Yan Cigui

Chapter 173: Good at calculating (please vote for me)

Everyone, look at me and I’ll look at you.

 Uncle, what does this mean?

Why is this straightforward person talking about riddles today?

"Hey! Don't you know? Last time, Mr. Liu caught Fu Guo Gong and said this and that, and he was taught by An Yi Bo. He said that Mr. Liu didn't have pain in his legs, so he couldn't remember the country when it was cold. My father-in-law feels uncomfortable standing."

Only then did everyone realize.

If a father really cares about his son, how can he fail to remember this?

No wonder the uncle would say that the son given away is worthless.

“If I were this father, let alone being rejected once, I would sit in the Duke’s Mansion every day.”

“That is, can the Duke of Fu still be able to beat people out?”

 “If you want to be sincere for sincerity, you are already a father, how can you argue with your child?”

"Master Liu was so worried about his second son's cold that he couldn't sleep at night and staggered when he walked. If he had been so concerned when he returned to Beijing, the relationship between father and son would not be like this."

“Hey, hurting the legs doesn’t hurt your life, but the cold wind can kill you just in front of you.”

 “Isn’t there a woman who is raised outside? It’s better to let her take care of her.”

"Mrs. Liu doesn't worry about others, how can she worry about her son's love?"

Outside the Hanlin Academy gate, Lin Yu listened for a long time with his hands behind his back.

Lin Yuan was murmuring in her heart as her eyes passed over the faces of the officials who were talking lively in that room.

Each one of them suddenly saw through Liu Jing under An Yibo's guidance, or they just followed the wind and chatted a few words when they saw Liu Jing's recent misfortune in front of the emperor, or they took Xu Jian's advantage and deliberately acted here Said?

 On second thought, it probably has little to do with Xu Jian.

 Let these petty officials and petty officials make irresponsible remarks, and it will be easy to put the facts into practice.

 It seems that Liu Jing should have been in bad luck several times.

Liu Jingruo knew that the stage he had built with his own hands had been transformed from a Jiangnan minor tune to a long song outside the Great Wall after he left. It cannot be said that he did not touch it at all, but it could only be said that it had nothing to do with it. He would probably be very upset.

Liu Jing didn’t know about it yet, but Uncle Yunyang had already heard about it.

 The whole process came to a halt, and he went from being extremely angry to feeling happy.

Angry that Liu Jing deliberately showed weakness to others, wasn't it just to make the Zheng family bow down first?

 Liu Jing was clean in front of the emperor that day. Liu Xun rushed out to save people, and Liu Xun went into the water to save people.

 The bad things were all done by Zheng Liu.

Because of such a scheming and evil-minded Zheng Liu, Liu Xun was so ill that he almost died. The Zheng family had to give some explanation, right?

 Liu Jing is very good at calculating!

 The happy thing is that Liu Jing is smart, but he is only one person.

With so many people and so many mouths on the Qianbu Corridor, there are always a few who are clear-sighted and clear-minded. Doesn’t this expose Liu Jing?

Tell Liu Jing to pretend!

Uncle Yunyang's mood went back and forth between anger and happiness. When he returned to his home and saw his wife's sad face, his little happiness immediately dissipated, and he could no longer be angry, leaving only helplessness and worry.

The uncle said: "Aliu woke up in the afternoon and ate some thin porridge."

Uncle Yunyang asked, "What did she say?"

Mrs. Bo looked troubled.

Uncle Yunyang shook his head and went to visit his daughter first.

 In the room, Zheng Liu was lying on the hospital bed with a thick quilt.

Grandma Lao was not betrayed, but only received a lot of beatings. She has been raising her for the past two days. When she heard that the girl woke up and looked for her, she couldn't rest anymore, so she had the couch moved to Zheng Liu's bedside. Kind words of advice.

"It was because the slave did something bad and was tricked by the princess that he harmed the girl."

“Girl, you are upset and angry, but your body is yours, and you have to take good care of it no matter what you want to do.”

"When uncle comes back, please don't say angry words to him. If you make uncle angry, you won't get any benefits and it's not worth it." "Please don't give up on yourself before. The Liu family is not a good place to be. That Mr. Liu is just a loser, he has no knowledge at all, and he even raises one outside, and I heard he has a foxy look on his face! "

Zheng Liu didn't say a word from beginning to end, and he didn't know how many words he heard.

Uncle Yunyang strode in. He only heard the last sentence and glanced at Aunt Lao. He thought to himself that this woman finally said a few human words and knew that Liu Xun was not a good match.

“What are your thoughts?” Uncle Yunyang asked straight to the point.

 Zheng Liu raised his eyes and glanced at his parents.

Although she didn't say anything, the disdain and rebellion in her eyes still made Uncle Yunyang's anger rise.

"You are not a little girl anymore. Why don't you know the importance of it? You still stare at me like this. Is there any rules? What, we have framed you?"

“It was like this last time, the one who framed the Lin family for no reason, and they didn’t offend you, right?”

  "You can do no harm to others, and you will be exposed. So many pairs of eyes are watching you. Do you know that you are in trouble?"

“It is said that a person gains wisdom by taking a step, but what about you? Where did your growth go?”

"Because of you, the family is really in trouble! Your grandmother has lost her dignity in front of all the old ladies and ladies. Your mother is in a dilemma. You have to delay the important things of your brothers and sisters. In the morning, I was scolded by the imperial censor and the emperor. Even if you scold me, you still have to listen to Liu Jing’s weird anger!”

“It’s good for you, I’m so groggy that I can’t bother you anymore!”

 “I finally woke up and still have such an attitude!”

Uncle Yunyang cursed so loudly that no one in the room dared to breathe.

Mammy Lao almost burst into tears.

 The girl obviously didn’t say a word, but the uncle came up and scolded her like this. Can this solve the problem?

 The girl is impatient and can't bear to be excited. Now it's bad.

With her status, how can she talk more?

As expected, Zheng Liu was furious when he heard this.

Her voice was hoarse, her mouth was hoarse, and she said feebly: "Since you don't like me so much, then just find a place to send me away."

Yunyang Bodao: "Do you think it's so easy to spend time now? Now you can do whatever you want?"

“It’s no use thinking about it, so what should I do?” Zheng Liu asked.

Yunyang Bo: “You!”

Seeing that the father and daughter were about to quarrel, Mrs. Uncle hurriedly smoothed things over: "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, she is sick. Uncle, talk to her slowly..."

“She’s not sick and can’t listen to good words!” Uncle Yunyang interrupted Mrs. Uncle and said to Zheng Liu, “Then if Liu Xun doesn’t get better, you have to go to the Liu family!”

When Zheng Liu heard this, he sneered: "It's also a way to pass the time."

"Then you just wait to get married!" Uncle Yunyang said angrily, rolled up his sleeves and left.

Mrs. Bo hurriedly caught up with her and heard "You have raised a good daughter". Her head was buzzing and she stood there for a long time unable to recover.

Uncle Yunyang was so angry that he forced himself to calm down a bit when he returned to the front yard.

How about taking another look?

 But what will be waiting for him tomorrow?

Did Liu Jing fall down again? Did the Liu family invite Taoist priests to summon spirits by the pond? Liu Jing begged him with tears in his eyes to let Zheng Liu Chongxi save his life?

No matter which one, Uncle Yunyang's scalp felt numb.

Thinking again of Zheng Liu's bad attitude, Yunyang Bo was heartbroken, called his son and nephew, and told them to go to Liu's house.

"Look more carefully and ask two doctors to work together to find out how ill Liu Xun is."

 It’s a new month, please vote for me~~~

  Thanks to book friends Wuxihuan 166 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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