Yan Cigui

Chapter 182: Can the silver reward be less?

Chapter 182 Can the silver reward be less?

 Cining Palace.

Mrs. An Yibo entered the main hall and took off her snow coat.

He didn’t go inside immediately. He warmed himself up by the brazier first to get rid of the coldness on his body.

When she felt warm, she entered the inner hall with a smile and bowed respectfully to the Empress Dowager.

The Queen Mother was looking out through the cracked window and sighed: "It snowed heavily last night, and it accumulated a lot. It looks good."

Mrs. An Yibo said: "Auspicious snow heralds a good year."

 The Empress Dowager smiled while stroking her hands.

From the emperor sitting in the imperial city to the common people watching the sky while eating, who wouldn't like the "good harvest"?

When Mrs. An Yibo sat down, the Empress Dowager said: "You are here very early. It is rare for the Ai family to see people come to say hello so early in the year."

"It can't be too late, it can't be too late," Mrs. An Yibo said with a smile, "The horoscopes of the princess and the auxiliary Duke came together. I thought about our uncle's impatience. He must have gone to the imperial study as soon as the court came. Wait for the emperor to see it. , Decree, if the news reaches you, what else does it have to do with me!"

The Queen Mother laughed.

The palace maids and nuns around me were very cooperative and laughing.

Grandma Wang said happily: "Listen to Madam Uncle, the result will definitely be good."

"The slave girl said that it was a match made in heaven. Two days ago, the Duke came to pay his respects to the princess and stood on the porch talking with the princess. When the slave girl looked at her from a distance, her eyes felt very comfortable."

“Supposedly, we in the palace have never seen any kind of beauties. We all have our eyes wide open! We just love to watch the princess and the prince talking. After two glances, we can’t close our mouths from ear to ear all day long.”

The Empress Dowager became more and more cheerful: "I know you are all thinking about how much reward you will get! Keep saying good things!"

"Thank you for the reward. I just came here because of the happy reward." Mrs. An Yibo's Linglong answered the words, took out the booklet from her sleeve and handed it to the Empress Dowager, "Take a look at this first batch. Yes, is it enough for you to give away more rewards?”

The Empress Dowager asked all of them to cooperate and smile happily.

 When I opened the booklet and looked at it, the smile in my eyes turned into crystal little by little, and even my vision was a little blurry.

 She took a deep breath and adjusted her mood.

He rubbed his fingertips back and forth over the neat words, and when he spoke again, his voice was somewhat hoarse.

“The Ai family is happy, really happy,” said the Empress Dowager, “such a little one is getting engaged…”

Grandma Wang turned her back and wiped her eyes silently.

 She was also filled with joy mixed with emotion.

She still remembered that the first time she met the princess was at the baptism ceremony.

At that time, the empress was still the queen of the middle palace. No matter how much she loved her children, she could not easily leave the palace to watch the ceremony, so she ordered Grandma Wang.

 When she arrived at Uncle Chengyi's house, the more she looked at it, the more she felt that the child looked rich and noble, and that he was blessed in life. When she came back, she reported it to her empress, who was also very happy.

How did you know that all the other blessings are good, but the fate between mother and daughter is shallow, which makes people pity her even more.

 Fortunately, I have grown up safely.

 It will get better and better.

Mrs. An Yibo saw the Queen Mother's expression in her eyes and said with relief: "The children will all grow up. I am old and you are old too."

The Empress Dowager looked at the face of the person in front of her who didn't look old, and she couldn't laugh or cry, and spat: "Who doesn't know that you take good care of yourself?"

Stretching out her hand and touching her face, Mrs. An Yibo said deliberately: "If you want to tell me about maintenance prescriptions, I won't be able to shut up the conversation. But you would rather hear the princess's happy news, so I won't talk about those troublesome things." You are annoyed."

Such an interruption blew away the emotions swirling in the Queen Mother's heart.

 The atmosphere in the palace became joyful again.

Not long after, there was a report from the palace maid outside, saying that Eunuch Cao was here. Eunuch Cao entered and saluted happily.

The Queen Mother hurriedly asked: "What did the Holy Spirit say?"

“The Holy Spirit saw the results of the eight characters. Long Yan was very happy and wrote the imperial edict of marriage himself.” Eunuch Cao said and presented a bright yellow scroll. “Please take a look.”

Mrs. An Yibo rolled her eyes and said to the Queen Mother, "Am I right? If I had come later, I would not have been able to get the first reward."

 The Empress Dowager smiled brightly and unfolded the imperial edict.

Every stroke on it is written by the Holy Spirit himself.

The Empress Dowager is very familiar with the Holy Master's handwriting and will never mistake it.

It’s just this word that is more elegant than usual, which is enough to show the happy and excited mood of the person who splashed the ink.

 Just like her who sees the imperial edict.

“Tell your Majesty,” the Empress Dowager explained, narrowing her eyes, “The Ai family has seen it and is very satisfied. We can use an extra bowl of rice at noon today.”

"I have to go back to the imperial study later to report. I have received the edict and will go to the Duke Fu's Mansion to read out the edict," Eunuch Cao said with a smile. After saying this, he remembered that Madam Bo had just mentioned the silver reward, and he added He made a witty remark, "Young ones are also going to earn reward money."

“Oh, oh, oh, look!” The Empress Dowager pointed at Eunuch Cao, laughing and said, “Among the famous men beside the Holy Emperor, among the many servants in the palace, which one is as rich as yours? Are you still thinking about the silver reward?”

“There is no such thing as too much money,” Eunuch Cao smiled, “and there is certainly no such thing as too much happy event.”

"You go to Fu Guogong's Mansion. Where is Chengyi's Mansion? Who did the Holy One order?" the Queen Mother asked again.

Eunuch Cao did not answer immediately. He only squinted his eyes and gave Eunuch Yu a wink.

Uncle Yu understood the idea and immediately stood up and made a big gift to the Empress Dowager: "Please give me a chance, so that I can go and tell the princess the good news, and I can also save a reward for the New Year!"

 The Queen Mother smiled heartily.

She didn’t know that this was actually arranged by the Holy One so that she could participate and be very happy. It was precisely because of knowing that, in addition to the fun of singing and singing, she felt the filial piety of the Holy One, and her heart became even more joyful.

“Go, everyone, go quickly,” the Empress Dowager said, “Now that the matter is done, can the reward be any less?”

Eunuch Yu Yu happily accepted the order and left together with Eunuch Cao.

 Each of them bowed and were ready to set off.

Thousand-step Corridor is not far outside the South Palace Gate. The ceremonial guard announcing the decree left the palace, and the news spread quickly.

In Honglu Temple, Liu Jing was writing some documents. When he heard the movement outside, he couldn't help but pricked up his ears.

"Eunuch Cao went there in person. Behind the sedan were several boxes, all containing rewards."

 “I heard that someone has already rushed to the Hanlin Academy to urge Uncle Chengyi to return home to prepare for the decree.”

"If it's Miss Lin, she doesn't have this dignity, right? Did we guess wrong and she is really the princess?"

“Why did An Yibo’s grandson marry the princess that time? It’s not that he is bad...”

 “I understand what you mean.”

"She must be the princess, I can't be wrong. There is also a decree and a reward. I am going to the west palace gate. I am less than my father-in-law to announce the decree."

 “An Yibo has accumulated great virtues...”

Not long after, Eunuch Cao’s team turned westward under the gaze of people with long necks watching the excitement on the left and right sides of the Qianbu Corridor.

An Yibo Mansion is in the east of the city, right?

The second update is still on the way, as soon as possible...



 (End of this chapter)

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