Yan Cigui

Chapter 167: It’s better to be a more upright auxiliary to the Duke.

 The next day.

 When he came up in the morning, Liu Jing's complexion was even worse than yesterday.

Uncle Yunyang saw that he was staggering when he walked, so he could only swallow back all the curse words in frustration.

  I was so depressed that I was about to go to court. I finally lost my temper, so I bit the bullet and asked the Holy Father for orders.

"My daughter has been treated by the imperial physician and her condition has been stabilized. Master Liu's son is so ill. Please ask the Holy One to send an imperial physician to check on him, so that Master Liu can feel at ease."

 The Holy Spirit was about to stand up when he heard the words and sat back on the dragon chair.

 Leaning on the back of the chair, his gaze passed across the faces of Uncle Yunyang and Liu Jing.

There was no emotion in his heavy eyes. Only the Holy One knew that he was unhappy.

 Let's make such a fuss in the morning!

 The quarrel lasted all day yesterday and continues today.

 If there is really a person who feels that his family has been tricked and wants to insist on finding a fair and just solution, then he can understand and fully support it.

 Among these two families, is there any reasonable side?

 Both families are in terrible trouble!

Liu Jing seemed to be honest today, but Uncle Yunyang refused to let him go.

 When will the trouble finally end?

 The Holy Spirit glanced at Xu Jian again.

What Xu Jian said yesterday was really a wise saying. It’s just a happy occasion for these two families, why are they making such a fuss!

"Imperial physician?" The Holy Sage spoke slowly, with a heavy cloud in his tone. "Is an imperial physician enough? Do you want me to order the Qintian Prison, the Ministry of Rites, and the Taichang Temple for you? Anything that can occupy a little bit of space will be ordered." "

Uncle Yunyang's breath was stagnant.

What are the identities of those who can tell fortunes and fix dates in these yamen?

 Definitely not like Zheng Liu and Liu Xun.

Where Uncle Yunyang dared to say anything, he knelt down.

Liu Jing didn’t say anything, and just knelt down obediently.

The Holy Spirit did not ask them to get up, so he got up on his own, stepped down from the throne, and strode out.

Eunuch Cao chased the saint up. After the ceremonial guards left, the two men were still kneeling.

It seems that if you don’t kneel for a quarter of an hour, you will probably not be able to talk to yourself, get up, pat the dust from your clothes, and act like nothing is wrong.

Xu Jian looked at the two of them and laughed loudly: "You two, this is not a happy ending, it will not end well."

 Uncle Yunyang almost jumped up.

Xu Jian pretended not to see Uncle Yunyang's anger and slowly walked out of the Jinluan Palace.

 Between the glazed tiles, the snow is not gone.

 He looked at it for a while and then headed towards the imperial study room.

Today, he has something to do and he has to please the Queen Mother.

 In Cining Palace.

Lin Yunyan came early and was talking to the Queen Mother.

“On a very cold day, it’s wise to hide under the quilt and sleep for a while.” The Queen Mother held Lin Yunyan’s hand.

Lin Yunyan smiled.

"The same goes for Your Majesty. He wants to go to court himself, so he asked you to come now, but you don't go to court!" The Empress Dowager complained in a low voice.

Lin Yunyan said: "The Holy One should be concerned about me. There have been rumors outside recently."

 At the mention of those things, the Empress Dowager's face darkened.

 Things outside the palace are usually not reported to Cining Palace, and even if they are reported, it will be delayed by two or three days.

 It happened that this matter was mentioned in the morning, and it was related to Lin Yunyan, so it fell into the ears of the Empress Dowager.

"You didn't suffer any loss, did you?" the Queen Mother asked, "Those who sent the message did not explain it in detail. You can explain it to the Ai family again."

Lin Yunyan said it all, and finally said: "Then what Mr. Liu said about love at first sight, I think it was love at first sight for my identity, right? If I were not the princess, I would not have fallen in love at first sight even if I had grown up to be an immortal. "

The Empress Dowager was so angry that when Lin Yunyan made such a joke, her anger dissipated a little, and she couldn't laugh or cry: "Who cares that they fell in love at first sight?"

What's more, it's not that she's partial, Yun Yan is like a fairy. "You don't know how to read, you are looking for cheating, and you don't know the rules when seeking marriage!" The Empress Dowager did not have a good impression of Liu Xun, "I had a good bag for nothing, but I lost it!"

Just as he was talking, there was a call from outside, and the Holy Spirit had arrived.

Lin Yunyan stood up and stood by the curtain to greet him.

 The curtain was lifted from the outside, and a bright yellow figure walked in quickly.

The Empress Dowager raised her eyes and looked past her Majesty, landing on Xu Jian behind her.

Xu Jian's eyes naturally turned to the side and fell on Lin Yunyan. Then he looked back and greeted the Empress Dowager seriously.

However, the faint smile in her eyes didn't have time to be completely wiped away, causing the Queen Mother to look straight at him.

She is also a good-natured person. Perhaps because she just heard Liu Xun’s messy things, the Queen Mother suddenly felt that Xu Jian was very pleasing to her eyes.

 Emotional, but very restrained, not abrupt, but also joyful.

 The Holy Emperor greeted the Empress Dowager, as if he had something to say.

The Empress Dowager nodded slightly and signaled for others to exit first.

Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian went out one after another, leaving only Grandma Wang in the inner hall.

The Holy Spirit then said: "To tell you the truth, I was very angry this morning."

"Why?" the Queen Mother asked, "or is it because of Uncle Yunyang and the Liu family?"

"I don't know how many more days of work I will have to do," said the Holy Sage. "I really made my son and minister anxious, so I just issued a decree to marry him."

After the Holy Spirit finished speaking, he laughed first.

 Such a self-defeating statement is just a way of verbally venting one's anger.

The Empress Dowager also smiled, knowing that the Holy Emperor just mentioned it casually and did not need her to ask for anything, so she said: "The Ai family is really thinking about Yun Yan's marriage seriously."

The Holy Spirit came here for this reason, so he listened carefully.

"The Ai family knows that Yun Yan is a hot commodity, and they have some evil thoughts and want to achieve success by marrying Yun Yan. This is not surprising," the empress dowager sighed, "I just thought before that with the sincerity of the uncle's house, the Ai family is here." , she is also smart, and others have to think carefully before they want to do something wrong to her. "

I didn’t want to, but I really encountered someone who wanted to give it a try.

What the Empress Dowager didn't expect was that among the people who plotted against Yun Yan, there was actually a girl's family.

It's not that the girl's family will not harm others. She is in the palace. In the past few decades, she has not seen any of the tricks and tricks of the concubines and palace maids?

 Just because you are well-informed, you will mistakenly think that you will weigh more when you do something.

 Don’t mess with those you can’t afford to mess with.

Lin Yunyan is clearly not someone who can be messed with like Zheng Liu.

The truth is such a truth, but it just can’t be resisted. Some people are simply unreasonable.

"If Yun Yan's marriage is settled, not only will all those evil thoughts be put to rest, but they will also be reduced a lot," the Empress Dowager said.

When the Holy Emperor heard this, he tentatively said: "Look at Xu Jian..."

“Your Majesty also knows the reason why the Ai family disagreed before,” the Empress Dowager lowered her voice, “But now that I’ve heard those **** things, it’s really more upright for the Duke of Fu.

After all, he grew up with the old master, and practiced martial arts since he was a child, and developed the toughness of a martial artist.

 The older you are, the more stable you are. "

Your Majesty:…

  Why was Xu Jian so "bragging and boasting" in the imperial study room yesterday?

 With Liu Xun’s eyes, he looks a bit like a jade.

 Whether Uncle Chengyi thinks so, the Holy Emperor doesn't know, but it is obvious that the Queen Mother sees it this way.

As for being safe, when Xu Jian was having fun in Jinluan Hall, it had nothing to do with being safe.


 The Holy One took a sip of tea.

He will not dismantle Xu Jian.

 In the last three days, continue to shout for monthly votes.

 Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, Meimei Da M, for the reward.

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