Yan Cigui

Chapter 169: How much work has been saved (please vote for me)

Chapter 169: How many things have been saved (please vote for me)

This time, Mr. Yu was hiding further.

Even, he quickly went to his room and drank two cups of hot tea.

 Remove the cold and smooth the mind.

He just saw it clearly and even received a few looks from the princess. Instead of being unhappy, the auxiliary Duke was content.

 What is this called?

 One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

 Looking at this situation, the Queen Mother should be relieved.

In the inner hall, the Holy Father talked to the Queen Mother for a while, and after thinking that the time was almost up, he called Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan back.

 The curtain was lifted, and the Queen Mother looked up.

I saw Lin Yunyan walking in front, and Xu Jian behind. One was beautiful and the other was handsome. After taking another look, I felt more and more comfortable in my eyes.

Who doesn’t love to be pretty?

 The Empress Dowager loves this beauty.

 Especially, she could see that Yun Yan was in a good mood.

The Queen Mother was about to ask Xu Jian a few words, but her eyes were attracted by the hand stove in his hand.

The cover that holds the stove clearly belongs to Yun Yan.

Looking at Lin Yunyan holding one in her hand, the Queen Mother waved to Lin Yunyan very naturally and motioned for Lin Yunyan to sit down next to her.

 Then, she patted the back of Lin Yunyan's hand.

 Hands are warm.

 The fingertips brushed against the stove cover and it was also warm.

The Empress Dowager understood immediately: Yun Yan changed into a hot one and gave the warm one to Xu Jian.

Yun Yan is not stingy at all, but if she is so generous as to just give the stove to a foreigner, there is really no such thing.

 This should be Yun Yan’s “satisfaction”.

In this case, the Queen Mother stopped asking Xu Jian any more questions and looked him up and down again.

Stand tall and straight, with a straight body shape.

If it weren’t for the injured leg…

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother complained a few words to Li Shao in her heart.

If Shao'er hadn't been ignorant, how could Xu Jian end up like this?

I thought about it again. Although it is said that a good man should make great achievements and a general is never afraid of fighting, the battlefield is never "safe" and anything can happen.

If Xu Jian is still on the border expedition, she may be even more worried about Yun Yan.

 Just in case...

She still remembers clearly that one of the Zhao family members was killed in the battle and the Yumen was closed. When the bad news came, Zhao Zhaoyi passed away on the spot.

 She looked really distressed.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a prince to rely on and comfort her, Zhao Zhaoyi would probably not be able to survive.

Looking at it this way, it would be better for Xu Jian to stay in the capital from now on, even if he is just an idle prince, rather than to stay in fear.

This kind of thought is not something that a queen mother should have. This is her selfish intention as a great-aunt.

"Your Majesty still has government affairs to deal with. Serious matters are more important. Yun Yan is here with the Ai family, so don't worry," the Empress Dowager said, "Speaking of it, the weather is not bad today. The sun is shining. The Ai family will invite the queen later. The concubine comes to beat the horse."

The Holy Father originally wanted Xu Jian to behave in front of the Empress Dowager, but after hearing what the old man said, he understood.

The Queen Mother was half relieved.

  When she hears what the concubine thinks, and then asks Mrs. Sincerity to talk about it, as long as no one raises clear and well-founded objections, they will be inseparable.

 The Holy Spirit stood up and left. Seeing Xu Jian also bowing, the Holy Master muttered in his heart: This boy is really lucky.

Who named Liu Xun as a talented person?

A large piece of brick was smashed out and shattered all over the ground, making Xu Jian's piece of jade appear transparent and crystal clear.

This made the Empress Dowager relax, and Xu Jian saved so much trouble!

Lin Yunyan sent them out.

   Grandpa Yue respectfully saw me off and looked at the hand stove again.

The Duke of Fu had no intention of returning it, as if he had forgotten it, and the princess did not ask him for it.

 Of course I won’t mention it if I’m smaller than my father-in-law.

 Something can be borrowed and repaid, but it can be repaid later.

As long as the stove is still in the hands of the Duke of Fu, there will be a next time.

After seeing off the imperial chariot, Lin Yunyan returned to the West Side Hall first, and then went into the inner hall to report to the Empress Dowager.

"The two of them had a very pleasant conversation, and the princess never stopped smiling."

“The hand stove was indeed given by the princess to the auxiliary prince. He gave it generously and received it generously.”

"Last time, I said that the princess and the auxiliary Duke were getting along, and they didn't seem to recognize each other. Now that I think about it again, I think it means that the two of them don't have that kind of 'politeness'. They are blindly polite."

"Very relaxed and at ease. Last time, Duke Fu was choked by the princess. Today he got a few looks, but the princess is not angry, and neither is Duke Fu. Do you think it's strange?"

  “The little words were inappropriate, just like flirting, but they still made the connection.”

The Queen Mother's teeth ached when she heard the words "flirting".

But these four words are indeed based on "compatibility". Isn't the reason why she palmed Yun Yan's eyes just to pick a son who Yun Yan likes, who can also appreciate and love Yun Yan?

Not long after, Princess Wen arrived.

"With the leggings made by the princess, my heart is always warm no matter how cold the weather is," Princess Wen said cheerfully, "Didn't you say she came into the palace? Why didn't you see anyone?"

"She's in the side hall," the Empress Dowager asked her to sit down. "The Ai family is looking for you to talk about her affairs."

 Wen Taifei listened attentively.

The last time Duke Fuguo came to Cining Palace with the Holy Spirit, he heard that the concubine had heard about it, but this time the news had not reached her ears.

"It was because of the marriage between the princess and the auxiliary prince." Concubine Wen rolled her eyes, "You have some ideas and want to listen to me again? Don't forget, my wife and I are handkerchiefs Hand in hand, can I speak ill of her grandson?”

“Old Huangli, how many years has she been gone,” the Queen Mother said happily, “You should be cautious and put your ugly words first.”

Taifei Wen also smiled: "After all, it is a major event in the princess's life. One is the grandson of an old friend, and the other is a girl I watched grow up. If I can get a good marriage, I will definitely be very happy."

 This is true.

Honest words can be exchanged for true words.

The Empress Dowager did not hide anything and expressed her thoughts.

“The Ai family were originally worried about his legs, but now that they think about it, at least they don’t have to worry about it as soon as they go on an expedition.”

"I don't want to say such things, you are the Empress Dowager," Wen Taifei smiled for a while, "I also want to say a few words that I don't want to say. It's simple in the Duke's family."

 The Queen Mother raised her eyebrows.

"They say that once you enter the palace, it is as deep as the sea, but how can it be easy in the world to be someone else's wife?" Wen Taifei said, "When you encounter a difficult mother-in-law or an unreasonable sister-in-law, you don't care about anything and just say No matter how harmonious a couple is, problems will arise everywhere if the father-in-law adds fuel to the fire.

 But if filial piety comes first, can you really ignore your parents-in-law? It’s not that you have to endure it, the daughter-in-law has to endure it to become a mother-in-law.

 You are reluctant to let the princess suffer the disadvantages of getting along with her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Of course, a mother-in-law from a serious official family will not try to molest the princess, but who knows if she will encounter someone with unique ideas? "

 The Empress Dowager laughed out loud.

In the past, she had to hold back a bit when hearing these things, but it was different today. She actually saw someone with unique ideas who wanted to attack Yun Yan!

Concubine Wen said again: "The Liu family is not close to each other at all. No matter how long you stretch your hand, the door of the Duke's Mansion can be blocked back. The husband and wife have nothing to worry about about food and clothing, and they don't have much to do in daily life." If you have such troubles, your life will be smooth, what do you think?”

Requesting a monthly pass~~

Thank you to book friends 20221201233307040, Joy of Everything 166, Bai Ai, and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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