Yan Cigui

Chapter 168: What kind of people are the princess and I?

Chapter 168 Who are the Princess and I?


Lin Yunyan gathered up her snow coat.

Although I am not afraid of the cold, I can still feel the obvious temperature change when I come out of the warm inner hall.

 Fortunately, we are sheltered from the wind.

 Xu Jian stood beside her, not too far away, not too close.

  It does not appear to be repulsive to others, nor is it unreasonable or abrupt. It is exactly what people in the palace see best.

At a glance, there were not one or two people standing out in the yard, but Xu Jian knew very well where Yu Gonggong was hiding in the corner and observing.

 Whether they are suitable or can be used together will be reported to the Empress Dowager once they are younger than the father-in-law.

Xu Jian couldn't help but think of what Xia Qinglue said in the summer.

 “It’s useless to look at the Empress Dowager’s sweetheart again.”

  "It is the first time for a man to get married, and for a first-time woman, the Queen Mother's beloved child also needs to be married."

“Try to see if it helps if you take a few more glances?”


Seeing that Xu Jian seemed to have thought of something, Lin Yunyan asked.

Xu Jian did not hide anything and repeated what he said again.

Lin Yunyan couldn’t help laughing.

Xia Qinglue's mouth was good at telling stories, and he also had a subtle sense of nonsense.

“But it’s not useful for everyone to look at,” Lin Yunyan said, “There is one who looks at me and thinks that she is going to get married.”

This time, it was Xu Jian's turn to curl the corners of his lips.

Lin Yunyan glanced at Xu Jian and was slightly startled when she saw the gentle smile in his eyes.

This is actually the Xu Jian she is more familiar with.

In the past, Xu Jian had always been cold and distant. Even if he was amused by her, he would not laugh wildly. His smile was shallow and restrained.

That is the restraint that I have developed after walking in the court for a long time and experiencing too many ups and downs.

Several times, Lin Yunyan wanted to tell Xu Jian that it would be too unfair not to show off all the time in life, but to hold back all the time.

 Especially, Xu Jian is not that upright in his heart.

A really sophisticated and rigorous person would not go to Liu's house and just come out of Liu Jing's study with a dark face.

 Xu Jian felt a surge of passion in his heart.

 However, as their lives turned upside down, Lin Yunyan no longer bothered to talk to Xu Jian.

 In terms of priorities, changing one's temperament is undoubtedly the lightest and slowest.

The first time they met in Taohe Zhai in this life, she was angry because of the stairs, but she also noticed some changes in Xu Jian's speech and behavior.

 After another six months, Lin Yunyan can be sure that Xu Jian's emotions have become even more outgoing.

This is not surprising.

Lin Yunyan herself is also different from her former self.

With the Empress Dowager still here, she could be arrogant because of her favor, which she would never have dared to do in the past.

It’s just that I suffered too many losses and was bruised all over before I knew what advantages could be used and what should be used.

 The same is true for Xu Jian.

He is no longer so restrained and becomes so angry that even she will be made to laugh.

 What kind of Xu Jian is better?

In Lin Yunyan's view, it's not good or bad, it's all Xu Jian, as long as he doesn't mess with himself and talks and acts more freely.

 In the past half year, she had become very accustomed to Xu Jian's publicity, so much so that now that he had restrained himself so much, she was stunned.

At this moment, Lin Yunyan didn't bother to ask. Xu Jian smiled. Was he happy to be a "useful person", or was he happy to be sent away as a useless person?

 Perhaps, both?

Lin Yunyan was about to mention it again, but Xu Jian spoke first.

 “How did you like the play yesterday?”

Lin Yunyan said: "It's quite exciting. I just watched the opening, and I don't know how many subplots will follow and how it will develop." "Just watch it slowly," Xu Jian said, her eyes falling on Lin Yunyan's eyes. On his hand, he asked in a low voice, "You're not wearing it, are you?"

 He is clueless and very abrupt.

Lin Yunyan lowered her head and understood immediately: "How can I wear it when meeting the Queen Mother?"

When she came into the palace today, she took off her sleeves and put them in the box.

"It's a pity that Liu Xun didn't get an arrow." Lin Yunyan said.

  That's what he said, but there was not much regret in his tone.

She knows very well that the deeper you hide your hidden arrows, the better. Once you see the light once, others will be on guard in the future.

She has to be a powerless princess to be able to catch her off guard and win with one move.

 When it can be solved with words, don’t take action.

"He didn't eat an arrow and drank a few sips of water from the pool, which was indeed easier for him," Xu Jian said slowly, "His body may be cold, but he may not get sick."

"Zheng Liu must be seriously ill," Lin Yunyan said. "The imperial doctor must have already visited him."

"I went there yesterday, today..." Xu Jian pursed her lower lip and mentioned what she had done in the morning.

Lin Yunyan blinked her eyes, unable to hold back her smile, she bent her eyes and turned her head to look in the direction of the palace.

  Qin Tian Jian, the Ministry of Rites, Taichang Temple, and anyone else who can get a little bit involved?

 Can't see it.

 When the Holy Spirit is angry, his words are also very harmful.

 Xu Jian asked again: "When you were dealing with Liu Xun, why did you really add Zheng Liu to it?"

"Obviously it was Zheng Liu who wanted to make a fortune," Lin Yunyan said matter-of-factly, "I saw that they got along very well in the past, so I simply sent them to make a pile. Facts have proved that God wants to get them together, and they can't sleep on the same bed. Two kinds of people.”

After Lin Yunyan finished speaking, she also smiled. The smile flowed from her eyes, and her bright eyes couldn't hold it in anymore and overflowed. Her joyful look made her whole person very lively.

Xu Jian looked at her quietly, her joy reaching him and making him laugh involuntarily.

"Two kinds of people can't sleep under the same bed..." Xu Jian trailed off, as if hesitating whether to continue.

Lin Yunyan did not turn around for a moment, but looked at him with smiling eyes when she heard the last sentence.

 “What kind of people are the princess and I?”

 The four eyes face each other.

Lin Yunyan clearly saw a shadow in Xu Jian's eyes, the look of her smiling and talking.

 Involuntarily, she pursed her lips.

 Xu Jian is...

Digging a hole is much more ruthless than her.

She was so careless that she missed the mark.

 In the corner not far away, Father-in-law Yu was also puzzled.

He couldn't hear what the two people on the other side were saying, so he could only make a rough guess based on their facial expressions and movements.

 At first, the princess and the Duke seemed to be having a pleasant conversation. Both of them were relaxed and smiling.

You are less than the public servant, don't worry. I don't know what Duke Fuguo said suddenly, and even got a few looks from the princess.


You shouldn’t be angry and chase people away, right?

Grandpa was less than anxious, so he quickly found someone to bring a hand stove and hurried over.

“Princess, would you like something warmer?” he asked.

Lin Yunyan took it and handed the warmed one to Xu Jian.

Less than the father-in-law’s extended hand, he immediately took it back and stepped away without saying a word.

Looking at how smoothly the Duke of Fu took over the stove, the princess would definitely not chase them away.

The second update is still on the way, so I cover my face as soon as possible.



 (End of this chapter)

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