Yan Cigui

Chapter 170: I really love hearing it

 Chapter 170 I really enjoyed listening to it

After hearing this, the Queen Mother nodded slightly.

The more people there are, the more things will happen.

The harem has its troubles, but the daughters-in-law of the prince's family also have their troubles.

  She has not experienced those herself, but has heard of many.

“Speaking of which, when the Ai family first engaged Ayun, what they valued was sincerity, stability, and simplicity.”

Lin Yu’s mother passed away early, but her stepmother was famously good.

 The younger Mr. Duan treats his stepson and parents very seriously, and the Lin brothers are also friendly and harmonious.

At that time, the youngest daughter of the Lin family had not yet left the imperial court. The Empress Dowager had met her several times and she was also pretty, gentle and generous.

 Education is something that is engraved in one’s bones and flows through one’s behavior.

In such a family, even if there are mother-in-law and uncles and aunts, it will not make it difficult for the new daughter-in-law to do things or be a good person.

"The Ai family has been chosen so well. After Ayun married, the whole family was really harmonious and the husband and wife were united." The Empress Dowager sighed.

The only pity is that Shen Yun encountered the fire at Dingguo Temple.

Seeing that she was thinking about her niece who died young, Concubine Wen knew that she was feeling sad, so she comforted her and said, "It's rare for you to worry about the marriage of a girl's family. Let me count, you have only taken care of a few of them over the years.

 In the early years, it was Ayun and Derong. A few years ago, you married Princess Changle.

It is indeed a pity for Ayun, but you see, Princess Derong and the Prince Consort have been like enemies over the years. No one needs to worry about it, but they have actually added a lot of fun to you.

Chang Le is getting married far away, so you won’t see her all the time, but she is doing well in her husband’s family.

Either you don’t worry about it, and all you worry about is a good marriage with the music of the piano and the music of the piano and the harmony of your hearts.

Our princess in the west side hall will definitely be good too. "

These words fell into the heart of the Queen Mother.

 At least, her vision for marriage is not bad.

With her eyebrows stretched, she saw from the corner of her eye the stove that Concubine Wen had put aside. The Empress Dowager suddenly laughed and told the concubine what she had just told her father-in-law.

“One handed it over directly, and the other took it directly,” the Empress Dowager smiled and shook her head, “This is really…”

Concubine Wen listened and smiled from ear to ear.

“Otherwise, why would you say that life is all about fate?” She laughed and said, “I am old too, and I can’t stop being happy when I hear the sentiments of these little children. I really love hearing them.”

 Two old ladies, neither one is younger than the other.

 Hearing what the concubine said, the empress dowager also laughed.

After smiling, Concubine Wen thought for a moment and said: "I guess it is indeed more appropriate to be the auxiliary to the Duke.

 What are you thinking of fish eyes and pearls and jade here? Let me tell you. The real pearls and jade are sincerity.

 with good looks, good education, good knowledge, and good conduct. I can't find anything bad about him.

With such a father, how could an ordinary man fall in the eyes of the princess? As soon as he appeared on the stage, he was outshone by his uncle. "

The Empress Dowager deeply believed this.

If Lin Yu wasn't so good at everything, how could she let A Yun marry him?

Concubine Wen said again: "The princess is young, and sometimes she has a childish temper with you, but she has a clear mind and has many ideas.

 Young masters of the same age may not have this kind of character. It’s not that they are bad, but that they are not yet determined.

 She is still a few years older, more calm and down-to-earth, and can talk to the princess on the same page.

There are so many dukes and uncles, and those who are a few years older have either already been engaged, or they have been delayed for various reasons..."

Following what the Dowager heard, the Empress Dowager quickly went through the palaces of the Dukes and Princes in the capital in her mind.

  When the Holy Emperor first proposed Yun Yan’s marriage to her, she had already applied for it once.

Now I’m swiping it again, and of course I can’t find anything that I like.

Look left and right, and Miao Miao is the only one in Xu Jian.

Concubine Wen took a sip of tea and said: "In the final analysis, after all, it's hard to buy the princess satisfaction with a lot of money. The princess just now has a good impression of the auxiliary Duke, and also selected a few people for her to compare. Comparatively, this is inappropriate." The Queen Mother agreed.

 Under what circumstances is comparison necessary?

  The person you have a good impression of really can't stand up to the wall. It's hard for the elders to be too outspoken. I'm afraid it will make the girl's family rebel, so I will pick out the good ones and let her compare.

 At the moment, is Xu Jian mud? Certainly not.

 Can you choose someone better than Xu Jian? Definitely not.

Then why is she still messing around here?

"Ai Jia asked you to convince me," the Queen Mother sighed, "You are really good at being a matchmaker!"

Concubine Wen smiled and accepted the joke, and said: "I really want to say that the elders know better and should arrange more opportunities for the princess and the auxiliary Duke to get to know each other better.

 But you are anxious, fearing that there are still some short-sighted people plotting against the princess, and it may not take long.

Then I can only say good things to Duke Fu.

 with a hot temper and irritable words, but a very upright character. After the death of his first wife, he said he would not remarry until he died of illness.

 At this point, Duke Fuguo followed him.

At this age, there are too many things that can’t be controlled by one’s thoughts.

He has no elders to take care of him. He is raised in the house and outside. As long as he does not cause any life-threatening matters such as white knives coming in and red knives coming out, the censor will really scold his head, that is, he will be fined and grounded.

 But in the past two years, there have been no such rumors, right? "

As soon as she heard "I can't control myself", the Queen Mother couldn't help but raise her hand to press her eyebrows.

 Half a year ago, one of the two families came to Cining Palace to discuss the matter of breaking off the relationship between the third son of Xu Guogong and the eldest sister Yun Yan.

What happened was such a mess!

 Even if you are as well-informed as she is, you would want to pinch your nose.

"There are no men who are inexperienced, but it is very important to be able to control themselves and know what to do and what not to do," said Concubine Wen, "Fuxing Guo Gong seems to understand."

"Okay, I know you are facing Xu Jian, but I didn't expect you to be like this!" The Empress Dowager laughed and said to Grandma Wang, "Go and ask Yun Yan to come over. It's time to beat the horse and hang up. The Ai family hasn't had a beat or hand for a while. It's very itchy."

Soon, Lin Yunyan came from the side hall and greeted Princess Wen with a smile.

 Judging from the look on the Queen Mother's face, she should have had a satisfactory conversation with Concubine Wen.

A few people sat down at the table and made a circle.

Concubine Wen suddenly said: "The leggings that the princess gave me are really comfortable, and they warm my legs directly to my heart. I heard that Duke Fu also mentioned it to the princess before? Is the princess kind enough to give it to him?"

Lin Yunyan was touching the cards when she heard the words and raised her head, blinking at Concubine Wen.

 It is unreasonable, the concubine will not ask such questions.

 This is obviously a question for the Queen Mother.

With her lips pressed together, Lin Yunyan snorted softly and said in a sweet voice, "She's so beautiful! Wait until I'm happy."

Concubine Wen smiled and secretly winked at the Empress Dowager: Look! The little girl is so embarrassed!

The Queen Mother also smiled and felt at ease.

Lin Yunyan only said this sentence and said nothing else. She lowered her head and picked a card and played it.

 “The Ai family is confused.”

The Empress Dowager pushed the card down smoothly.

Seeing Lin Yunyan handing her several chips and rushing to shuffle the cards, the Queen Mother nodded secretly.

  The children were so embarrassed that they fired off cannons randomly.

This marriage should not go wrong.

I was writing the second update. I didn’t pay attention to the time and covered my face.

The second update is still a little away, I’ll do it as soon as possible.



 (End of this chapter)

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