Yan Cigui

Chapter 180: Have some fun

Jing Dafan was very happy when he heard this.

 Just the past two days.

 What beautiful words!

The cold wind outside was covered with snowflakes, and the sound made him feel cold, but his heart was burning hot, and the flowers and leaves were more lush than April in the south of the Yangtze River.

Before dinner, Jing Daduan first told Xu Jian about the progress of Laoshi Lane.

 “Everything has been repaired outside, but it’s been snowing these past few days and I’ve been busy decorating it inside.”

“Fortunately, the walls inside and outside were painted early and have dried thoroughly, so there is no need to worry about the weather.”

“I asked officials from Shuntian Prefecture to check it out in the alley, and they were very satisfied with our workmanship.”

“Chen Dongjia visited so many poetry societies and discovered many good ideas.”


 After explaining the serious matters, Jing Dabao’s barely serious face couldn’t help but smile like a Maitreya Buddha.

Mammy He’s family brought a hot dinner, and the aroma was fragrant.

Jing had a big appetite and drank several cups of hot wine from his cup.

 Xu Jian finished it by himself, put down his chopsticks, and did not leave the table, just listened to Jing Dafeng's chatter after drinking too much.

“The princess is very interesting, every smile is funny, she also understands the truth, everything is clear.”

"Men, you have to be obedient. It is only right to listen to your wife. You will not be ashamed no matter where you say it."

"I think you are still willing to listen to the princess. If you are told not to take the stairs, you will not go to the second floor. If you are told not to freeze, you will hold a hand stove."

 “What are you raking your ears for? Those who rake their ears will have peace in their homes, and everything will be prosperous in their homes!”

"If it weren't for the fact that you still have so many uses for me, Lao Jing, I would also like to ask my wife to read a few words at home to amuse my grandchildren!"

“Children are very interesting. When you become a father in the future and see that soft and waxy little one, you will understand.”

 “When the time comes, I will tell you about the Baby Sutra.”

 “I can rest assured that the old master has knowledge.”

Xuansu and Shenchen were standing not far away. You looked at me and I looked at you, both of them were a little confused.

 How much did Jingdong’s family drink?

How can it be so easy to break up?

Xuansu glanced at Xu Jian quietly.

 Xu Jian leaned back on the wide chair back with thick pillows, and his posture was relaxed.

 The eyelids were lowered, covering the strong emotion in the dark eyes.

But according to Xuansu's opinion, their master didn't seem to care about the Jingdong family's nagging, and he wasn't unhappy at all.

On the contrary, it seems like you are listening to a play, and you are having a little fun?

 Xuansu glanced at Shenchen again.

 Don't tell me, he also wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare.

 The oil lamp dimmed.

Xu Jian didn’t let anyone else do it. She stood up and picked up the wick with scissors.

 Whether children are interesting or not, he doesn’t know.

However, Jing Dadao is quite right when he says that the little princess is indeed interesting.

 The snow outside continued until early morning.

 In the court room, all the elderly ministers could not bear the weather and couldn't help rubbing their hands.

 “The charcoal basin is not prosperous enough.”

“Just wait for a while, that’s all.”

 “Is it almost time?”

 Liu Jing stood in a corner.

He was young and not afraid of the cold. Hearing the elders cry out about the cold, he raised his eyes and looked at Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian was in another corner, clearly different from him, and made it clear that he did not want to interact with each other.

 Normally, Liu Jing would not have wanted to go out of his way to get involved.

 But An Yibo’s words that day still ring in my ears.

 Xu Jian has a leg injury, and it will definitely hurt when the weather gets cold.

 Liu Jing actually couldn't see it.

Just looking at Xu Jian's standing posture, she is very straight and straight, and she doesn't seem to be feeling uncomfortable in her legs and feet at all. Occasionally, Liu Jing also guessed that maybe Xu Jian's injury was a cover. After much deliberation, he couldn't figure out what Xu Jian wanted to cover up, what was necessary, and what results he wanted, so he gave up the idea.

Today, Liu Jing had to pay more attention.

 The situations outside Honglu Temple before and after he left were of course spread to his ears afterwards.

 Every word An Yibo said and the officials' discussions lingered in Liu Jing's ears.

 He is reflecting.

He must be thorough in his actions. He was indeed not thorough enough, so that he was analyzed and analyzed by others, and the result was that "Master Liu has no intention of assisting the Duke at all."

 This is of course true.

 Liu Jing himself knew everything.

If there was a father-son relationship between him and Xu Jian, not to mention Xu Jian would not believe him, Liu Jing himself would not believe it either.

But it doesn’t matter if Xu Jian doesn’t believe it. What Liu Jing wants is for others and colleagues to believe it.

Liu Jingde is a father who works hard to repair relationships, while Xu Jian is the son who is ignorant and has no regard for how to write the word filial piety.

 Having been busy with Xun'er's important events the past few days, Liu Jing couldn't spare the time to deal with this.

 Having let Xiao Ding go yesterday, he finally had his hands free.

 The first step is to start caring about Xu Jian's leg injury.

 There is a more important point among them.

 What is going on between Xu Jian and Princess Ning'an?

 The thoughts that popped up in my mind that day still haven’t dissipated.

Sometimes I think it’s nine out of ten, and sometimes I think it’s absolutely impossible.

No matter what, he had to dig out some truth from Xu Jian's mouth.

With these thoughts in mind, Liu Jing took a step forward, walked through the entire court room, and headed towards Xu Jian's side.

 Xu Jian was closing his eyes to rest.

His eyes can't see, but his mind is focused. No matter what movement is happening around him, he can't escape his ears.

 He was keenly aware of someone coming this way.

 And the footsteps…

Slowly he opened his eyes, and an icy coldness poured out of his eyes, falling so coldly and directly on Liu Jing.

 Suddenly, the hairs on the back of Liu Jing’s neck stood up.

 He did not expect that Xu Jian would suddenly open his eyes, nor did he expect that such a cold gaze would be directed at him.

 What made Liu Jing even more terrified was that Xu Jian actually laughed.

It seems like that can’t be called a laugh.

His lips were pursed, with only one corner of his lips slightly curved upwards. There was no smile in that curve, only mockery and sarcasm.

 As if he had seen through his purpose.

Liu Jing's footsteps were frozen in place, and a voice in his heart kept telling him not to take another step forward.

If he continued to walk to Xu Jian and spoke according to the planned words, he would definitely not get any benefit at all.

 Not only are there no good things, there are also probably a lot of bad things.

 It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Of course Liu Jing had to listen to his own instincts.

  However, he was not reconciled.

He is the father and I. How can I scare the kid away with just one look?

 What kind of words does this sound like?

Taking a deep breath, Liu Jing vacillated for a while between facing up to difficulties and following the good...

“My lords, the time has come and it’s time to go to court.” The chamberlain shouted from outside the court room.

Everyone cheered up and straightened up their appearance when they heard the sound.

 The princes, princes, uncles, three princes and three orphans who were in front of the queue naturally walked quickly.

 Xu Jian withdrew his gaze and went out.

When Liu Jing saw Xu Jian leaving, An Yibo followed him and patted him on the back. The two of them didn't know what they said. The atmosphere was very harmonious, which made Liu Jing frown.

His instinct told him again that there must be nothing good going on!

 The second update is still on the way and will be a little later.

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