Yan Cigui

Chapter 174: Who do you look down on?

Chapter 174: Who do you look down on?

 Liu Mansion.

Hearing that someone from the Zheng family was coming, Liu Jing asked the housekeeper to greet the guests first, and then gave Liu Xun some instructions.

 “Lie down, stop talking nonsense, and be smart.”

"The ones who can't sit still are the Zheng family. As long as you don't make any mistakes, the matter will be settled."

After finishing speaking, Liu Jing walked out of the study and looked at the few people led by the housekeeper.

The person starting with the name is Zheng Jue, the eldest son of Uncle Yunyang. Liu Jing recognizes him.

The other young master behind him is a stranger, and he must be a descendant of the Zheng family.

The last two people were carrying medicine boxes on their backs, which showed that they were visiting doctors.

Liu Jing knew at a glance that Uncle Yunyang did not believe his words and sent people to check.

 The two sides bowed.

Zheng Jue explained the purpose of his visit: "I heard that Mr. Liu is seriously ill, and our Yunyang Mansion is also involved. We are very worried, so we came to take a look."

Liu Jing invited them in and said, "Xun'er is inside. He is awake and not in good spirits."

  After finishing speaking, he said to the doctor: "He is calmer during the day, but at night, especially around the second and third watch, he is completely burned. This is really..."

 A doctor hurriedly said: "Patients with fever often have this condition."

Brother Zheng Jue had no intention of talking to Liu Xun much. He just saw the man lying sick, his face was pale, and he looked half-dead, so he only asked the doctor to see him.

 The two doctors asked for pulse one after another, one muttering louder than the other.

 Judging from the pulse, it seems that there are no symptoms?

 But Mr. Liu has already spoken up front, and it’s only late at night that he becomes more powerful...

 Is it because their medical skills are not good?

“I don’t know which doctor saw me before?” one person asked.

Liu Jing then said: "We have invited several doctors. The imperial doctor..."

 Of course the imperial physician never came.

 The Holy Spirit said this angrily. None of the Qintian Prison, Taichang Temple, or Taiyuan Hospital had ever been to the Liu family.

But it happened that his tone sounded like this to others, as if the imperial doctor had come to take a pulse.

Even the Tai Hospital did not question the condition. How could they, two market doctors, say that Mr. Liu was not sick...

The two of them walked aside and chatted in whispers. Finally, they said to a few people: "Young master's illness is caused by cold air entering the body. During the day, the yang energy is strong and can be suppressed, but at night it is reversed. This is why it happens so repeatedly."

Zheng Wei hurriedly asked: "Are you worried about your life?"

"This..." the doctor replied bravely, "it still needs to be taken good care of."

 Liu Jing's heart dropped.

These two doctors seem to be very wise and know not to muddy the waters.

Zheng Jue obviously didn’t believe it. Just as he was about to urge the doctor to take a closer look, he heard Liu Jing let out a long sigh.

“Yes, I need to take care of it, but I don’t know how long it will take and whether I will have to go on a business trip.” Liu Jing took a piece of paper from the case and handed it to the doctor, “Take a look at the prescription I prescribed before.”

After reading it, the doctors said, "Just follow this recipe. Mr. Liu, don't be impatient and worry about getting yourself sick. What should I do?"

"Hey, to tell you the truth, my wife is indeed going to be sick," Liu Jing said, shaking his head, "After I came back from the office, I persuaded her to go to rest."

Liu Jing and the two doctors were talking to you, me, and him, but Brother Zheng Jue didn't find a chance to interrupt.

Until Liu Jing invited Liu Xun out of Liu Xun's study and arrived at the flower hall, both of them were still a little confused.

 The hot tea is simmering.

The two brothers looked at the simple flower hall decorations and smelled the fragrant hot tea. They didn't know whether they should take a sip. Liu Jing sent away the two doctors first, stuffed a lot of medical fees, and then returned to the flower hall to sit down.

“Xun’er did have some imperfections regarding the Zhangping Garden matter, but he was also involved in it, and the cause was not his.”

 “If you do this, your government will be in trouble, so how can I not be in trouble?”

"I argued hard in the court, and I didn't want Xun'er to commit any unexplained sins. The two of you are so young, and I don't know if they can understand my eagerness as a father."

"Human beings are always unhappy when they are involved for no reason. I think the two young masters also received a lot of criticism for this incident, right?"

"There's nothing wrong with procrastinating like this. I want to put an end to the matter as soon as possible so as to avoid further rumors outside."

"It's already the twelfth lunar month. If we can get it done as soon as possible, every family will be busy during the Chinese New Year, and there will be Enke after the new year. I won't be able to worry about talking about our two families."

“I don’t want to see relatives visiting each other during the Chinese New Year. It’s still Miss Zheng, Xun’er, and more. Even elders and brothers have to be recited in a circle.”

“Especially the two of you, it’s a real disaster!”

Zheng Jue can no longer make a bad face by being so sincere and putting himself in his shoes.

 In the final analysis, it was Zheng Liu who caused the incident, or twice.

Having such a sister in the stall will bring bad luck to the whole family.

 In this case, it is better to get married early so as not to trouble your family again!

 Liu Jing said a lot before sending the two of them out of the house.

After closing the door, Liu Jing laughed.

 Let these two young men as young as green buds come to spy on the situation?

 Who does Uncle Yunyang look down on?

To put it bluntly, my uncle couldn't spare his body to come visit Xun'er, a junior, so he ordered two juniors to come.

 But how can a young, inexperienced junior get an advantage from Liu Jing?

 From beginning to end, the beat is in his hands!

Where it is urgent, where it is slow, where it is high and where it is low, it is all up to him.

On the other hand, Uncle Yunyang did not expect that Zheng Jue and the others went to Liu's house and what they brought back was completely different from what he expected.

“Liu Xun is really ill, and the doctors are very conservative about the development of the disease and are unwilling to tell the full story.”

"If this continues, I don't even know whether Liu Xun will die of illness. If Mrs. Liu becomes ill, the news will spread, and the Yunyang Mansion will not be able to get any relief."

“Aliu is a troublemaker, and he has no intention of repenting when he wakes up. If he is still kept and protected by the family, what kind of trouble will he cause in the future?”

“Our family has become a joke all over the city, and the Holy Father is tired of it. If the next time comes, not only will you be scolded in the court, but our whole family will have to kneel outside the palace gate.”

"Why bother bringing the whole family in for A Liu who is so ignorant and doesn't know how to consider his family?"

Uncle Yunyang felt his veins pounding in his forehead.

What happened in the Liu family that made Zheng Wei and Zheng Wei completely switch sides?

Hey, it's not a defection. They are not towards A Liu, but they are very dissatisfied with the Liu family.

 Now, all the dissatisfaction has been settled on A Liu’s head.

Uncle Yunyang waved his hand and motioned for them to retreat.

Afterwards, he returned to the main courtyard to meet his wife and sighed: "As a family member, we are devoted to Alyu. She chose the road by herself. The bumps and bumps in the future are also the causes and fruits of her own sowing."

Mrs. Bo pursed her lips and nodded.

“I will discuss it with Liu Jing tomorrow at court,” Yunyang Bo said. “Finalize the marriage before the year before, and pick a date after the year to get married. If she causes any trouble, go to the Liu family.”

 (End of this chapter)

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