning'an has caused such a scene. It is almost impossible for Xun'er to marry other girls. Only Zheng Liu...

  After all, she is also a girl from the uncle's house.

Liu Jing said: "Marry first and then look at it. You have to try to carve a piece of rotten wood."

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