Yan Cigui

Chapter 160: A gentleman likes to eat

 The Jinluan Palace was quiet for a long time.

Some people kneel down to make a statement, but it is difficult for others to open their mouths and interrupt.

 But everyone waited, and Liu Jing didn't say anything further, only half of what he had said before.

 He recognized Liu Xun and learned to cheat. This was already a certainty.

A few days ago in the court, Liu Jing was criticized verbally and written by the censor for this, and the scolding was much harsher than today.

 However, Liu Jing did not respond to the accusation of scheming against Princess Ning'an.

Uncle Yunyang stood closer. Seeing this, he turned his head sharply and asked, "Master Liu, is this gone?"

"What else can you say?" Liu Jing asked, "Uncle, I am a stupid official. Please tell me clearly."

Uncle Yunyang took in a breath, which was so cold that it made his teeth ache.

 Involuntarily, he cursed Zheng Liu several more times in his mind.

As long as Zheng Liu can take some advantage, he can push Liu Jing back.

 As a result, Zheng Liuli suffered a huge loss.

From the snow jacket to the fragrant dew, she was exposed on the spot, and she couldn't say a word to refute.

What's more terrible is that Zheng Liu has a criminal record and has conflicts with the princess. Uncle Yunyang wants to kill him by saying that "bumping into him" was an accident, so he lacks some confidence.

 Compared with this, Liu Jing is obviously very confident.

"If my uncle wants to investigate what happened yesterday, I have something to say," Liu Jing said. "My fair lady, a gentleman likes to fight, but a dog..."

 Uncle Yunyang’s head buzzed.

 Here comes the jackal!

"Master Liu!" Uncle Yunyang immediately stopped Liu Jing, "Young Master likes a girl, so he just pushes her into the water?"

"Uncle Yunyang, you must be truthful when speaking. My concubine is not pushed into the water by a dog!" After Liu Jing finished speaking, he suddenly looked at Uncle Chengyi, cupped his hands with him, and said to the saint, "Now that the matter has come to this, I am not afraid to speak. To be honest, Quanzi fell in love with Princess Ning'an at first sight in Cining Palace..."


 A sudden laugh interrupted Liu Jing's words.

 Others may not be able to tell who it is, but Liu Jing knows it as soon as he hears it.

 It was Xu Jian who was smiling.

Liu Jing had no choice but to look up at Xu Jian.

Xu Jian looked like he was enjoying the show.

Liu Jing had a headache when he saw this, but he could not ignore Xu Jian and continue talking.

Xu Jian might laugh out loud when seeing other people's excitement, but Xu Jian would never show mercy when he saw Liu Jing's excitement.

He must listen to what Xu Jian said and say goodbye to each other.

Liu Jing was so "interested" that Xu Jian asked: "Master Liu, how can you still fall in love at first sight if you have an extramarital affair?"

 Liu Jing's breath was choked in his throat.

 Look, this is the result of Xun'er not listening to him!

Yue Niang’s existence was exposed, and he couldn’t even make up a story to make up for this mistake!

"Emotional matters..." Liu Jing cleared his throat and racked his brains to add more, "The Duke is young..."

 Unexpectedly, Xu Jian nodded slightly.

"I'm really young and don't understand this. I only heard the old people in the house mention that my grandfather and grandmother had a deep relationship, and they didn't remarry after my grandmother passed away." Xu Jian said slowly and leisurely, "Look at Mr. Liu and Mrs. Liu again. Mr. Liu originally It was love at first sight and I still love you now.

But having said that, not everyone is like his grandfather and Mr. Liu. It is not unusual for Liu Xun to be full of emotions.

Mr. Liu continued, how did Liu Xun treat Princess Ning'an like a gentleman? "

 Liu Jing:…

 He can hardly understand Xu Jian.

 Are you praising him?

The sun comes out in the west? What’s even stranger is that Xu Jian looked suspicious, but didn’t try to dismantle him. He even seemed to hand him a ladder...

Liu Jing was completely confused by his swaying words and erratic stance.

Because of the urgency at the moment, Liu Jing could not analyze carefully what Xu Jian was thinking about, so he could only restrain his mind and prepare to continue.

Over there, Uncle Yunyang’s face seemed to have been splashed with a layer of thick black ink.

What's going on with Liu Jing?

His son, who has been involved in a series of scandals, has no chance of getting close to Princess Ning'an.

 According to the normal handling method, shouldn’t the loss be stopped now?

  Do it right if you make a mistake, and hold on to a "lonely seedling" like Zheng Liu, lest you get nothing from Sesame Watermelon.

But Liu Jing actually moved the princess out again.

My Fair Lady refers to the princess. Liu Xun is not a gentleman, but the one who is cheating is not Zheng Liu.


This thing is really...

   Didn’t pay attention to Yunyang’s Mansion at all!

Isn't Liu Jing afraid of completely irritating the Zheng family and beating him to pieces?

Of course, Liu Jing saw Uncle Yunyang's shoulders that were almost shaking with anger, and calmed down a little, he said: "I heard that the princess is going to appreciate the plum blossoms, and Quan Zi also went to Zhangping Garden.

 For the girl you like, even if you can't get close, you will feel happy just by taking a few glances from a distance.

Your Majesty and all my colleagues, we all have our youth, so this state of mind is not too out of the ordinary, right? "

 No one answered this question.

Eunuch Cao glanced at the Holy Emperor quietly.

Your Majesty was also young, and your Majesty was very fond of Queen Xia back then. Whenever the Empress Dowager held a banquet and summoned girls from various families, Your Majesty would go to the garden to show her face in the name of "paying respect to the Queen."

This is going too far, and the Holy Father will be the first to be unhappy.

Yunyang Bo also knew these past events and secretly scolded Liu Jing for being "many scheming".

Liu Jing added: "Quinzi was just in time to see the princess arrive at Zhangping Garden and saw her wearing a red snow coat.

The dog couldn't enter the back garden where the princess went, so she walked around in the front garden, thinking that it was the same big garden and looked at the same kind of plum blossoms.

 Unexpectedly, I met a sneaky person.

Quanzi was worried that the man was going to do something bad, so he followed him. Sure enough, the man climbed over the wall.

  There are so many noble girls in the back garden, how can we let such a person collide with them?

Quanzi hurriedly followed and climbed over the wall. He saw the gangster pulling a girl wearing a red snow coat by the pool.

He mistakenly thought that his sweetheart was being harassed, so he hurriedly shouted to stop and drove the person away.

 Quinzi called her the "Princess Princess" at that time. The girl didn't explain. She just rushed to hug the person and cried. Quanzi thought she was frightened, could she still shake the person away?

 After a while, the people on the mountain on the other side discovered the situation.

The girl suddenly wanted to run away, and even asked the nanny who was lurking in the cave nearby to scare the dog.

Quanzi let go of his hand in panic, and the girl fell into the water without being able to stand firm.

Without saying a word, Quanzi jumped down to save the person. He even drank several mouthfuls of ice water before he fished the person out with the help of the women who came over.

 Until the girl’s true identity was exposed, Quanzi thought she was the princess!

 Quinzi was indeed not thoughtful enough. When he saw the princess wearing a Zhangdan color, he thought there would be no second one in the garden.

He rushed out with good intentions. Even if the water was carmine or pomegranate red, he would still help him scare away the criminals.

 He didn't mean to harm anyone, but he accidentally fell into the trap of the girl from Yunyang's house.

Diving in the water in the middle of winter is bad luck enough, but it also has to be considered as having ulterior motives.

I must explain it clearly to him. "

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