Yan Cigui

Chapter 166: All I have to do is swear to God

 Dong dong dong.

Outside the Liu Mansion, someone was holding the door lightly.

The concierge opened the door and saw a man wearing a curtain and hat standing outside. Judging from his clothes and stature, he was a young man.

 “The guest is…” the concierge said doubtfully.

 The visitor slightly lifted up a corner of his hat, revealing his face, which was none other than Yue Niang.

“I heard that the young master is ill, I’m really worried...” she said.

 The concierge did not recognize her at first, but after hearing her speak, he remembered her identity and frowned tightly.

What's going on with this guy?

 She should be regarded as the young master’s wife, right? But how can anyone from the outer room come to the house casually?

Too strange!

 Besides, this is a time of trouble.

Just two-quarters of an hour ago, a Taoist priest knocked on the door and wanted to calculate the wedding date for the young master.

  When there are so many people talking, does this woman want to add another thing?

The porter wanted to say something serious, but seeing Yue Niang's worried look, he knew that she was really concerned about the young master's health, so she lowered her voice and said, "Go back, miss. The young master is recovering from his illness."

 After saying this, he was about to close the door.

Yue Niang hurriedly stretched out her hand to hold the door panel and begged: "I will see the young master with my own eyes, and then I will leave."

 The concierge did not dare to take any action.

 Those with delicate skin and tender flesh are really injured. Wouldn’t the young master want to cause trouble for him when he comes back?

 Looking up again, passers-by and neighbors from far and near were all looking towards this side.

Heartbroken, the concierge let Yueniang into the house.

 Keeping people outside makes it even more troublesome if they start crying.

 Besides, a young man comes to visit, and it’s not like a beautiful foreigner comes to visit, so others can’t tell any clues for the time being.

Yue Niang thanked her and hurried to Liu Xun's study.

Liu Xun was lying on the bed reading a book. When he heard the noise outside, he hurriedly stuffed the book under his pillow. He lay down flat, covered himself with quilt, and remained motionless.

Liu Xun didn't open his eyes suddenly until someone rushed to the bedside and heard a familiar voice called "Young Master".

Yue Niang frightened him at first sight.

Liu Xun held her hand: "Why are you here?"

Yue Niang's eyes suddenly turned red: "Everyone outside said that the young master is very ill."

"That's because..." Liu Xun subconsciously wanted to explain, but when he thought of his father's words, he stopped talking.

Yue Niang saw this in her eyes and said softly: "Young master, do you think I came to raise an army to punish you?

I know my identity and my own worth. It is my blessing to be able to follow the young master. How can I have any unreasonable thoughts?

It is reasonable for the young master to marry another noble girl. I have understood these reasons a long time ago.

Hearing that the young master was involved in other families’ troubles, I was angry with them and felt sorry for the young master, but just because of that, I would not come here regardless of my ability.

I really can’t sit still when I heard that the young master is seriously ill.

I just wanted to come and see how the young master is doing?

 What should I do if the young master becomes ill..."

 Liu Xun's heart was soft and numb.

 Look, Yue Niang is the most sensible person.

Knowing his dilemma and his last resort, he didn't even have to say those things that were difficult to say, Yue Niang would understand them clearly.

"I'm fine, I just suffered from the cold," Liu Xun comforted her, "Don't you think I'm fine?" "But people say outside," Yue Niang took a deep breath and said with tears in her eyes, " The young master and the girl from Uncle Yunyang's Mansion are both going to get married in the underworld..."

 Liu Xun's face turned livid.

  Ghost marriage?


Father made him sicker just to do this?

 He is a big living person, and he deserves a farcical marriage!

He is already dead, so what future does he have, what is the Qingyun Road, why should he be tied to that crazy girl Zheng Liu?

Liu Xun became angry when he thought of Zheng Liu: "Don't mention her, it's bad luck!"

"Why did you ask her to make a plan?" Yue Niang asked, "I heard rumors that she is not easy to get along with."

“How did the news spread outside?” Liu Xun asked.

Yueniang told everything she had heard. When she mentioned that Liu Xun fell in love with Princess Ning'an at first sight, she looked away slightly, feeling somewhat sad.

Liu Xun couldn't see her like this, and didn't know where her cleverness came from. He immediately said: "That was what my father made up to excuse me!"

Yue Niang was stunned.

"I have a grudge against the princess, and others don't know it, how can you not know it? Cining Palace scolded me, and learned that thing, it is definitely her who is behind it! I heard that she went to enjoy flowers, I I went to her to ask for an explanation, but the result was..." Liu Xun let out a long sigh.

Yue Niang nodded.

Liu Xun added: "You don't know, the censors scolded him too harshly in the early dynasty.

The princess was protected by the empress dowager, so my father couldn't ask me to ask for an explanation, and he couldn't explain why I appeared there. He could only make up a story about "love at first sight" to get over it first.

 Why do I fall in love with the princess? It's you I like!

 That's what I said in front of Mr. Fu Yin and my uncle in Shuntian Mansion.

  It is my father’s expedient policy to take those up early in the morning! "

As Liu Xun spoke, he just swore to God.

Yue Niang hurriedly stopped Liu Xun's hand and said hurriedly: "I don't doubt the young master's intentions, but the Yunyang uncle's house..."

"Who knows about them?" Liu Xun curled his lips, "Maybe they are pretending to be sick like me! If they are worthy of underworld marriage, does his family dare to match it?"

Yunyang Bofu doesn’t want to be a match at all!

Zheng Liu's illness came quickly and was indeed very dangerous, but yesterday the doctor prescribed a prescription and the imperial doctor came to see him again today, and he has been stabilized.

Seeing her sleeping on the bed, the old lady was so angry that she banged her cane: "She didn't know anything and left us a mess! It would be better to die than sleep!"

Mrs. Bo was also angry, annoyed and distressed towards her daughter. The several emotions were mixed together and it was extremely confusing.

It's just that her emotions were mixed. She was also caught in the middle by the old lady, her husband, her sisters-in-law, her nieces and nephews, and her biological daughters. Everyone wanted an explanation, which made her suffer from splints for several times, and now her mouth is still full of tears. Got several bubbles.

 When my mother-in-law is angry, she can only put it in one ear and out the other.

 After all, the imperial doctor has come to see it, so there is no chance of any more "accidents" happening.

What's even more terrible is that the Liu family is in such a state that even if everyone is gone, they still have to recognize their relatives.

Uncle Yunyang lost his temper in the yard with a dark face: "Taoist priest? You won't kick Taoist priests out if they come to your door? Are you going to report this?"

After scolding the servant, Uncle Yunyang scolded Liu Jing again.

All this must be Liu Jing's trick, extremely cunning and insidious!

Turning around and returning to the house, Uncle Yunyang said, "You should just listen to me and send him to the nunnery!"

 “Then I can’t send him to you until I’m well.” said the uncle.

Fell into the water together with the Liu family's son, and plotting against Princess Ning'an first. Zheng Liu's reputation was completely ruined, and staying at home would also bring harm to others.

We decided to send him to a nunnery. Unexpectedly, before it got dark, we heard that Liu Xun's condition was getting serious...

 Don't worry, these are all people who will be very useful in the subsequent plot. They only have more than 300,000 yuan, so take your time.

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