Yan Cigui

Chapter 187: The study room is a waste

Chapter 187 The study room is a waste

Eunuch Cao’s face was full of smiles.

This imperial edict was announced with great joy.

He had read every sentence above before coming, but this did not affect the joy when those words came out of his mouth.

 Who doesn’t like to hear good words? Who doesn't like to talk?

That is an exciting mood that no amount of money can buy.

Of course, the red envelope given by the Duke of Fu is also thick enough.

The only pity for Eunuch Cao was that when the edict was announced, the only one who knelt on the ground to listen to the announcement was Duke Fu.

The rightful owner is the rightful owner, but he is a bit too lonely.

However, when the Duke of the country marries the princess, things start to spread in a few years, and the population of the house gradually increases, this deserted scene will pass.

 The days are getting better!

Eunuch Cao said a lot of words of advice and concern from the Holy Father before he left. Unexpectedly, he met the Liu family who was bringing congratulatory gifts.

Looking at Manager Tao calmly, Eunuch Cao's eyes fell on the box in his hand.

 Congratulatory gifts do not have to be big or small, nor do they have to be expensive. Gifts should be light but affectionate.

 Look at the appearance of the box…

 Somewhat ordinary, not even red.

 There may be affection, but not much.

  Normally speaking, Mr. Liu is quite considerate in his work in the yamen, and he would not even pay attention to such etiquette. When he thought about it again, the steward said it was a gift from the "gongzi", Eunuch Cao understood it.

 That Mr. Liu is indeed not thorough in his work.

 Obviously he is one year younger than Duke Fu...

 Sure enough, in dealing with the world, experience is indispensable.

Either the children of the poor will be the head of the family early, or they will go into battle early to kill the enemy, inherit the title, and listen to the affairs of the court, just like the auxiliary prince.

No matter whether it is for fun or not, after all, he is more experienced than the students who just study in the academy.

However, Mr. Liu is not very good at studying.

Thinking about this, Eunuch Cao glanced at Xu Jian again.

 No wonder Xu Jian was able to make the Empress Dowager nod and the Princess satisfied. This level of sophistication and thoughtfulness was the only one among the Jingui young masters of the same age in Beijing.

"The Za family has returned to the palace to resume their duties first," Eunuch Cao and Xu Jian cupped their hands, "The Duke of the country will stay behind."

Xu Jian took another two steps until Eunuch Cao got on the sedan, and then looked at Manager Tao.

Manager Tao saluted and said, "I would like to congratulate the Duke."

Xu Jian looked at Guanshi Tao for a long time and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

  Manager Tao’s smile froze on his face, quite embarrassed.

To be fair, he was still very happy for Duke Fu.

 But he is the steward of the Liu family, and a steward that Mr. Liu trusts quite a lot.

 Others may not know the temperaments of Lord Liu and Young Master Liu, but Steward Tao knows them all.

 At first, we must do things according to Mr. Liu's instructions. Later, we must stabilize Madam. Not a word of news that is not to Madam's liking can reach her ears.

Even things like Liu Xun's pretending to be ill a while ago were kept a secret from other servants in the house, not to mention his wife.

 Is it hard?

 It is indeed a bit hard.

 The words that are kept in the heart have no place and no place to say them.

Hearing something in Xu Jian's words, Manager Tao could only pretend he didn't understand, and continued: "I'm just running an errand, how dare I use the word 'hard work' as a word."

 Xu Jian stretched out his hand.

Manager Tao handed the box over and said, "Young master, ask the younger one to bring it."

 Xu Jian opened it.

 Seeing an inkstone placed in the box, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Although I had already guessed that the gift was the reason, it was probably because Liu Xun couldn't bear it and couldn't go out, so he asked Manager Tao to come and inquire about the situation, but when he saw the inkstone, Xu Jian was still happy.

 Liu Xun is really interesting.

This thing must have been something he found casually wherever he could find it.

 “He is really good at giving gifts.” Xu Jian said. Manager Tao was stunned when he heard this. His instinct told him that this sentence was not a good thing at all.

As expected, Xu Jian's next sentence was "What little brain he has and his study are all a waste."

 Steward Tao had a bitter look on his face.

How should he answer the call?

 I don’t dare to accept it at all.

  I don’t even know what I will do when I go back.

 Xu Jian turned her head, invited Xu Bai, and whispered a few words to him.

After hearing this, Xu Bai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't persuade Xu Jian. He shook his head, took the key, and went to find something.

 Then, Xu Jiancai said to Manager Tao: "Wait a moment, I have something for you to take back."

Manager Tao hurriedly responded and watched Xu Jian go back to his house.

 It’s normal to be polite and polite.

It was Butler Xu's expression that made Steward Tao feel uneasy, and he didn't know what kind of gift the Duke of Guo was giving in return...

 After waiting for a while, Xu Bai came back, holding several brochures in his hands.

 Steward Tao took it with both hands.

 The cover is clean and you can’t see what it is used for. Open it and take a look...

  Manager Tao almost didn’t finish the sentence.

 He knew what was going on with Manager Xu's unspeakable expression.

 With big grids and big frames, this is clearly a red tracing book for elementary children to practice their strokes!

 What does this mean?

First of all, I said that the young master’s little knowledge does not need an inkstone, then he turned around and gave me a red book, and said openly that the young master has the brains of an enlightened boy?


These two brothers, if they have any grudges, go and fight among themselves!

 What are you doing torturing him?

 He only has one servant in charge, why should he get into such bad luck!

"Uncle Xu..." Steward Tao's hands trembled and his voice trembled, "This, this..."

Xu Bai patted his shoulder and said: "This is for my little grandson. I bought a few more books. They are very good for practicing calligraphy. Is your grandson enlightened too? This is what the Duke of Guo gave him. Gift."

  Manager Tao said "ah".

Haven’t you given this to the young master? It was given by the Duke of the country as a reward to his grandson?

Xu Bai saw his reaction and knew that Manager Tao had something wrong.

 It’s really not to blame for Tao Guanshi’s random thoughts. Xu Bai knew that the Duke of Guo did it on purpose.

As an old steward, Xu Bai knew that his master was intentional, but he still wanted to save some face for his master: "What? Who do you think it is for? This thing can only be used by children."

 Guanshi Tao thanked him profusely.

He didn't bother to analyze what the Duke of Guo's thoughts were. In short, don't let him hand this book to the Duke. That would be a great favor.

Manager Tao thanked him deeply and left.

 When he returned to Liu Mansion, he put the booklet away first before going to see Liu Xun.

"It was Eunuch Cao who went to announce the decree, and I met him head on."

“The gift was given to the Duke in person, and he accepted it.”

 “There were many people around, and they scattered the wedding money.”

 A picky person, Manager Tao only says what he can say.

As for the generosity of money from the Duke's office, he didn't dare to mention a word about the Duke's reaction when he saw the inkstone and a red booklet.

 Fortunately, Liu Xun did not ask further.

 After listening, he lay back on the bed boredly.

 In the other room, in Uncle Chengyi's house, Eunuch Yu was sitting in the flower hall, drinking tea slowly.

There are many members of the Lin family, and it takes time for the female relatives to comb their hair and change clothes. They also have to wait for Uncle Chengyi to come back from the Yamen and gather them all before announcing the decree.

 After everything was ready, he followed the steward.

The Lin family all stood in order, no matter in front or behind, everyone was smiling, even Uncle Chengyi had a bit of a smile on his face.

 The smile is contagious, and even Uncle Yu smiled too.

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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