Yan Cigui

Chapter 179: sharp eyes

Chapter 179 A sharp eye

Hearing this, Lin Yunjing forced out a smile, but because of her severe stomach pain, her smile looked weird.

Mrs. Huang felt sorry for her and sat down by the bed: "Don't be afraid. When I was young, I was in so much pain that I couldn't walk. I'll be fine in a few years."

Lin Yunjing is not afraid, she just dislikes her inability to move.

“I haven’t finished embroidering my own yet,” she and Huang counted, “but Yun Yan’s is more important.”

More importantly, Yun Yan's identity is there, and she can use some tricks and things that Lin Yunjing can't use herself. This makes her eager to do it, and she is very interested.

Seeing that Mr. Huang was slightly startled, Lin Yunjing blinked her eyes, leaned forward and asked, "Don't you think it's inappropriate for my second sister to get married before me?"

Ms. Huang frowned and reached out to pat her daughter: "Am I the kind of person who can't carry it clearly?"

Although it is said that the elders and younger ones are in an orderly manner, and the whole family comes down in order, it looks neat and not messy, but Yun Jing has something wrong with her.

It’s not that the mansion doesn’t care about Yun Jing, the old lady also chose the one for Duke Xu after careful selection.

When the eight characters were combined, Xiao Ding was let go. She was originally going to get married in the autumn.

Then it is most appropriate to discuss the princess's marriage now.

 But that marriage was withdrawn by my family!

 Let’s retreat clearly and cleanly!

  Sometimes when Huang thinks about it, she gnashes her teeth at the Duke of Naxu and the Third Young Master.

 It’s a good thing that it was discovered, otherwise Yun Jing would have been in trouble for the rest of his life!

learn from mistakes.

The old lady also had a sincere talk with Mr. Huang, no matter what, she had to keep her eyes wide open and choose a good one.

Even if the girls in the uncle's house are not as noble as other sisters in the family, they still have confidence. Even if they stay for another year or two, they will not worry about being able to get married.

Hence, they must be patient and not be in a hurry, as it is easy to make mistakes if they are in a hurry.

Huang is convinced.

Instead of rushing to choose a brother-in-law for the reason that "my sister must marry first", it is better to take your time and choose carefully.

 Compared to unrealistic scenery, Yun Jing’s own satisfaction must be the most important thing.

Look at Bao'an Garden. The princess is satisfied with the marriage. Who in the family is not happy?

That’s really good!

"Fate is determined by fate," Mrs. Huang held her daughter's hand, "our Yunjing must have not arrived yet. When it arrives, no one can stop us."

Lin Yunjing smiled.

 Outside the house, snowflakes gradually began to fall again.

In the backyard of Taohe Zhai, Jing Daduan came over from outside, put his umbrella away on the porch, and rubbed his hands vigorously.

Shen Chen greeted him and said, "My boss has arrived at the right time. Nanny He has cooked a big bowl of hot soup."

 “Blessed! Blessed!” Jing Dawan smiled and patted his round belly, then tilted his head and glanced towards the study.

 The lamp is already lit inside.

 The dim yellow light shines through, making shadows blurry. I think Xu Jian is reading inside.

Without rushing in, Jing Daduan lowered his voice and said to Shen Chen: "I met the Liu family before when they went to Yunyang uncle's house to play and play. Many people gathered around to watch the fun, and some people said "Princess Princess, you can hear it" My head feels swollen."

Jing Dadan said that blood relationship is really a magical thing.

Their father liked the princess, and the Liu family's father and son also liked her very much.

 In addition to blood ties, there is also family education.

 Their father liked the person of the princess, and the two Liu family members liked the identity of the princess even more.

Seeing Shen Chen laugh, Jing Dadan added: "Speaking of which, the princess hasn't been here for a while, right? It's still too cold!"

When Shen Chen heard this, he looked surprised and asked in a low voice: "My boss doesn't know yet?"

“What do you know?” Jing Daduan asked.

“The Lord, the Empress Dowager, and Uncle Chengyi all nodded their heads, made a fortune with the Princess, and sent all the results,” Shen Chen said.

Jing Dadan:! The heartbeat beats louder and louder.

 For a moment, he even forgot to breathe.

Pian Shenchen said it seriously, and it is impossible to talk nonsense about this kind of thing...

 But, why didn’t he know?

He has been so busy during this period that he has come to Taohe Zhai less frequently. How could he have missed such an important thing?

Moreover, why is there no news at all outside?

 Whenever someone is talking about something on the street, he will definitely hear about it.

“The Holy One asked An Yibo to help with the arrangements,” Shen Chen seemed to notice Jing Dadan’s confusion, and added, “It’s just right that the Liu family won’t get involved.”

Jing Dafan nodded hurriedly.


"You just said, the results are out?" Jing Dabao asked, "How is it?"

"What can I do?" Shen Chen said and smiled, "They are all good words. The most important thing is that I am in a good mood these days."

Jing Da was so full that the meat on his belly trembled three times, and he said "Ouch, ouch" several times.

"What did I say?" Jing Dafan said, "When the princess came back to Taohe Zhai for the first time, I saw that there was something going on, and it was indeed true!"

 As a result, only he could see it!

He quietly signaled to Chen Dongjia, but Chen Dongjia didn't know whether he didn't understand or pretended not to understand, and didn't agree with him.

 He gave Shen Chen advice several times, but the boy looked like it from the left but not from the right. He even came to consult with him several times.

 Every one of them is inferior to him!

 He is the one with a sharp eye!

Jing Dafan became more and more happy as he thought about it. He asked Shen Chen to invite Xu Jian, and he stepped towards the flower hall in the next yard.

 Xu Jian knew he was coming, so he also came out of the study.

As soon as he entered the flower hall and faced Jing Dafuan’s mouth that couldn’t be closed at all, Xu Jian raised his eyebrows and said deliberately: “Congratulations on getting rich?”

Jing Dawan almost burst into laughter.

“When I get rich, it’s not just because the Duke of the country gets rich,” he said. “It’s a great joy for you to get engaged to the princess.”

 Xu Jian sat down on the big chair and said, "Are you anxious to have a wedding banquet?"

"Of course," Jing Dafan said proudly, "I won't go home until I'm drunk!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jing Daguo received a two-character evaluation from Xu Jian.


Jing Daduan didn’t react, and there was doubt in his smile.

“You are Jing Dadao, a foreign businessman who does business in Laoshi Lane. You have no contact with me or the princess,” Xu Jian pointed out slowly, “The wedding invitation cannot be delivered to you.”

Jing Dafan’s smile froze for two points.

How dare you, the most discerning person like him, not even have the chance to sit at the table?

Instead, Xu Jian smiled happily: "I will show the way to Jingdong's family. When welcoming the bride, I will give out wedding candies and money to the people along the way. Do you have to work harder to follow along and pick up more?"

Jing Daduan was stunned for a few breaths, then couldn't help laughing again.

 When teasing and joking, one sentence after another comes out.

 He was almost brought in by the Duke!

Shenchen said that Duke Fu was in a good mood these days, and he was absolutely right.

"Dr. Chen's family wants to use the house in Laoshi Lane for a study business. I will ask him for a post no matter what I say. Even if I sit at the bottom of the table, I will have to drink two jars of wine from you!" Jing Daduan finished speaking and asked again, " When will there be news?"

Xu Jian took a sip of tea and said, "It will only take these two days until Bo An Yi reports to the Holy One tomorrow."

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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