Yan Cigui

Chapter 181: Credit (ask for monthly vote)

 Early morning.

 Step by step.

 After discussing the major and minor matters, Eunuch Cao called to withdraw from the court.

After the holy driver left, An Yibo was not idle either. He strode out of the hall without going down the long walk, but turned directly.

That means going to the Imperial Study Room.

 Such a arrogance naturally fell into the eyes of the officials before and after him.

 “Ouch! Not covering up at all!”

"Don't they all say that his family is planning to get married to Uncle Chengyi's house? It's such a happy event, why should we cover it up!"

“That’s right, I wish the whole world would know about a happy event.”

"You may not have seen that An Yibo's fierce face is full of joy, just like the doorkeeper on the door."

 Probably this description was so funny that it caused a burst of laughter.

“Speaking of the doorkeeper, is it time to buy New Year pictures?”

"Don't interrupt, you can buy New Year pictures at any time. These two uncles are holding a wedding, and I don't know if I can get a piece of paper."

  "Hey? Where's Uncle Chengyi? Can you tell me whether it is yes or no?"

Someone asked this. Everyone looked around. Where was Lin Yun in the hall?

 “It’s quite early to leave.”

 “Before An Yibo went out, Chengyi Bo left!”

 “Don’t be anxious, don’t be anxious! Whether it is yes or no, we will know after they decide.”

Liu Jing listened to these discussions, feeling anxious and looked at Xu Jian again.

Xu Jian looked calm and walked out.

This time, Liu Jing didn't care to think about it and followed quickly, opening his mouth to ask about his leg injury.

"Master Liu," Xu Jian seemed to have eyes behind his back. He didn't look back or stop his feet, and spoke before Liu Jing. "If you want to mention the elders of your brothers, forget it. My surname is Xu, and your son The surname is Liu, so we can’t even get together.”

 Liu Jing was startled.

 That's really not what he meant. It's a pity that his words are not as fast as Xu Jian's.

He was in a hurry to win back a victory: "I..."

How could Xu Jian give him a chance? Then he said again: "It's not necessary to say hello. It's a cold day. Mr. Liu doesn't feel sorry for me. I have to go back home to warm myself up. Mr. Liu, please don't delay me." ”

 Liu Jing:…

Xu Jian did not suppress his voice due to the commotion, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The marriage discussions between the two uncles' houses have not yielded any results, but the "conflict between father and son" here is clear.

 When watching a play, of course, look in front of you!

 Liu Jing was really speechless.

What Xu Jian said blocked all his "concern words".

If he was still concerned about the "leg injury", he would be just looking for something to say and deliberately chatting with her. On the surface, he was concerned, but in fact, it was delaying Xu Jian's recuperation. It was purely false.

Having no choice but to pause again, Liu Jing watched Xu Jian walk out of the hall and down the sidewalk.

When the others walked away, Liu Jing lowered his shoulders and looked helpless.

"Master Liu," Huang Shaoqing saw this and comforted him, "the Duke of Fu speaks straightforwardly, you..."

Liu Jing looked at his subordinate and sighed: "I don't blame him, it's because I didn't care about him too much before.

 I was working for Xun'er a few days ago, and to be honest, I reflected a lot.

 Xun'er has grown up since he was a child, from babbling to elementary school, and now to now. Not to mention the good and the bad, I can recall some scenes from each period, which our parents experienced together with him.

 But there is too little about Ah Jian.

I remember when he was born, I held the baby for the first time. To tell you the truth, he was so clumsy that the midwives made fun of him.

He stayed with us and his wife for only a hundred days, and then he was picked up by the old man. After that, I did not participate in his growth at all. I don’t even know him and have never been with him. It’s normal that he doesn’t want to talk to me now.

I really want to change this relationship, but you see, there is no way to start! "

Huang Shaoqing couldn't help but nodded.

 Household affairs are difficult for upright officials to deal with!

He thought he knew Mr. Liu from Shangfeng. Mr. Liu was really good at working in the yamen and he was kind to his subordinates.

But how can an outsider like him rashly dictate matters at home?

 Having said so much, Qian Shangfeng, Huang Shaoqing also had to express something.

"This matter cannot be rushed," he thought for a while and said, "They say it is never too late to make up for the situation. You missed eighteen or nineteen years, so spend another twenty years. The Duke of Fu is young, and you are not old either. Well, are you worried that you don’t have enough time?”

 Liu Jing "thoughtfully" nodded.

The two men from Honglu Temple left together, and the remaining courtiers laughed at each other.

Every family has its cupboard.

 Some people were quite touched and were willing to believe what Liu Jing said.

 Some people reserved some points and did not express their opinions.

 Some people also said frankly: "If it were a month ago, I would definitely believe Mr. Liu."

In this month, the affairs between the Liu family and the Yunyang uncle's house have been aroused.

 Various news have their own interpretations. Today the east wind blows, and tomorrow the west wind blows. The spectators are wrapped in it, and they are blown to the left and to the right.

  It made me dizzy!

Then let’s hit each other fifty times first, and everyone’s credibility will be compromised.

 In the imperial study room, the Holy Master looked through the book handed over by An Yibo.

He has seen quite a few results of combining eight characters, and this one ranks first in terms of bells and whistles and good words.

  It was blowing as if it was raining red from the sky!

“This result,” the Holy Master pursed his lips and considered his words, “is an eye-opener for me.”

"Old minister, your eyes have been opened." An Yibo didn't know whether he really didn't understand what the emperor said, or he pretended not to understand, so he just followed it, "How else can I say that you are good at pointing out things?

Uncle Chengyi didn't say much to me that I understand my mood for marrying an only daughter, but my wife went to visit the old lady. The old lady burst into laughter, and she said that it was you and the Queen Mother who chose her. One hundred hearts.

 In this marriage, there is no one who would not say "a good match sent from heaven". "

The Holy Spirit laughed.

Who doesn’t like to hear good words?

  He likes to listen to it anyway!

An Yibo has such a fierce face, but when he speaks kind words, he is even more sincere.

He doesn't talk about marriage easily, but once in a while, everyone is happy. How can the Holy Spirit be unhappy about this?

The imperial concubine who proposed to marry Xu Jian will be credited with a meritorious service.

 I suggest that Eunuch Cao, who understands Xu Jian's thoughts, be credited with a meritorious service.

Proposed Xia Qinglue of Ning'an to record his merits.

An Yibo, who took care of Xu Jian's affairs, also received a credit.

 After the wedding is a success, let’s remember it again!

The Holy Spirit made several additions to the list of merits in his heart, and urged Eunuch Cao to get pen and ink. Instead of letting officials draft it for him, he wrote the imperial decree granting the marriage in a hurry, and printed the red seal heavily.

Looking at the two bright yellow scrolls, the Holy Master stroked his beard and nodded with satisfaction.

After listing the rewards to go with the imperial edict, the Holy Emperor told Eunuch Cao: "Go to Duke Fuguo's Mansion and Uncle Chengyi's Mansion..."

Eunuch Cao was a smart man and suggested happily: "I will go to Cining Palace to announce my good news first. The Empress Dowager is thinking about it. Is it okay for Eunuch Yu to make a hard trip to the uncle's house?"

 His Majesty's eyes lit up.

 How could the Queen Mother not be involved in such a good thing?

 What a great idea!

  Thanks to book friends Wuxihuan 166 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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