Yan Cigui

Chapter 178: River of smiles

 After Chen finished reading, his brows and eyes were filled with smiles.

Handing the brochure to Lin Yunyan, she said: "Take a look, every word on it is made of sugar."

Just as Lin Yunyan was about to take it, Lin Yunfang's head emerged from behind the floor covering.

“Mom, they are all made of sugar, how are your teeth?” Lin Yunfang teased with a smile.

Mrs. Chen didn't expect her daughter to follow her secretly. She was startled by her sudden voice, and she couldn't laugh or cry because of the content of her words: "You can talk nonsense, my best teeth are these, I can eat any kind of candy!" "

Seeing Lin Yunfang winking and not doing anything right, Chen smiled and said to her: "You are a monkey, please be more honest. When I finish Yun Yan's important matters, I will have to take care of you."

Lin Yunfang was not afraid of Mr. Chen's jokes and harsh words, so she leaned close to Lin Yunyan and read the brochure with her.

 The big red booklet is full of good words, both in heaven and on earth.

Lin Yunyan read it carefully from beginning to end.

Maybe it was because Lin Yunfang was amused by her nagging about "there is such a word" and "a good relationship can't be described enough". Lin Yunyan's eyes were crooked and her smile was flowing.

Ms. Chen smiled while observing Lin Yunyan carefully.

 She came with instructions from Xiao Duan.

 The old lady told her in private that Yun Yan was a considerate and thoughtful girl.

This marriage was the Holy One’s initiative, and the Empress Dowager hesitated and thought for a while before agreeing. So what role does Yun Yan play in it?

 Could it be that Yun Yan nodded because she didn’t want the Empress Dowager to be in trouble or to have a conflict with her Majesty?

Yun Yan recognized Duke Fu and had dealt with him before, so she did not exclude him. When her elders asked her, she agreed.

 Just like when Yun Jing said goodbye before.

Because the elders in the house thought it was good, and her mother Huang was also very satisfied, Yun Jing clearly had doubts and hesitations in her heart, but she never spoke out frankly.

 Although marriage is a major matter and is dictated by parents, parents still hope that their children will live well.

"I heard from Dalang that Duke Fu is not a fool, and our Yun Yan is also a good person. Even if they marry blindly, I believe they can live a good life, but I still want to know Yun Yan's true thoughts. "

“Is she really happy, or does she want us to be happy and relieved..."

 At that time, Mrs. Chen felt heavy, astringent and moved in her heart.

From her point of view, the old lady sometimes thinks too much and thinks too hard, making her whole person unhappy.

 But behind these thoughts, there is full care and care.

Otherwise, if everyone is in harmony and smiles at each other, behind closed doors, who cares who is really smiling or fake?

 The old lady treats the younger members of the family with great care, whether they are her biological children or not.

 Chen's eyes kept turning on Lin Yunyan's face.

The girl was already pretty, her eyes were silent but she was smiling. Now her eyes were full of light. If the smile turned into a river, then the sparkling light would flow turbulently, without covering up at all, just from the eyes to the lips. horn.

This is not true joy, so what is it?

Ms. Chen nodded secretly.

 The old lady should feel completely relieved now.

Ms. Chen felt that Lin Yunfang's chirping mouth was too lively when she had a problem in her mind, and said angrily: "You want to memorize this? Are you going to do it for others in the future?"

Lin Yunfang chuckled.

Lin Yunyan suddenly remembered Lin Yunfang's "past".

 That third brother-in-law, who was so good and so harmonious, is still in the Duan family's hometown.

Sanmei has not encountered such a disaster, and her grandmother will not go to great lengths to choose a husband for her from her own clan...

Lin Yunyan put down the booklet in her hand and asked Chen, "She doesn't know how to calculate, but I can. I'll calculate for her first."

Chen was stunned when he heard this. Of course she didn't believe that Lin Yunyan knew how to calculate, and she was probably just talking hastily to amuse her.

Mr. Chen would not be disappointed, and said cheerfully: "Then I will **** up my ears and listen."

Lin Yunfang also said: "I'll listen to it. If it's not good, I won't listen!"

Lin Yunyan recalled it carefully.

At that time, my grandmother was extremely worried about Lin Yunfang's marriage. She had chosen and decided for a long time. She prayed to the Bodhisattva every day when she made the horoscope until the result came out. She was so excited that she cried when she saw the very good comments.

 The result of the horoscope does not necessarily mean the quality of life in a lifetime.

 But for the young Duan family and Chen family at that time, it was the most important "inner support" for Lin Yunfang to marry far away.

Lin Yunyan also saw the result. It was impossible to memorize it in such a complete way, but she could still recall the few good words above.

 She said every word, and Mrs. Chen listened with a smile.

After listening to this, Lin Yunfang curled her lips and said, "They are all common words."

 “Normality is a blessing!” Chen said.

Lin Yunyan recited another horoscope for the man, and said to Mrs. Chen: "Auntie asked someone to calculate this to see if it is the same as what I said."

When Chen heard this, he was stunned again.

Yun Yan is really an interesting person. She makes up interesting stories, but she always has to finish them all.

"Then I'll write it down," Mrs. Chen was very proud and geared up, "If it's so suitable, I will search the whole world to find such a person and make him a uncle to Yun Fang."

 After saying that, she laughed.

Lin Yunyan also laughed.

She knew that most of her aunt's words were joking, but the foreshadowing was buried here. When a boy with such a horoscope stood in front of her one day, her aunt would think of this fate.

Ms. Chen smiled and put away the horoscope book.

 This thing is very important, be sure to keep it for later use during the ceremony.

“The Duke of the State should also know the result,” Chen explained. “According to Uncle An Yi’s wishes, he will report the result to the Holy Emperor tomorrow and then to the Queen Mother, and then wait for the Holy Emperor to issue an order.

With the imperial edict in hand, preparations were made step by step. It was almost time for the spring to come and the flowers were blooming, so the small wedding ceremony was held. "

Lin Yunfang asked curiously: "Isn't there still two or three months left?"

 “What do you think?” Chen Shixu nodded at her.

The prince and his uncle get married, and the prince marries the princess. What kind of scenery will it be?

 Scenery is not only important on the official day, but also on the solemn etiquette, which cannot be neglected.

 Do you really think you are like the kind of people who are in a hurry to "happy" when something happens?

 They don’t even have enough time to live together in their eight characters!

 Lin Yunfang recalled the situation when the eldest sister made the wedding ceremony before, and murmured: "It does take a lot of time."

In Qingpu Courtyard, Lin Yunjing was sitting on the bed holding a stove.

 She caught up with Xiaoli and felt uncomfortable all over.

When she heard that the result of Lin Yunyan's horoscope came out, she summoned her maid and told her: "Go to Bao'an Garden to express your congratulations, and then tell your second sister that when I feel more comfortable, I will help her draw the patterns. I will definitely make her happy." Those hijabs are all beautifully styled.”

The maid responded.

Mrs. Huang walked in, angry and funny: "I feel so uncomfortable and still miss you. I know the princess is waiting for your help, so you have to get better soon."

  Two is a little later, cover your face.

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