Yan Cigui

Chapter 177: You have to eat so much sugar

Chapter 177 I have to eat so much candy

Jinluan Hall is tall, deep and wide, and any small movement can be amplified, let alone such a loud sound.

An Yibo's words fell to the ground like thunder, and kept reverberating around the beams, making people's ears buzz.

 Liu Jing was struck so hard that his face turned pale.

An Yibo is full and full?

His wife from the Liu family has anything to do with An Yibo?

 You want him to talk too much here?

 Sure enough, all the people who are close to the old master are this kind of warriors!

  He was scolding in his heart, but it was impossible for Liu Jing to fall out with An Yibo in person, so he had no choice but to force out a smile.

 After An Yibo said this, he stopped talking to Liu Jing.

Seeing Xu Jian's amused expression, An Yibo glared at him.

 Xu Jian is really big-hearted.

Liu Jing kept going to Princess Ning'an to break up with her, but Xu Jian was not in a hurry.


 It’s good to have a big heart.

 He who has a big heart will live a happy life.

"He's leaving," An Yibo called Xu Jian, "The Duke is leaving with me. I have something to ask you."

Xu Jian did not refute An Yibo's good intentions, and left the land of right and wrong by following the good intentions.

 In the main hall, the courtiers watched the two people leaving with mixed emotions.

Some people were afraid of trouble and were grateful to An Yibo for taking away Duke Fu, who would add fuel to the fire to Mr. Liu at any time, so as to prevent the fire from getting too strong and affecting the fish in the pond.

Some people were watching the play, but it was a pity that the most important costar was missing, and the play was no longer lively.

Some people were stunned and asked in a low voice: "Uncle An Yi really wants to get married to Uncle Chengyi's house? Why do you protect Uncle Chengyi's house like this?"

"Two days ago, Mrs. Anyibo went to Uncle Chengyi's house. I think this is not wrong."

  "Did he meet the eldest daughter of the Lin family that time?"

"According to the order, Miss Lin's marriage has not been decided yet, so the princess has passed over..."

As he spoke, his eyes couldn't help but return to Mr. Liu, who had a solemn look on his face.

 An idea flashed in his mind.

 What if it’s Xu Jian and the princess?

Xun'er saw with his own eyes that the Holy Emperor took Xu Jian to Cining Palace. The princess was also with the Empress Dowager at that time.

Xu Jian was ordered by the king to bring a message to Uncle Chengyi. He couldn't find anyone in the Hanlin Academy, so he went to visit the uncle's house, but what message he brought, and there was no news after that.

This thought came into his mind, and Liu Jing's heart was suddenly overturned.

Various smells mixed together, making me frown.

 It’s impossible, it won’t happen!

The princess is not very old. With the Queen Mother's love for her, she will definitely stay with her for two more years. Why is she in such a hurry to get her engaged and married?

 Besides, if Xu Jian wants to get married, no matter how bad the relationship is, he still has to tell the couple, right?

Liu Jing passed him over to discuss the marriage, but he didn't say anything. After that, the censors scolded Xu Jian until he couldn't hold his head up.

 Liu Jing couldn't help but nodded in his mind.

 He must have been distracted.

 At the moment, Xun'er's marriage is still the priority.

 “Master Liu, Master Liu? What are you thinking about?”

Hearing someone calling him, Liu Jing hurriedly concentrated his attention and said: "As soon as I heard someone talking about the order, I thought that Xun'er's marriage was certain, and the younger brother had to rush ahead of the older brother. Alas!"

"This is not Mr. Liu's fault. Mr. Liu, don't worry about it."

"The Duke of Defu has his own ideas..."

Liu Jing listened and calmed down a little.

 Suddenly, someone said something out of nowhere.

 “Who said that Duke Fu Guo fell into the water with the girl? It’s difficult to do!”

Sharp and shrill, extremely yin and yang.

Liu Jing felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He turned his head to look, but he didn't know who had said this.

Liu Jing was worried about something on his mind.

It wasn't until two days later that the Liu family went to Yunyang Bo's house to place a small note and the marriage certificate was in hand, did he feel at ease.

Xiao Ding is not that lively, and I heard that Zheng Liu’s face is not very happy, but once it is finalized, it is finalized and will not change.

 Sincerity House.

Lin Yunyan leaned on the pillow, biting bean paste cake, and listened to Aunt Zheng talking about external affairs. Aunt Zheng had followed Aunt Ma's wishes and joined the crowd of people watching the excitement. She first watched Dingli go out outside Liu's house, then went outside Yunyang Bo's Mansion to watch Dingli enter, and finally followed the procession of Dingli leaving. The uncle's house returned to the outside of Liu's house.

"Everyone is talking about it. The groom's family, the bride's family, and Mrs. Quanfu, who have not settled yet, are all looking very happy."

“Mr. Liu’s smile is quite forced. If you say he is pretending, he is really good at pretending!”

“Also, Mr. Liu’s sweetheart never showed up from the beginning to the end. He lives in Shuixian Alley behind closed doors.”

Lin Yunyan took a sip of tea.

Liu Jing would definitely be happy if he didn't smile in front of others.

However, he can't be happy for long. Soon he will find that the results of this marriage are completely different from what he imagined.

The benefits of getting married between two families as imagined by Liu Jing are more like the previous situation in Lin Yunyan's memory.

At that time, Liu Xun was an outstanding student in the Imperial College, and Zheng Liu was a charming girl in the Yunyang uncle's house.

 Liu Xun did not make a fool of himself by learning to cheat.

Zheng Liu was not exposed on the spot for slandering Lin Yunfang for cheating, which made the girls from various families unhappy, and there was no circle design in the Zhangping Garden that framed him and made him unable to escape, making his family disgusted.

 The two of them got married, which was a satisfactory outcome for both families.

Yunyang Bofu is naturally willing to give my uncle a little more help.

 It’s different now.

Yunyang Bofu was unreasonable, but they also suffered the disadvantage of being dumb. They were resentful towards Zheng Liu.

They didn’t want to care about Zheng Liu when their married daughter threw water, so how could they help Liu Xun?

And Liu Xun couldn't get even the slightest benefit from this marriage, so he and Zheng Liu would naturally have conflicts.

Liu Jing will be even more dissatisfied with Zheng Liu and Yunyang Bofu.

After all, Liu Jing married the daughter of the Duke of the State. Although the Duke did not give him any good looks, at least his reputation was good, and some doubts disappeared due to the harmony between the couple.

And when Liu Xun and Zheng Liu got married, no matter who they were scolding, the marriage was caused by scolding.

 Once the weather gets rough, the sediment that has sunk to the bottom will surge up again.

 The sound of footsteps approaching outside.

Mrs. Chen came happily.

Seeing this, Grandma Zheng resigned and left.

Ms. Chen sat down, but before she could speak, she couldn't help but laugh again.

"Are you so happy?" Lin Yunyan asked her to be amused, and she couldn't help but laugh.

“Happy, so happy,” Mrs. Chen said, taking out a booklet from her sleeve, and waved it in her hand without rushing to give it to Lin Yunyan, “What is this?”

Lin Yunyan looked at the appearance of the book and asked, "Have you finished adding the eight characters?"

Mrs. Chen smiled and said: "Guess what will be written on it? The old lady read it first just now, and she couldn't close her mouth with laughter!"

 “Like you?” Lin Yunyan joked.

Upon hearing this, Ms. Chen raised her hand and touched her mouth.

 He was smiling, with a big grin.

“That’s right,” Ms. Chen raised her eyebrows, “just like me.”

 Amidst the laughter, Mrs. Chen opened the booklet, cleared her throat, and read it to Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan held her cheeks and listened very seriously.

She knew what was written above. After all, she was still her, and Xu Jian was still Xu Jian. The same two people would produce the same result.

 But she still felt it was very fresh.

 Because of the smile of the third aunt, because of the smile of the grandmother described by the third aunt.

 In the past, the family did not dislike this marriage. If the Holy Spirit approved the marriage, they would go about it step by step.

 This time is different.

 Because of her joy and satisfaction with Xu Jian, everyone became happy.

Lin Yunyan likes this happiness very much.

Not only her marriage, but also the happy events of her brothers and sisters, the family must also be happy.

 In the past, my relatives suffered so much, but now they have to eat so much sugar.

Requesting a monthly pass~~

   Thanks to book friends Meimeida M, Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, Shi Gandangdang, and Xiaoyuan for their rewards.



 (End of this chapter)

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