Yan Cigui

Chapter 159: Strong family knowledge (please vote for me)


 Liu Jing did not return to the Yamen, but sent someone to apply for leave.

 Because Liu Xun "got hot".

Liu Jing invited the doctor again, his face full of anxiety and worry: "Maybe I still didn't suppress it and let the cold air enter the body, and then it came out."

 The doctor took Liu Xun’s pulse.

Judging from the pulse, the situation is quite stable, but with his forehead hot, his whole body red and groggy, it is indeed not optimistic.


It’s not unusual to get hot after soaking in the pool for a while on such a cold day and not changing into clean clothes immediately.

 It is common that the body did not respond before, but now it starts to react.

There are also many people who are in good spirits during the day but are confused by fever at night.

The doctor prescribed a new prescription to reduce the fever and gave many more instructions, especially to pay attention to the situation at night, before leaving.

Liu Jing sent the doctor away. Seeing that Xu Miao was very worried, he said, "Madam, please go back to the room to rest first. I know that Madam is worried, but the doctor said that it is only dangerous at night. I will watch him during the day, and Madam will guard him at night." "

This is indeed the case.

Xu Miao nodded, said, "Let me know immediately if there are any changes," and then left first.

 Liu Xun turned over and went to sleep.

I have to say that it is not easy to deceive the doctor.

At midnight, Xu Miao personally stayed in her son's study. Liu Jing did not go to rest, but lay half-dressed on the couch next to him.

After struggling like this all night, he changed into court clothes and went to court with a look of exhaustion on his face.

 In the court room, many officials arrived.

 The excitement of yesterday has naturally spread.

There were a few people whose daughters and granddaughters were in Zhangping Garden. They were more specific about the matter, but most of them only had a general idea from hearsay. They entered the court room and gathered together to talk a few words.

 Liu Jing stepped forward and saluted all the adults.

"Mr. Liu," seeing the bruises under his eyes, someone couldn't help but ask, "Did you get a good night's rest?"

"The dog has a fever. He talked nonsense several times in the middle of the night and scared his mother to death." Liu Jing raised his hands and rubbed his face vigorously. "Is it serious that I have lost my composure? Shall I wipe my face again?"

 When he said this, it was hard for others to say anything.

Especially An Yibo, who said with a dark face, "Why on earth are you two planning so recklessly and getting yourself into trouble?" He could only swallow his words after hearing this.

The Liu family's son has a fever and is confused. He doesn't have a clear grasp of the matter, so it's better not to scold him.

Even if the Liu family is really wrong, and they are ill after all, they still have to be careful in their words.

 The time has come.

 The courtiers ascended to the Jinluan Hall and shouted three times: "Long live the emperor."

The Holy Emperor sat on the dragon throne and listened to what was going on, just treating it as an extremely ordinary day.

Unexpectedly, after all the important matters were discussed and Eunuch Cao was about to "retire from the court without any incident," an old censor stood up.

The censor’s surname is Ge. Despite his age, he is still full of energy.

Uncle Yunyang’s daughter failed to plot against the third girl of Uncle Chengyi’s house last time. Instead of learning her lesson, she tried to ruin Princess Qingyu’s reputation.

Master Liu's son did not make much progress from learning how to cheat. He shamelessly wanted to get close to the princess, but instead ran into the Zheng family.

 After going back and forth, two people fell into the water.

  Such a result is obviously "the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked".

The Zheng family is not strict with their girls, so the Liu family is naturally well-educated!

 On the dragon chair, the corner of the Holy Master's mouth twitched fiercely.

 There was such a farce yesterday?

If you just listen to the excitement, Xia Qinglue's storytelling will naturally be more popular with the Holy Emperor.

That kid is good at this, making people immersed in the situation.

The main purpose of the old censor's curse words is to curse people.

The four words "profound family education"... Liu Jing and his wife have a deep affection and a very good relationship.

Therefore, even if there are some people who criticize the marriage of this noble girl, they will not see Liu Jing when they look up in the court, and there is no big hatred or grudge, so they will not say this to Liu Jing's face.

Not to mention, in the morning, in front of all the officials, Liu Jing was directly poked in the face.

 Sheng glanced at Liu Jing.

 Liu Jing's response was as expected, and he was scolded honestly.

Your Majesty went to see Xu Jian again.

Xu Jian's eyebrows were stretched, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he was blatantly enjoying himself.

Your Majesty:…

Alright, it’s not too surprising.

 Xu Jian really enjoyed it.

 He roughly knew the layout yesterday.

 Xuansu also reported to him whatever the results were.

He said that he could not stop the fate when he could go so smoothly to the water. Liu Xun and Zheng Liu were destined to be husband and wife.

 But Xu Jian also didn't know something.

The little princess posted a post, why did she go to the Ge family?

Yushi Ge can scold so neatly, it can be seen that the old man's granddaughter is in Zhangping Garden and straightened out the whole matter.

 Let’s talk about the two people who were scolded miserably.

Uncle Yunyang's "profound family education" shocked his head to the point of numbness.

 Yesterday, the entire Zheng family spent their time in a state of anxiety.

Zheng Liu was so sick that she was so confused that she caused such a bad thing. Even if Uncle Yunyang wanted to scold her, he couldn't even scold her.

I was so angry that the man on the hospital bed couldn't even hear a few words.

 What does this curse mean?

We still have to worry about the Liu family coming to visit.

Unexpectedly, there was no movement at all from the Liu family. Just when Uncle Yun Yang was wondering if he was being too mean-spirited, these four words from Ge Yushi suddenly woke him up.

 This path is not easy for Liu Jing to deal with.

  The old Duke of Guo was already in trouble back then, and there was nothing he could do against Liu Jing's earnestness. Could he, Uncle Yunyang, be more powerful than the old Duke of Guo?

 People must have self-awareness.

 Thinking about this, Uncle Yunyang became even more angry.

  Why doesn’t Alyu have the slightest bit of self-awareness?

The girl who provoked the sincere Bo Fu, did not achieve it once, and came for a second time?

That’s the princess!

It's okay now. If you provoke a wolf like Liu Jing, how can you end it without being bitten off a piece of meat?

The more Uncle Yunyang thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. For a moment, he even envied the old man.

No matter how ardent Liu Jing is, he is also a scholar appointed by the Holy Spirit, and his knowledge is genuine and does not contain any falsehoods.

Looking at his work in Qianbulang these years, he is diligent and diligent in government affairs, and his official reputation is not bad.

 At home, he and his wife get along very harmoniously, and he has never been involved in any other peach blossom lawsuits.

  Apart from the fact that the marriage process back then made people think a lot, and the poor handling of the relationship with Fu Guogong in the past two years, there seems to be nothing else to find fault with.

 Wrong, there is one more thing.

  The son I raised by myself was raised crookedly.

Has no knowledge at all, is embarrassed in the academy, and the questions are stolen from outsiders.

 Liu Xun even kept an outhouse!

 This is far worse than Liu Jing!

Uncle Yunyang was disgusted to death, but when everyone fell into the water together, how could he drive the man named Liu away?

Liu Jing was also muttering.

So it turns out that the girl from the Zheng family had a history of slandering the princess's sister for being a prostitute, but was exposed by the princess on the spot?

She is so stupid and dares to take action again and again. She is really stupid.

It was natural to dislike him, but Liu Jing could only hold his nose and admit it.

Taking a step toward the middle, Liu Jing knelt down and said, "I, I didn't teach my son well. He made a big mistake in his studies..."

Thanks to the book friend Xiaoyuan and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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